Overwatch 2 beta feedback


Ca va être rapide :

  • L’interface de sélection de héros ne me plait tout simplement pas, bien mieux sur OW.

  • Le retrait d’un tank de la partie est gênant pour ma part (On a aussi besoin d’offtank et pas d’un unique tank pur ou un unique offtank) . De plus, cela est réellement problématique pour les healers.

  • J’ai une perte de FPS sur les nouvelles map et rework map.

  • La refonte bastion est intelligente et cela donne un sens au personnage

  • Les dégats de hanzo sont un peu haut à mon goût.

  • Les nouvelles maps sont bien foutues

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Hey there,

The “bugs” I’ve noticed so far have probably been mentioned already, but here goes:

  • When enemy Mercy resurrected it shows it as Mercy resurrecting someone from out team in the kill feed - The resurrected target is blue, instead of red.
  • The “Thank you for reporting” message pops up on game launch, after each game and every time before entering any game - Versus or custom.
  • Character portrait sometimes don’t load in UI in the bottom left corner, either at the beginning minutes of the game or the entire game.
  • The Robot in push mode is not always responding immediately to when someone’s attempting to push him.
  • I couldn’t shoot Ashe dynamite when it landed too close to the Robot in push, I think the shots were registering on the Robot instead - hitbox too big at feet or somethin, ikd?

I am also bothered by the one-sidedness of most fights. Since there’s a lot more damage output now it’s basically a ‘get 1 kill = win the fight’ kind of situation due to the more dynamic nature of 5v5, which tilts the scales for one of the teams from the start of the game, especially in push mode where distance truly matters.

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D’accord avec vous.
La perte de performance parcontre, est dû au beta car il n’est pas optimizer.

Tout-de-fois une perte de performance
Rtx 3060 - 18%
RX 580 - 20%
Rtx 3060 mobile - 11%
GTX 1070 - N/A

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I’m enjoying the Overwatch 2 beta so far, HOWEVER. I feel as if the heroes are quite unbalanced when it comes to power. Orisa, is OP other tanks don’t stand a chance against her, especially D.va who USED to be my main. Also, it is very chaotic in game, even with the 5v5. I personally appreciated in the regular Overwatch having 2 tanks. The UI could be larger, especially when showing what player has been eliminated. But my MAIN complaint is the power of the tanks, some can grow to be obsolete if they aren’t buffed in some way. Other than that, I’m looking forward to seeing what else you guys have coming!


Bugs and feedback:

  • When someone kills them selves either by self damage or jumping off the map, the name in the kill feed has the enemy teams color.
  • I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but doom fists block ability ate my Mei ultimate (a little weird since it doesn’t block sleep dart)
  • Support heroes need help


I just have a Feedback I didnt see till now, the Kill feed either needs to be bigger or needs to be scalable, and Headshot kills need to be displayed more clearly (not only the tip of the arrow needs to be red, the entire arrow needs to be → I wanna see when my head gets blown off)

Im happy how most tanks play, its more a choose your playstyle, not a “You have to pick double barrier/ReinZar or you are throwing” → Most Tanks are viable now, there is a tool for every situation

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He already got one. He feels really solid. Not over-performing, not under performing.

Besides, you need Hanzo to counter bastion.

I’ve been playing Beta for a while now and these are some of the things I’ve noticed, and some of my thoughts:
-In the kill feed, with environmental kills at least, it doesn’t show who did the kill, at least not on my screen. It’ll show that the person died from it, but not who caused them to fall off.
-I strongly dislike how you can see the enemy team’s damage/healing/kills. It gives your team more ammunition to be toxic, in the case of “You suck, ‘so-and-so’ (on the enemy team) is doing -this much damage- and -this much healing-.” OW1 was toxic enough, this is going to make it worse.
-I really like how gunfire sounds crisper now, sounds more meaningful than the ‘pew pew’ in OW1.
-I feel like the characters talk a little -too- much. As Mercy, she would say a line every time I flew to someone, every time my healing beam went on, every time I switched to damage buff. It’s actually starting to get a little annoying.
-I would really enjoy the option of getting to choose which maps I play. I’m not a fan of KOTH maps and would like an option to take them out of my map rotation.
-Rework some of the supports, please. Give us a little more healing output; trying to heal a single tank against two damage that can now move faster does -not- work. There’s not enough healing going out to even remotely try to keep them alive.
-Tanks now want to 1v1 instead of fulfilling their primary role, which is to protect teammates, leaving their team floundering without anybody to protect them.
-I do like the new HUD. It’s more streamlined.
-I haven’t noticed any further serious bugs on my end.

Just my two cents.

