Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

Doom shouldn’t be buffed to the other tanks power level

A. Doom isn’t bad - other tanks are too good
B. He can still out duel any DPS solo but shouldn’t be able to kill multiple without favorable conditions (like empowered punch off the map or against the wall)
C. Tank is too popular right now - nerfs will do the game good
D. Doom should not be heavily buffed or he too will become OP and the cycle will continue
E. Tank balance should be the most stable of all the roles
F. Tanks should offer diversity in playstyles not huge differences in power

UPDATE after Sombra, Dva and Zarya nerfs: I’ve peaked in OW2 1000 sr above where I peaked in OW1 on tank.

He really feels balanced despite other tanks being easier.


I’d say probably around current JQ levels, but agree that they should definitely nerf instead of buff the role. Having like 30-40% of your team’s power tied up into one player’s performance is a REALLY bad idea for the game’s long-term health.


So you want every tank to be trash tier, that will definitely not keep people from playing tank.




I think they should put more power into tanks mitigation abilities instead of their dmg. As it is, some tanks feel like hard to kill dps.


I disagree with the “any” part.

He can kill a few.

I dont think characters should be nerfed to Doomfist level he feels so bad I would rather have an OW1 tank than OW2 doomfist.
Nerf tanks to like roadhog level.


What even are you trying to be?

Agreed fully.

Well my opinion is obviously based on my stance that he isn’t trash, and just looks bad next to others.

Think we only believe this because multiple people are ALWAYS shooting Doom but a competent Doom with all his cooldowns should be able to kill them all without exception in a 1v1 in my opinion.


Doom main != other tanks main. You must feel the difference between this.

Doomfist != other heroes

Agreed somewhat, Doom needs a tiny buff on his block and ult though, i’d say its more accurate to say they need to be nerfed somewhere inbetween Rein and Queen (with a tiny buff to her axe, slight reshuffle on her ult)

I’d say this makes more sense :


Doomfist is good as a tank too. Just have to know how to use him. You’re not punching to kill so much as you’re punching to do damage and stop aggression from the enemy. Can’t tell you how many times I save either my entire team or someone on my team from dying to a nano Zarya just by booping her away.


He aint good, he just aint as bad as people make him out to be, hard af to be good with though.


Explain how Doomfist kills torbjorn or bastion or reaper or pharah or echo I think its extremely hard for him to 1v1 Junkrat but doable because his damage output is insane and his easy to hit

Sombra absolutely destroys him because she can just melt him from far and hack him the whole game.
Soldier is extremely hard to kill because his way faster and its just not possible to kill a target running that fast as doom because his close range and low damage his heal and erratic movements make him hard to kill as well.

And whenever doom goes to punch or slam junkrat can just CC him so they dont hit.

If you’re assuming doomfist has empowered punch some of these matchups are different but most of the time you dont have empowered punch as doom.

Yes - but what exactly are you getting at here?

always feels nice to get an empowered punch without getting hacked or slept or hooked or rocked or javelind or bubbled


Fr my dude.

Actually impossible

Id say you “just” outmaneuver them, Sombra though i think its a pretty big exception since its impossible to outmaneuver that one.

Soldier has always been pretty ez to get on as Doom though even before, Doom is now faster and Soldier is slower so idk bout that.

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Wel tank mains you had a few good weeks right ?
Time to let dps shine again and that’s a bit hard if you can fight back.

Zarya and DVa are nerf worthy the rest is pretty good doom en jq need a (slight) buff wrecking ball is ok I think if Sombra is bonked.

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Torb? Is the only one that is remotely difficult here because overload + turret is a lot of damage but if he uses powerblock, one punch will stun him enough to kill him outright.

Bastion is one of the best heroes to play into in a team because his turret form charges punch so quickly - again stun him and kill him.

Soldier is definitely the easiest - he cannot outrun your mobility. Honestly this makes me question whether you even play Doom. Soldier is an easy target.

Junkrat charges your punch so easily - the only problem is the trap. I’ve never had a problem with mines. Again, he is an easy kill.

Perhaps it’s just my rank but I never have a problem 1v1 against these heroes.

I’d say Sombra is the exception as well to be fair.

In a 1v1 she does have to hack you out of range though because if you have better aim that her and can land headshots, you’ll kill her before she kills you even if she hacks you.

It was easy before because all his abillities did high damage with CC.

Now he knocks people back and does low damage while they’re faster than him Slam on someone punch them they will get knocked back further you do less damage his running away.

You barely need your abilities to kill him, just Slam into him and shotgun him, he’ll die.

If by some miracle he survives, he cant kill you fast enough, then you punch him, by the time u punch him you have reloaded and now you kill him.