1 day until Doom’s Day

I’ve been saying

  • he’s fine after the Sombra, D.Va and Zarya nerfs.
  • trust me, I have a 70%+ win rate with him in comp with him.
  • a couple dive heroes make him absolutely viable.
  • made threads saying Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

You’ve forced me to switch before games regardless, told me to switch despite clearly being a positive influence in the team and this was because you think that since YOU can’t play him, then no one else can.

Now he will be buffed and when (not if) he feels oppressive, just remember: I didn’t ask for this - YOU DID

EDIT: This will age very well indeed - supports will hate this GigaDoom meta


Sojourn supposedly performed terribly at low ranks so she must be weak same with doom. I personally think he should be more accessible for newer players, but he falls into the ball category where you need to actually be good to get value.

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Mate you can perform well on bad heroes/objectively weak heroes.
I’m masters 2 one tricking him with a 60% winrate.
Doesn’t change the fact that he’s objectively weak compared to all the other tanks.
He needs buffs.
You having a 70% winrate isn’t indicative of anything when it’s a metal rank where balance isn’t that important.


And the good news for you is that he is getting buffs.

Not sure where you got metal rank from… but anyway…

Now watch the carnage ensue…

Him being buffed won’t make him op.
He’s literally the worst tank in the game rn.
Nothing wrong with him getting buffed and becoming good.
Didn’t you say you were diamond in another thread and had climbed from plat???

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You’ve forgotten. Actually the conversation was that I’m in masters - you were simply quick to point out that your masters and my masters is very different.

You deserve to be there and me climbing there with this hero is irrelevant. As is me maintaining a win rate there.

Apparently all irrelevant

Either way… I can’t wait to see what the forums look like after Tuesday.

And Junker Queen is infinitely worse that Doom.


I believe he’s weak anyway. Not saying there isnt people who cant make him work but what ive found is that he is getting picked so little so when someone get matcher up against a really good doomfist they either dont know how to counter or just ignore him thinking that he wont kill anything anyway so why bother. I believe people will learn once he get picked more. But what do i know, im a dps main.

Ah yes I remember you were plat/diamond in ow1 and you’re now masters thanks to the new system.
I stand by my point of you not being masters, nothing personal just my opinion and thoughts on the matter :blush:
No junkerqueen is not worse than doom.

I’m willing to give Doom buffs a try since trying to support a Doom on my team at the moment is usually a slog. I don’t care if it means you go up from M to GM, OP.

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Actually Gold in TANK in OW1.

So the climb has been from there.

You failed to explain how precisely the “system” has changed and how it helps specific people climb…

Can you put it in simple words please?

I’m gold so I can’t handle large amounts of information.

That’s fair, I’m simply stating that if the hero was unavailable for whatever reason, I believe I would likely still be in the metal ranks.

My hypothesis is that the upside of the hero is actually huge but it takes a lot to get there.

Others disagree though.


It’s almost like… people improve their gameplay.
I started playing this game in 2016 and was Plat - in 2019 when I stopped playing I peaked T500.

OW2 I started in Gold and now I’m in Diamond, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna hit Master as well.

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Watch your mouth. You are speaking to one of the chosen few genuine masters players.

You must address him as Master Chubbyboy from here on.


The sr boost and multiple players being placed lower or higher has resulted in boosting.
I’ve seen so many hard stuck plat players magically climb from plat to masters and it’s so easy to spot them.
Not hating on your progress but for you to deny something is up is just ignorance.
There’s a reason why so many games are stomp or be stomped rn and it’s due to the fact that you’ve got plat players in masters games.

People don’t go from hard stuck gold to masters in this short of a time :man_shrugging:t3:

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I don’t know if he was hard stuck or what he did change to climb.

Doesn’t sound like anything “NEW”… sr boost was always there for new accounts…

Maybe I simply don’t understand…

I’ll go back in my box now…

For context, I didn’t play tank in OW1 - I was a Doom 1 trick (Diamond max).

I one tricked him in the beta and since release.

I still can’t play other tanks at this level.

ChubbyBoy, however, was born in masters.

He can climb in ow2 that’s fine I’m not disputing that, all I’m saying is it means nothing to me.
He’s up against a mixture of players like him and actual masters players.
No wonder he’s climbing when I’m seeing literal plat players in my high masters games.

They gave the sr boost to lower ranks and people who hadn’t placed yet after everyone complained about dropping from gold to bronze.

Basically how I felt in OW1 when non-Moira players constantly said that “Moira needs utility” and now they’re still trying to force it onto her, because they made a post not so long ago saying they were still looking into it :roll_eyes:

Matchmaking quality is certainly sketchy atm, but ow1 vs ow2 are completely different games there is an entire 2 less players in the game. There is a lot more impact to be made as an individual especially tanks.