Game feels dead recently

Role queque is the same. Played for few days role and you start encountering same people also there. For the rest, i play only open queque, it’s just infinitely better. Role queque should be erased from universe.
The only problem of open queque is the matchmaking puts you with new players. Because in my 1000+ hours pre role lock on og ow, i never and ever had problems playing the game. Same with open on ow2. Of course, 1 out of 100 games you have no tanks and 1 healer, but that doesn’t determinate that you will lose. And no Raid boss every games. Variety, ability to select whatever you want in base of the map, the phase and the enemy selection.

i personally dont… not sure what rank you are? if i see the same player twice im lucky its VERY RARE

Sorry, was too busy playing d4 to notice.

you know most ppl sleep at that time right? its more than normal that you get long queue! lol

the fact YOU love it more dont mean the playerbase does!! you see any streamer playing it? it also dont mean the thing is ever balanced. open queue is a dead mode that no one plays like it or not

Doesnt seem that way to me. Seems pretty active and the games dont get to unbalanced like role queue. Opens better

yah no offence but you are just 100% wrong LOL!

Am i wrong in saying that i genuinely have a far superior experience in open than role? Even when i lose.


Nope, it’s my experience too.


I leave QP games against widow. Didn’t used to be a problem. But now after I leave a couple of games my queue times start going up. Within about 3 leaves my queue times can go from 20s to 90s or over 2m sometimes. People obviously avoid me because I leave, but if after leaving 3 games I have already been avoided by most of the players I could be matched against and my queue times go up, that’s a seriously small pool of players.

It’s finals season (school) for the 50-80 kids that are still playing this game.

When the game has heroes constantly in games:
Support: Ana, Zen, and Mercy
DPS: Widow, S76, Ashe, Tracer, and Cassidy
Tank: Switch to counter
Addition: Terrible balancing issues etc.
No wonder people aren’t playing the game

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Not sure. Going by what Match making places me against regularly, anywhere from silver to t500

Speaking for myself, but yeah, even just before the announcement the game felt pretty dead. I’ve not played since then and just straight up felt disrespected by having to wait 6-7 minutes for quick play.

It’s just not worth my time anymore.

Also called it during beta:
“Lastly, i fail to see why all of this couldn’t be incorporated into Overwatch 1 as DLC or Add-on. I strongly urge the development team to keep overwatch 1 and 2 seperate games.
If not, hope you have contingencies in place if 5v5 fails to take off.
Ideally just a Quickplay Classic²-Classic-ier option within the Arcade menu”

thats is what you are wrong about… role queue is way more balanced than open queue. heck in open queue just check the start of the match when they show the rank of the lobby. one game the lobby gonna be diamond 3 then the next one will be like gold 1… then go back to diamond then plat. there not enough ppl to have a great matchmaking system. so they had to make the matchmaking way more loose in term of ranks and teams. the definition of unbalanced!!!

my quick play queue time is less than 10 seconds. do you leave games over and over? are you getting avoided cause you are playing the game like you wanna play it and dont act like its a team game? if your queue time is 7 minutes in quick play you 100% did something wrong. like i said if you leave games you get punished with longer queue time so my guess is thats whats happening. can only be that or everyone u play with avoid you lol

Open queue had a healthy community but I know people started to quit when OW2 launched and then a lot abandoned once the tank hp nerfs went live. Couldn’t play Zarya, JQ, or doom without getting one shot and hanzo storm arrows would erase the other tanks.

They lowered the TTK which was a main reason why those OQ players quit RQ

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Yes, yes it did. It’s not just that people have left. The people that remain play fewer games, very many fewer ranked games and tend to do different things.

Open Queue was definitely great in OW1, instant games at any hour and pretty fun matches. Everyone seemed more relaxed, I had a great time playing 6v6 Open Queue.

I haven’t touched Open Queue in OW2 since I got one-shot by a Widow while I was playing a fricking TANK. I drew the line there. No thanks.

I know tank stacking was an issue but now the mode is basically a meme. Can’t even take it as a casual mode if fundamental aspects of the game are ignored by the developers. God what an awful change that was.

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Bro, I had to force myself to get to level 45 on the battle pass to unlock lifeweaver on the last day of the battle pass, literally one of the worst experiences of my life, enduring hours in a row of this game, God I wish custom games gave you decent amounts of XP instead of the game forcing you to play the game lol.

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