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The Beta plays better in 5v5 than it ever did in 6v6 format. Huge props to the development team for restoring my faith in Overwatch!

While it was a fantastic idea to remove most hard stuns in favor of soft CC, sometimes those abilities can feel very oppressive. Doomfist’s stun on Seismic simply has too much of a range. Zarya’s right click boops feel like they boop us further than they ever did in OW1. I don’t know if this is an interaction with the increased movement speed of the DPS, but this felt very annoying to play against.

Armor needs to be toned down a bit.

Orisa’s Javelin is overtuned. It does way too much damage and keeps you stunned against a wall for an eternity.

While it doesn’t seem Zarya is being played, a good Zarya who can manage her bubbles properly will never EVER die so long as she has a single support healing her. A suggestion I’d like to offer would be to decrease the amount of time it takes for her to get her bubbles but decrease the amount of damage it can take. While we had the option to damage dump into a Zarya bubble to kill the target. That interaction is no longer viable in OW2.

Roadhog needs a rework of some kind. After some experience playing him in customs with high-rank friends, the hero does not function as the other tanks in OW2 do. All that was done for Roadhog was giving him a larger health pool and buffing his Vape. Both these factors contribute to a flanking tank that you can not kill. He retains everything we hated about Roadhog in OW1, plus he’s even harder to kill. This is the only tank in the game that can one-shot you. While the other tanks take some mechanical skill to play, Roadhog is the one I find easiest. To me, he’s simply a niche funny hero to play when you’re tired of throwing Javelins at people.

Very few Supports benefit from the passive healing as Moira does. If a Moira using Fade, by the time she comes out of it her passive healing has already kicked in. This, coupled with her ability to fly up in the air at the end of Fade allows her to DPS for heals stacking with her passive heals. Moira players will abuse the mechanic to kill a sniper or an isolated target fairly quickly when does with a damage orb. It is my understanding that this hero is a Support, not an assassination-type or dive hero. Seeing as fade is a true interruption ability, it would stand to reason that it should interrupt the countdown for her passive heal before it kicks in. Either this, or increase the cooldown timer on Fade.

Bap’s (imbalanced) Immortality Field used to be good against Ana’s Anti when there were shields to hide behind. This is no longer the case. I don’t know what change to suggest here, but Anti is simply too impactful in OW2. Only thing I can suggest is to add a new support hero who can actually CLEANSE Anti with an ability of her own.

Genji: (sorry)
Genji is simply overtuned due to his power-creeping from OW1. I would suggest reverting and decreasing his damage, but to also increase his projectile speed. This will enable him to have a more passive option that will be more consistent at medium range while also being able to duel up-close. Nano-Blade is too strong in OW2. I can pretty easily kill an entire team with it, as there are now no hard stuns to counter it. The interaction between Nano and Blade has to be addressed.

This hero is hilariously overpowered. Her new 40% damage buff on hacked targets makes her the scariest DPS to duel against: 40% damage is too much. With Invis-Hack she never has to fully commit to a hack or a duel. Even if she does, she gets a second chance with her get-out-of-jail-free card which is Translocator. Even still, if she hacked the target and retreated it is still valuable to the team as they can see the target through walls. Both in her active game and her passive game, she does way too much. EMP has the same problem with the damage buff + the initial damage due to EMP. It is simply probably the best DPS solo ultimate in OW2.

Everyone knows at this point. He does way too much damage now that shield is gone. Nerf each shot -1 damage. With the extra 10% movement speed, Soldier is very difficult to hit and can freely flank with incredible efficiency. I do not agree that +10% movement speed is good for OW2, but if it is here to stay Sprint is going to need a nerf of some kind. My suggestion is to fix it so that Soldier can’t instantly sprint or change direction, i.e. a soft momentum mechanic. Visor needs to be either reworked or nerfed. I personally feel as if an aimbot has no place in an FPS shooter, and it’s such a free ultimate without shields.

Disruptor Shot is too strong - the thing is huge and does too much damage.

Just wanted to mention this hero because everyone keeps complaining that her not being able to freeze players is stupid. If she had her old freezing ability, she would just be played with D.VA or Rein and just freeze any non-shield or Zarya comp (in which case, you can just freeze something else). The hero has always been a versatile sleeper pick. She is fine as she is in OW2.

Hanzo is in a pretty good spot. However, I still believe he needs faster arrows (115-120 instead of 110) to account for the increased movement speed. Players die to a random arrow because his slower projectiles simply make it necessary to spam. With 125 speed (which was too fast), Hanzo was almost a hitscan, but the random shots happened WAY less frequently. Arrows at 115 or 120 will reward players with better aim and spam shots will happen less, guaranteed. Think about it, this is the same speed as Mei’s projectiles - they’re still pretty easy to dodge.

