Nerf Doom now, absolutely unacceptable

I lost my patience, wow this is absolutely trash. You can’t burst him down. And if you try to get to the healers in the backline, he just dives back and peels. There is not way to deal with him.

Why do you do this Blizzard, why do you always make a knee jerk reaction to balance things, instead of making less extreme changes. What is wrong with you?


It took you 3 days to start crying about doom but you were statisfied playing overtuned DVA for the first 3 weeks I assume.


No, the tanks are overtuned. They should not be able to deal more damage than dps.


Tanks? Peeling?

Patently false…

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Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

Just going to leave this here…

Just play Widow bro, stop crying like a baby and play Widow. That is all that matters, just play Widow and one shot everyone and you win, easy. All you need to do is play Widow, that’s it just play Widow

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Have yet to find him overpowering or overbearing. Yes he can be annoying but that’s a good Doomfist overall.

Forum Doomfist has finally made his grand return.


Then you have not played enough yet to understand.

Have played enough and face a lot of Dooms. He’s not annoying or overpowering.

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They won’t nerf anyone until mid season anyway.

youre jsut patently wrong, its terrible

This season 2 doom is literally no different than season 1 doom LMAO. The only change you can even feel is the shield change and that alone didn’t solve a single issue he had. the hero is still an overly team reliant punch bot that tickles people as a damage source.

How am I wrong. Just focus him down as a team and avoid shooting him in power block. He’s finally decent for once and people are overreacting on him. Orisa and Hog shut him down hard. DPS heroes have a way or ways to deal with him.

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After a couple of days of dealing with his nonsense, eh…Good Hogs still completely dominate Doom to the point where he might as well be a non factor. And considering Hog is incredibly good right now because of his Kiriko synergy saving him from Ana, Doom is kind of whatever to me now.

Cool so if we dont have a hog, As one of the 80 percent of the remaining team I just have to pray the tank isnt a bot? GREAT GAME DESIGN, SO BALANCED

It’s been fun seeing a lot of content creators who saw the initial patch notes and were like “he’s going to be so op omg S tier”

And then they play him post buff and most are like “oh. NeverMind” after feeding their brains out or go “ya he’s alright now”

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You’re not supposed to burst down Tanks.


They typically don’t.

Now they do have more forgiving aim requirements (if any…) and have a much easier time applying that damage, but they typically don’t do as much damage as the Damage-role does.

And Doomfist, most of all, does not do more damage than other Tanks, and especially not damage-role heroes.

Right now, Doomfist is more resilient thanks to a buff to his passive. But his damage did not increase, so much as re-oriented towards his first hit, and less reliance and need to hit walls.

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I think tanks are so overpowered that I’d really like to have 3 dps + 2 supports and the tanks category removed.
Or just make it 5 dps and let the heal come from somewhere else.

Because right now tanks are immortal dps.

Playing against Doom in particular, now that he’s back in almost every game, is no fun with all the CC he delivers so easily, he’s so hard to kill, I preferred the dps version what was much more easily punishable….

Another flanking tank to bully the support category, what we really needed. Thank you Blizz.

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