In the end, OW2 is just a monetization update

Same, all memories and fun ruined. Someone also in despair and grief?


Agreed, also events too. Archives must return (as we lost it).

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Sorry to be snarky, but biggest “DUH” heard around the world.

It was released to re-invent the store, and try to and revitalize interest in the league by switching to 5v5.

Not enough people would’ve cared to tune into the league without a big change up like that.

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Content creators spewing that going F2P is the move. Well we got our F2P model to save the population alright.

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Most content creators thought F2P would mean having a similar style of monetization to Fortnite, not OW2 being one if not the worst monetization of these modern F2P competative titles.
Fortnite has a BP that costs $8 and only needs to be bought once and be renewed for free every single season for years. The skin prices are between $4-9 in Fortnite compared to OW2 $15-19.

Lastly Fortnite doesn’t try to mislead people into spending more money than necessary for the cosmetics they want. In Fortnite you can buy individial items and are not forced to buy bundles compared to OW2 were they hide the option of using “credits” and buying individual cosmetics in the shop and you have to go to the hero gallery to do so which not many people know you can do, especially not with OW2 store cosmetics.

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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhherm. samesies.

“Lastly, i fail to see why all of this couldn’t be incorporated into Overwatch 1 as DLC or Add-on. I strongly urge the development team to keep overwatch 1 and 2 seperate games.
If not, hope you have contingencies in place if 5v5 fails to take off.
Ideally just a Quickplay Classic²-Classic-ier option within the Arcade menu.”

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Not really true. Live service games(like OW1 was) get out on pause and delay/slow updates and content really regularly.

Some get killed off completely.

The only thing Overwatch is good for anymore is NSFW content.

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No wonder Jeff left.

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omg I can’t believe I bought a 4090 for this.


It’s hard to believe this game went from Game Of The Year to this.


I’ve been playing since beta and this is definitely the final nail in the coffin. Unenjoyable as a free game and you can’t even pay for any enjoyment. Straight garbage


Don’t forget the death of Plays of The Game. The new system for tracking POTG is either remarkably worse or the game just doesn’t have great plays anymore.
We also gained inclusion of every different demographic as if representation of anything would make the game just THAT much better. Its great someone’s a who’s it whats it but when their control scheme makes it out of QA being as backwards as it was… like… wth is REALLY going on.

Never claimed otherwise.

There are no excuses anymore!

Overwatch 2 is just a lazy blatantly greedy cashgrab!


Well at least I don’t need to wonder if my PC needs another upgrade to run for the PVE modes. I wasn’t convinced when it ran Bride fine, but thought with the talent trees and abilities might have needed to upgrade the graphics card.

Don’t gotta worry about that anymore.

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OH yes so is Halo, Battlefield, and every other major western game company that went throught the covid blender.

you should see ubi-soft their imploding.

it’s almost like the industry could barely function during the pandemic who knew?

Well IIRC blizzard doesn’t announce loot box sales so it was someone else reporting on it. So I can’t say it’s a for sure verified blizzard report.

I couldn’t see why you would need a new graphics card for any of that.

If it can handle six ten+ ults going off at once then I think you would have been fine regardless.

Eh I could have run it at better FPS (heck at a better resolution) if I felt necessary. I mainly wanted to see what we would be getting as a finished product.

Either way my debate on upgrading for OW2 is no longer a consideration.