I’ve always hated playing against a good Tracer. Now that supports have more of an opportunity to heal her targets, it now feels like you can dump a full mag into someone’s head and they just won’t die. I see no reason to play Tracer when you can play current Sombra instead. I believe she needs her damage from OW1 to make her more impactful. However, there NEEDS to be a trade-off to this buff. An increase to her weapon spread will be necessary.

Decrease his damage drop-off rate. you’ll either 2-tap a player at close range or you can shoot 6 headshots when further out. His Sticky grenade does too much damage - change the damage so that that the breakpoint is 1 Sticky and one HS.

Push mode needs adjustment. The snowball mechanics in this mode is real. The whole element where you have to escort the robot back to your payload enables a team that pushed far in the midgame to heavily snowball the other team. It is not unusual to have to deal 1 or 2 more fights before you get back to the midpoint. There isn’t much of a possibility of a comeback.

Some of the attack spawns in the old maps have to be reworked if possible. With less shields, it is very easy to spawn camp from corners in front of spawn. I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned this.


While sometimes fights can end very quickly, because of the 5v5 format, a seemingly lost fight can be turned. Losing one or 2 teammates does not necessarily equal a lost fight. The first point cap seems to always take a while in my experience. Players have more freedom to feel out their opponents’ comp, playstyle, and weaknesses. The element of strategy is gone from OW1 due to double shield. Tank + Support synergies were what broke OW1 - this is why the shift to 5v5 was necessary. After playing custom games with high-rank friends, I found that the call-outs were just as meaningful in OW2 as in OW1. Cooldowns from all roles were more likely to have a bigger impact as there are less shields to render them useless. As far as supports having to duel DPS more often, I think the 10% DPS movement change is the culprit. It is pretty easy to flank supports with certain heroes and chase them down.

headshots should be red in the killfeed.

Well, this is my second post about OW2 beta. As i continued playing, everything that I mentioned in my previous post(april 29) remained the same. Lack of close games, absolute freedom for DPS players, inability to survive for supports. I played mostly supports in beta, but when I tried playing DPS, I understood that killing supports has never been easier. There is no one to stop a dps from flanking wherever he/she wants. And supports can not even defend themselves. This problem did not exist in OW1, because there were 2 tanks, and at least one of them could defend his/her support if it is being threatened. In OW1 a support could guarantee his/her survival by positioning relative to his/her team and the map geometry. Now it doesn’t matter. A DPS will get you everywhere and the only way to survive is to improve mechanically instead of improving game sense and positioning. As I said in my previous message, " I think that obtaining game sense is much more interesting than endlessly grinding aim".


At the end of Midtown, gaps at railway station should be bigger and boopable.

I think a lot of the opinions in the thread, especially the original post, are pretty off base and missing the point of what Overwatch 2 is intended to be. While I hope Blizzard is reading feedback, I hope they also know better than to react to contradicting assessments from odd and specific angles, however well-formatted they appear. Overwatch 2 is different from Overwatch one for a reason. I’m glad they’ve moved toward a game that rewards game sense (REAL game sense, not just pick reaper=win). The game requires a game sense that understands more than just one or two heroes- you are now challenged to have a better understanding of heroes, and the holes/gaps which can be exploited in the opposing team’s composition. With 5v5 both teams are much more free to pivot around so many more heroes than before. Its not a slow bunker game. Please refrain from complaining that you can’t play OW2 like you played OW1- you’re not supposed to be able to play in the exact same way. Your failure to adapt does not mean OW2 is broken.

With a love for flank heroes and disruptors, I enjoy that the game has become open to so many more options when it comes to kite tactics or purposeful distractions. Someone above posited that OW1 is a moba/shooter and OW2 is a only a shooter. I argue that this is false. Your moba heroes are just required to make better decisions. When I poke from the side with genji, you cant send Dva, moira and a mei at me and still expect to withstand the frontal assault, because your slow boring brainless bunker comp is still intact. The game is now open to so many neat teamwork ‘plays’, requiring realtime decision making, proper communication, and that possessing any actual skill is rewarded fairly. A good player with REAL game sense now has opportunity to create situations that lead to won fights. I’m so glad the game has evolved beyond the smashing hard-counters against each other, leading to things like “our rein won the rein-chess match, so we win the game”. Boring. OW1 was a board game. OW2 requires a mouse and keyboard. And it’s a giant ball of fun.

