Any1 feel like they should start nerfing tanks to JQ's lvl?

Not in the way that having your tank being worse than theirs is a much more problematic thing than having only 1 of your dps being worse than theirs, heck, sometimes i’d go as far as to say 2 of the dps being worse is not as bad as having your tank being worse.

Simply because the tank role is the most important role of all, in the hands of a single player, i think they should try and diminish some of that importance, by nerfing the meta tanks, until its not a problem, not nearly as much.

I got a feeling nerfing all the tanks to JQ’s level would upset all the tank players who have their power fantasy about being an unkillable block of tungsten that can output DPS levels of damage.


Sometimes a good dose of reality is the way to go…

Tank players want to be unkillable “fat DPS” raid bosses. They would never allow this, even if the game would be better off for it.


Luckily, theres 2 other roles, with both being more popular combined and that the devs get the first and final say in these things, this comes from a flex player btw.

Well you know what I think:

Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

S1 Doom was perfect, yet everyone thought he sucked because:

  1. People sucked with him
  2. Other tanks were too strong

We have EXACTLY had the same thing with Ramattra and now he is too strong

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Yeah, they should nerf all tanks and add a second tank to reduce the over reliance on the tank. That should work. :smile:


I rember, idk if he was perfect but closer than right now probbably.

No need for the second step there really. :smile:

He was perfect in terms of what I believe tanks should be:

  • High potential to make plays
  • High skill ceiling
  • Favourable 1v1s with non-tanks
  • Unfavourable in 2+v1 with non-tanks

Its more complicated than that i believe, he did also have an incredilby high skill floor too wich they have since lowered, he also maybe played too much like a DPS, wich they also changed, the power lvl though likely was more accurate to what a less tank dependent one’s supposed to be.

Skill floor with the definition you don’t like? :joy:
Then yes, they have.

They have lowered it at the cost of his skill ceiling which I think is worrying and a sign of catering to new, casual players at the cost of dedicated ones.

I don’t agree here - I think people playing him wrong were doing this, hence the perception he was bad. He was a dive tank that needed to choose his engages very wisely.

Yes here we agree.

I don’t think that’s where they are going sadly.

Their comments on Zarya is evidence - they think she is underpowered AGAIN.

It feels like they are trying to solve a problem they no longer have. In OW1, making tanks more attractive was an issue - not anymore.

Its not about liking anymore, but yeah i preferred the way i used it, just 95% of people didn’t so…:rofl:

Yes thats exactly the reason of lowering somethings skill floor, though his is quite significant still so i think its still fine.

This is a very complicated matter as to what means to be a tank, simplifying it a ton, i mean they gave him more survivability with his passive/block, gave him a stronger ultimate but then reduced his killing power with the nerfs to his Empowered punch/cooldown.

They have also commented about: JQ receiving spicy buffs, Ball being on the top of the list of changes and Rein receiving buffs to Firestrike, only talk about nerfing tanks has been about Hog and thats only half of a rework happening.

We are absolutely not in that direction yet though i think this is something that alot of the community potentially will start understading that is a issue, eventually leading to the devs maybe making changes in that direction, my guess is minimum of season 5, till something like this happens.

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Theres only one though. If you nerf the whole role they cant do their job, and it becomes too easu for dps to pick them off.

Thats the fine line where they should not cross, nerf them until the problem diminishes, not until the role can’t do their job significantly, or rather cross it then revert it.

And i think thats definetly achieavable.

You want to nerf almost every tank though. That shift in power is going to make the role considerably weaker.

The issue is we only have ONE tank. They have to be able to fill the roll that was originally intended for two. The tank has too much to do solo. They buffed all the tanks to make for the fact that they now have pressure of being outnumbered.

Yes, thats the point, since they are far too strong at the moment.

Thats the thing, most people dont realise that also having one less player one the enemy team that was also a tank (wich was even back then the most important role), wich you dont need to deal with means that in reality, they dont really NEED to be all that stronger, just designed with less synergy with off/main tanks in mind.

The tanks need to be able to deal with dps, take up space, and stay alive. With one less tank to help peel, theyre much more vulnerable to dps shredding them.

Sure, some tanks need to be toned down. I agree on ram, orisa, and hog. But going the entire tank roster is gonna ruin it.


I’m not arguing to make them DPS, just less strong that they are right now, reduce some of their stats across the board, maybe less armor, less mitigation, less damage, whatever seems to fit the situation.

I dont think so, no, if done well that is.

orisa buffed to deal with hog. hog nerf incoming. and ram is not that powerfull.

Sounds like terrible game design to me

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