Whats wrong with OW2?

I’m in that in-between space. I’m cautious. Hero lock contraversy aside, I have a few other concerns.

  • ditching the team game so outright and unceremoniously is an awful way to kill one of the most unique games ever. It’s entirely Blizzard’s fault that we’re in a situation where the playerbase is at odds with the fundamentals of the game, as Blizzard did their best to coddle the solo-queue experience, often at the expense of the group queue experience. In the end, it seems they want to complete the self-fullfilling prophecy of turning this into every other hero shooter as opposed to the unique game that it was.

And yet

  • they can claim all they want hard counters and synergies gone, but as long as they continue the trend of balancing up, they will return. It feels like they’re gone for now but that’s only because removing 1 player from each team acts as an effective universal nerf.

  • 2CP was hated by the majority because the majority never learned team play. Getting rid of it is abandoning the core promise of the game. Meanwhile push will emphasize the need for timing even more, though team synergy less, but it will produce just as much frustration without what made OW so special.

I do have positives though. 5v5 allows tanks to be balanced like the mega-characters they should be without worry that a tank synergy is going to reach a gameplay breakpoint. The UI, graphics, and sound upgrades are appreciated. And while I’m not thrilled about the implementation, it was clear that the economy around the game needed to be updated in order to support a more aggressive content release schedule.

That makes it more of what’s the point, i dont think heroes should be locked at all

Now say you happen to get matched with a tank who is hell bent on deranking? They will easily drag the whole team down. What if they are deranking but not playing a tank that can counter the opponents tank? From my whole weekend try of Beta I was not impressed. I’ll give OW2 a chance, but it’s not the only game out there.

Im normally qing tank so we all good. But also if you have a thrower on tank in OW1 the chances of you winning is 1 in 1000 if the match is even remotely close.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but OW2 as announced in 2019 will not be able to exist.

There will be no PvE game sold; rather, chunks of what’s been made will be parceled out over years as seasonal events, as they’ve already announced. What releases on October 4 is merely Role Queue 2.

That’s one of the reasons why battle passes are bad. They encourage an unhealthy non-stop engagement but they release very little gameplay content: AFAIK only 2 heroes and 2 maps per year in case of OW2. Very little compared to the AAA gameplay content output in the past. F2P often messes with game design too as the primary goal is no longer entertainment but frustrating the player into making in-game purchases.

Cosmetic items are not gameplay content and they are the easiest to outsource and mass produce for cheap. There IS demand for cosmetics and that demand is used against some players. Obtaining some skins is possible through time-limited “grinding” in a game that consists of 99% old gameplay content. The battle pass is a mini game that was designed to satisfy blizzard’s KPIs instead of entertaining the player with interesting content. Making it entertaining would require more of Blizzard’s time and money.


That point is super sound but from the battle passes I’ve experienced, they don’t
function like that. Is Fortnite and apex legends different from overwatchs battlepass or others in the gaming sphere.

I did a full write up. One of the more popular threads on my beta experience.

To sum it up, 5v5 blows. I main off-tanks.
Just as i predicted ages ago, solo tanking is stressful and not as much fun. There’s just no team synergy.

My hopes aren’t high.


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Because OW2 is just a dime a dozen in the F2P world. Predatory monetisation that aims to make the free track as inconvenient and bothersome as possible to ensure you want to spend money to get the new heroes. All designed to get as much money as possible, what ever it takes.

This is why I generally hate the F2P model. It’s driven by greed, because “OK income” isn’t good enough.


I gotta disagree with you on the 5v5. I felt like in 5v5 I was powerful and could push around games a lot more than I can In OW. There’s pressure playing tank anyway and I like feeling that I am a pillar that the team is built around instead of just a piece of the puzzle. Tank is the highest stress role in the game and that Is why its attractive to me and (I think) other players.

All battle passes are bad, the question is how bad. All of them are designed to increase revenue by investing less time/money in creating gameplay content. Battle passes cross a line and enter a territory that I’d call legal but unethical: instead of designing the game with entertainment in mind some aspects of the game are deliberately designed to frustrate some players into making purchases. This will inevitably lead to lower and lower quality games in the future (we are heading in the horrible mobile F2P direction).

How different is a Fortnite or Apex pass from an OW2 pass? That comparison heavily depends on the individual’s expectations so you should make it yourself after OW2 release. I tried only one Fortnite pass but IMO that game is boring and its battle pass sucks even more.

Let’s say I prefer drinking about 2.5 litres of water per day. You prefer 1.8 litres. Blizzard wants us to drink at least 2.2 litres every single day. I can easily say that I don’t f’ing care it isn’t a problem while a lot of other people would complain with very good reasons. Even the most basic and enjoyable activities can quickly become unpleasant chores if you have to do them repeatedly with time limits that don’t suit you.


I may be in the here, maybe because blizzard has me whipped or because I actually like the OW2 model vs the OW1 model that ill drink their 2.2 liters of water and then a whole lot more. I played overwatch at least 30 hours each comp season on my main account for seasons 30-33 with no real incentive except for leaderboards. Since I also have content now like I used to my addiction can take full hold. No other game scratches my OW itch and I don’t think a new hero shooter will replace it anytime soon

I also like the Fortnite battle pass. When I was playing Fortnite like everyone else it was a ton of fun to play and it had great cosmetics and rewards to work to with fun challenges. OW2 has all of that from what I played in the beta. If they cut out hero locking then I’d see no issues with Overwatch 2

How dare you have to actually play their game to unlock new content

From beta 1 it felt so generic, every reworked hero felt like a “do damage but in different ways” with a sprinkle of a reworked ability for burst damage, more damage or damage over time

With beta 2 it was actually a lot more fun (for some reason) so i went from hating ow2 to have it equal

Sombra still sucks though lmao

I don’t mind playing the game. I just don’t want to have to play the game every free minute I have, or stop playing other games to grind Overwatch.

Also we’re not talking cosmetic content here, you have to unlock heroes, the very thing that can make the difference between a win or a loss in this game.

You don’t have to drop your games or dedicate every minute to grinding lol stop projecting.

The devs themselves said the BP leveling is designed so casuals can unlock the character by end of the season no problem.

If you don’t like it, cough up $10. Not that hard.

And a used car salesman will tell you a car on its last legs is as good as new.

I don’t want to be duped into a subscription. I’ll just stop playing OW instead.


Pls do, no one cares honestly lol

Same issue. I play Star Trek Online. And they now spam events as if there is no tomorrow. You cannot keep up. And the overall goal is a free Tier 6 boat. But to get one you need to grind all these events to get enough points to get the voucher.

I cannot do it any longer. There is a mission in there where the Bajorans cry out: “We will not be slaves!” I feel the same way.

I want any progress I would make in OW2 to be saved at the end of some period. I don’t want to be forced to play… like Paladins does.

At least Paladins doesn’t want my phone nr. But I don’t get any freebies just for playing there. I don’t play it enough.

Me I just wanna grind when I feel like it to get the in-game cash to buy a skin now and then. But if they are going to complicate it all, what is the point. For me there was OW as being a paid game, not the generic trash that is out there that is f2p, like all these free mobile phone gams where they spam you to death with ads.

OW seems to be going to be trashy. Like most other free games. The status reduced to one among many f2p tripe.

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I see you had no comeback. Ok, great chat, bye lol