Edit: including thoughts on balance

Most heroes feel like they’re in a great spot. It’s almost harder to talk balance in OW2 because it also requires a conversation about which battles you’re picking and how you play. Yeah, -40dmg per clip is definitely noticeable on Tracer… big nerf right? one match I felt like she’s lost too much power. The next match, our team did a better job of opening them up, and choosing different angles. Her ability to cover so much ground felt overpowered, since I was able to kite aggro so well while cleaning up other low targets so successfully. Balance now feels less about specific interactions (sure, those will pop up), and more about the a hero’s potential to influence the game through tactics and decision making (still not the “aim grinding” as disdained above, but ACTUAL ‘game sense’). And right now I do feel as though all heroes do possess that potential.

I’ve had experiences like this on most heroes. At times feeling futile, and at times feeling overpowered. I take this to mean that the game is in a pretty good spot, and if somethings not working, our team is simply making poor decisions and/or not coordinating engagements. I might even just need to change my goals with that hero so my teammates can pop off- perhaps less glorious but very a effective and fun impact on the match. I want to reiterate how wonderful it is that a given team can pivot so well. My tracer wasn’t working > team makes different decisions > tracer lights up the kill feed. Did she carry? no. Is she overpowered? no. I do feel the opportunity to make decisions that open up the game- I can influence the game from ANY role. And it’s absolutely exhilarating, especially given context of OW1, shackled to goats for years, double sheild, etc… It’s no longer about how well you play with a paradigm (within goats, for example); it’s now about decision making on the next higher order of thinking, how well you can ‘feel’ what’s going on and adapt your goals and decisions in real-time. That freedom of movement- the absence of a single solitary stuck ‘meta’ hero-choice-equilibrium is a breath of fresh air; and while it’s the first breath in a long time, it was well worth the wait, imo.

Please take some time to learn and adapt before you call your OW1 hero broken because you can’t accomplish the same things in the same way as you did before. And to the Blizzard team- Fantastic job; keep true to your vision (and may you remain less encumbered than you were in years prior. :wink: )

Well, this is my second post about OW2 beta. As i continued playing, everything that I mentioned in my previous post(april 29) remained the same. Lack of close games, absolute freedom for DPS players, inability to survive for supports. I played mostly supports in beta, but when I tried playing DPS, I understood that killing supports has never been easier. There is no one to stop a dps from flanking wherever he/she wants. And supports can not even defend themselves. This problem did not exist in OW1, because there were 2 tanks, and at least one of them could defend his/her support if it is being threatened. In OW1 a support could guarantee his/her survival by positioning relative to his/her team and the map geometry. Now it doesn’t matter. A DPS will get you everywhere and the only way to survive is to improve mechanically instead of improving game sense and positioning. As I said in my previous message, " I think that obtaining game sense is much more interesting than endlessly grinding aim".

It sounds to me like you’re playing with very little “game sense”. I put it in quotes because I don’t think the stuff you’re referring to is actual game sense, or you wouldn’t be having this problem. As a healer, I’ve had an opposite experience. I’ve never felt more influential. The survivability of healers who can disengage is insane. also, many can fight back win fights, especially with any assistance. I’m sorry you’ve been getting picked-off by standing all alone, or not fighting back, or not disengaging, or not communicating; but none of this is a ‘balance issue’ to be addressed by Blizzard. Most supports can survive pretty darn well. And the free health regen after you disengage is great. I’m sorry it sounds like the rest of your team is afk… but this also is not a “balance” issue.

I played mostly supports in beta, but when I tried playing DPS, I understood that killing supports has never been easier. There is no one to stop a dps from flanking wherever he/she wants.

…Perhaps maybe when you play dps, you could try being that person who stops the other dps from killing your supports… maybe lay in wait for them to engage, then kill them while they’re picking on your supports… if they’re far away, maybe flank them… Perhaps you need to adjust your priorities to helping your teammates remain alive before you just go on offense… sometimes- maybe not always, but sometimes… perhaps think about expanding your definition of ‘game sense’ and stop complaining here in contradictory posts whining about things Blizzard “needs” to do in order to turn your mistakes into a successful style of play. Your gameplay is not successful. Learn. Adapt. Improve. Stop blaming Blizzard here for your poor real-time decision making and missed shots.

As i stated in my original post, all of this is our personal opinions and experience.
I would like to keep this thread free of personal criticism.
If you’d like to do that then perhaps start your own thread with your views.

Really sick and tired of the overwhelming negativity and passive attacks from the community.


This is pure Genji hate speech with Donald-Trump-level hypobole. There is Earth Shatter. There is sleep dart. There is hog hook. There is Freeze(blizzard). There is the Javelin (you yourself say stuns “for eternity”). There is Sigma rock.

