Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

This is that just click head stuff.

Im telling you his damage is pathetically low you need two exact headshots on a projectile weapon with spread all while not getting hooked chain cc’ed or stuck in backline.

Baptise presses rightclick one and all your damage gets deleted in 1 second.


Honestly, I feel like people used to play Doom without his shotgun before.

You can kill a squishy without abilities simply because you have 450hp.

The abilities make it much easier of course.

The punch for me normally just lines them up for a shot.

To kill now, you need to combo, weaving in shots and punches.

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Well, if u have better aim and shes dumb enough to get even remotely close than yes, then thats not a fair 1v1 anyways, and this game is not even about 1v1s, in a team scenario Sombrero absolutely destroys Doom… its sadge, hopefully on the 25th she gets bonked pretty hard.

Exaclty, hes much more like a Winston with a shotgun now than a punch bot (until he gets charged)

Actually more like a more mobile without D.M i guess … or a Hammond with a shotgun is even more accurate?


Yes for sure - I was only replying to CyroForel saying he can’t 1v1 some DPS.

Sombra is absolutely ridiculously overpowered right now. Possibly the best hero in the game.

Even before the buffs, in the beta, I felt like she was such a ridiculously hard counter for Doom because she can hack from stealth.

I hope they massively nerf her.

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How about no. Making everyone under-powered is boring.


Some Tanks are ridiculously overpowered, plus a ton of power-creep, if they nerf like 60% of the cast they still wouldnt be under-powered, they would be balanced.


I genuinely dont think his good.

His effort is too high for the reward and risk.

I can play Winston in High Diamond, Low masters games and Tracer in Low-Mid Diamond.
And honestly doomfist feels like his Primary weapon is the highest skill floor weapon.

Its projectile it has spread it has a limited number and takes a while to reload so if you miss you’ve scuffed it.

I mean, i guess i forgot to add, Winston with a shotgun but without a bubble wich is a pretty net loss.

Again, more like Ball since both of em are displace based and gain overhealth.


Tank Doom shrugs off Bastion, Torb and 76 when played well. Some of you really aren’t willing to learn new things and argue before getting better at the hero. Buffs aren’t going to help tank Doom if you still suck at him.

Doom is the only balanced tank, agreed.

I don’t even mind if they buff Doom to what he had in beta 2. He didn’t seem oppressive. Surprised they nerfed him.

I don’t think you are wrong but people can land headshots with practice, quite consistently

It doesn’t mean he is not powerful.

I do think his skill floor has risen massively and people equate them not having impact with the hero not being able to have impact.

You will see with the upcoming nerfs to Dva and Zarya that there should already be a difference.

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So you want them to all be pushovers who contribute nothing to the team? Good luck queueing for a game lmao.


I think you mean skill floor decrease, if i’m not mistaken a high skill floor means high impact with lower skill,

Nay, i want tanks to be like 30% of ur teams strenght not like 40% wich some of them are now.

No - high skill floor means you need a lot of skill to have minimum impact (floor level impact)

High skill ceiling means the max impact (ceiling level impact) scales well with player skills

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How about we don’t repeat the mistakes of OW1 by dumpstering the entire Tank role again?


Aw heck i always confuse that term.

Huh? when was tank ever dumpstered again?

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Your opinion of this being the equivalent of dumpstering the role is based on your opinion of Doom’s power level.

I actually enjoy the game and have a very high win rate with him even in comp.

I think it’s much worse for the game for every tank to be like Zarya and for, as someone eloquently put it, the responsibility for 30-40% of the team’s success to be put on only 20% of the team.

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