I think you’re really only missing cassidy flash and mei primary, a portion of doom punch and brig. there has been plenty added to the game to compensate for that

Additionally, these abilities can be used to help the entire team disengage: There is (still) Doom punch, Doom slam, lucio boop, pharah boop, ball speed roll, junk trap, zen kick, ashe coach gun, junk mines x2 , brig mace thow, zarya grav, hog ult, winston ult, sig ult, doom ult, orisa ult (and use gold easily surviving with some burst heals, the nade would also keep genji anti’d, easily killable, especially if hacked, and ESPECIALLY if emp’d, or bastion used is turret form ability, or a death blossom or storm arrows, or just about anything at that point. Yes, he has a deflect for some of those, but only in one direction and only once this sequence.

In addition, to those, here are some more abilities which can provide a clean personal escape or enough zoning/kiting/disruption to allow you (and possibly allies, again) to survive or disengage or even a kill:

moira fade, reaper wraith, sojourn slide/jump, couch gun (listed above because it knocks genji back, protecting teammates, and once here because it helps ashe personally escape (and/or kite while also killing him)). junk minesx2 (same thing), sombra translocate, cassidy roll (okay small, but more than plausible to avoid a genji sans dash and kite him away or simply escape to protection, or hell, just stick him with that grenade you say does too much damage while tapping his head, if anyone else is even looking at him, he’s more than dead at this point)… also, dva ult, dva boosters, dva boop, ball ult, ball slam, hog breather, sojourn’s plasma dealie-bob (slows and damages), sym turrets (same), immortality field buys time, sojourn ult could kill,

He can be anti’d- you could simply melt him with emp and some team fire, or just bastion turret mode now on cooldown (hell, why not both?), he’s probably discorded and taking zen right clicks (okay fine deflect that, now you’re vulnerable to everything mentioned two paragraphs above, in addition to everything here and also every primary fire there is).

Every damaging ability, mentioned or not, receives increased odds of killing him if he gets anti’d, discorded, or both.

So at the end of the day, I’m left wondering- What in tarnation are you even talking about???

I’m sorry you seem to become frustrated when players with more skill and awareness than you are able to pull off plays with a high degree of difficulty. I do understand your frustation in being eliminated by a high level of skill and coordination that you yourself are not able to pull off. A genji player pulling this off is tracking an impressive amount of cooldowns abilities, ults, and enemy locations. Perhaps in this case, your frustration at your own lack of skill and awareness is being unfairly misdirected at the “balance” of the hero.

We could talk all day about what is “fair” to reward and what is not, but at the end of the day, there has to be some reward for being good at the game, and that reward is that you will (sometimes) in fact die to a nano-blade. This does NOT mean that the ability is somehow overpowered. It is not easy to get consistent value from genji. When a team successfully combines 2 ultimates, there is going to be an increased chance of winning that fight. If you’re going to pick on nano blade, you also need to pick on these:

EMP + just about anything now
nano + most ults
Really anything + really anything

I’m sick of people picking on how “overpowered” genji is now this faster paced game has made genji an acceptable dps pick, considering that he’s now ‘playable’ for the first time in years when we’ve just endured years of HARD HARD counters and YEARS of high pick rates for other particular heroes in just about every single match. Boring. There are still PLENTY of things you can do to shut down a mechanically solid genji, and if you can’t do that, you probably shouldn’t win the match, and they probably possess the skill and awareness worthy of ranking-up.

“(Sorry)” but this problem is yours, not Blizzard’s.

That’s somewhat of an understatement.


I’m finding the opposite. One person dies and it’s all over, time to reset.


This is a forum where opinions are expressed. I disagree with many your opinions, and I only seek to provide a voice in opposition of your suggested changes. To make a sound argument, it is necessary to provide supporting reasons for why I disagree.

What I don’t want, is for echo-chambers to go unanswered, eventually swaying Blizzard to make changes to appease the loudest crowd on the forums, potentially destroy a game with so much potential. I personally think they’ve done a wonderful thing, and I don’t want the game to slip back to what it was because its simply ‘more comfortable’ for the people who don’t like the new game, because they can’t play this game like they played that game. I encourage people to play more, try different tactics before being so judgemental about the years Blizzard has spend working on these changes- they put in a lot of work and have landed on this because they wanted the game to feel different than OW1. Try the new game for a bit.

My goal is to voice support for what they’ve done. It’s great. I disagree and I told you why. I don’t have the problems you’re having with support heroes, and I told you why I think that is. That’s what we do on forums. If you don’t like people disagreeing with you, don’t start your own threads. When you start your own thread, you open yourself to responses, that’s inherent of a forum.