Mercy doesn't heal too much (with stats!)

There is one…mercy is boring…and it is not subjective. How can a hero be fun without a skillshot? just tell me. Really explain to me mercy mains.

Fun comes from skillshots, where you can be proud of yourself that you did something that is hard to do. you know how rewarding it feels to hot down enemys ult by sleep dart? Thats why i decided in bronze after some hours a mercy, that i wont touch her again, even if that means staying forever in bronze.

in my opinion heroes like mercy should never have a place in high level of play. These heroes are good for newbies to learn basics of the game, so mercy, junkrat, brigitte should be effective in only bronz and silver. But if you want to advance to higher level of play the game should force you to learn harder heroes.

The healers Mercy competes against aren’t going to have any impact on Mercy’s average healing output unless the meta features two main healers… which hasn’t been the case in… ever.


Times 60hps by lets say even 3 people chain healed for the full 15 seconds. That’s 2.7k potential healing alone in one valk.

Now how many times does mercy get valk in a game?


Also yes, and they fully admit that’s mercy average across all elo’s. Not GM where people take advantage of valks chain heals instead of using valk to fly back to spawn cause their team died.

Ana was healing less on average in triple tank than mercy with valk and 60hps did. Ana’s average post-nade nerf has stayed around 9k in gm. And that’s through multiple meta’s that didn’t favor her, and one that did

Mercy shouldn’t be pulling in more healing than Moira and Ana. Flat. Doesn’t matter how little more; mercy also brings mobility, damage boost, and rez

i thought that rez is the core of her personality… huh?

i can answer this to you…

playing mercy is very relaxing compared to other heroes.

sure you need to stay alive… but you need to do this with every hero.

the beam makes the gameplay very easy and chilled… most time i played mercy when i wanted to have relaxed games… and ofc im gonna play mercy when the enemy team is running mercy everything else would be a disadvantage.

shes an easy hero that can do a lot … you can easily be helpful… and feel good about it.

“Potential” is supposed to be a model for reality. If it is flatly contradicted by reality, “potential” becomes meaningless. If we know that Valkyrie did not, in fact, increase Mercy’s healing numbers, then the potential for it to does not matter.

There is no way to extract GM healing averages from Overbuff, FYI.


Titanium: Thanks for posting here! Long time fan.

Kazper: I’m not saying it’s impossible for chain beams to pull those numbers. I’m saying I don’t think it comes even close to that for average numbers. You yourself mentioned the dangers of using potential numbers in a previous post (the one where you said average numbers were much more important than potential numbers, not the one where you said that average numbers weren’t that great).

Zenyatta’s full potential for a transcendence is 30056 = 9000. A transcendence of 1000 healing is a pretty good one. Mercy technically can heal for 2.7k on 3 people in a use of Valkyrie, but the actual reality that I’ve seen doesn’t even come close. Maybe you have some other data, which I’d be happy to see.

DarthWinston: Mercy absolutely 100% should be healing more than Ana and Moira. Healing is the core of her identity. Blizzard has out and out stated it. Yes, she does bring mobility but that’s enfolded into the healing numbers (mobile healers can be where they need to be in order to heal, and can survive in order to heal). And yes, she has res and damage boost. But those two are easily quantifiable, and what my numbers show is that when you take them into account she’s still middle of the pack in terms of total contribution. Saying she has those things and not mentioning sleep, or nano, or antiheal, or Moira damage is facetious. It’s the entire point of my post.

Taporharvi: We must be using different meanings of the word subjective. I find Mercy MUCH more fun than any other characters. I’ve made a long post about this in the old forums which I can post if you’re interested.


She should be; she is the game’s most dedicated healer. It would make sense that if there are only two things the hero is supposed to do well (healing and mobility, according to Jeff Kaplan), then that the hero do those two things very well.

This is the problem. With rez as an E, Mercy outclasses Ana in utility, when that’s kind of supposed to be Ana’s thing.


but mercy doesn’t only do two things. She damage boosts and rezzes, which is more utility than Moira can ever bring.

The triangle of supporting in this game is healing, mobility, and utility. She outdoes Ana and Moira far in all three. Moira, who has 0 utiility outside of mostly trash damage, relies more on pulling healing numbers than Mercy because it is just about all she offers.

I mean, honestly, that seems like it would be a far larger nerf than the healing thing.

Mitrovarr - Maybe it would, but it would feel much better I think and would be a huge step towards ending the Mercy controversy.

Kazper - One more point regarding potential healing. If 25% of Mercy’s healing is tied up in her valk chain beam, then her healing numbers should have gone down by a good chunk when Valk’s duration was cut from 20 seconds to 15 seconds. I checked. It didn’t change at all.

We have numbers telling us exactly how much damage Mercy is adding onto her teammates through damage boost, and… well… let’s just say that we would need add that to her own damage output and then triple that number to come close to the hero with the second worst damage output in the game: Ana.

As for Resurrect, I already said this:


Agreed. Ana should be the main healer that brings the most utility. Res on cooldown is infringing on her domain and should be changed. Mercy’s thing is healing and should be left alone.


… you just click gm>primary

Potential in one valk is not a model of reality. Having 3-5 valks per game with that kind of potential is.

Yet, you don’t. You know mercy’s overall average across all elo’s. Given the general consensus among most mercy mains on this forum all think Valk is a useless ult, we can determine pretty easily the average mercy player doesn’t realize how powerful valk really is.

Gm is the what, top 4%. diamond is anywhere between 25 to 15%. The average isn’t going to change drastically. You and I had this discussion in another thread already.

Oh, my bad… Now I just feel silly. I always selected the hero to see their specific stats. You can’t see Mercy’s number of revived players or Ana’s number of targets slept without clicking on the hero to reveal their specific stats.

Oh, but we do.

And we know that said number hasn’t deviated more than 400 points from Mercy’s pre-rework average.

Or maybe it’s actually a pretty garbage ultimate. I was a GM Mercy main before I stopped playing and… well, I hold that opinion too.


Diamond is 10% of the playerbase.

We did?

Oh hey, you’re right. I haven’t looked at that in awhile, my apologies.

Glad to have helped, hopefully it helps you get more more accurate statistics to go off of.

Yet you admit above average is only like 10% of the player base and admit you don’t know the statistics for elo break down.

I would argue this statement is based on biased, but you’re not wrong. Compared to something as flashy as mass rez it looks terrible. With that being said, an ultimate that makes everything a hero is already the best at even better shouldn’t be scoffed at. It took how many nerfs before owl pro’s could reliably kill mercy while in valk.

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yeah but the point they’re making i think is that the dev’s are nerfing the wrong part of her kit. like you said she’ll survive again because the problem isn’t her hps, it’s rez. (which the devs seem to be pushing to make it work despite it not working nearly a year after the rework. to the point that they’re nerfing her hps simply to make rez work which no one likes [enemies don’t like their kills being rezzed and mercy player’s dont like standing still for ~2 seconds])

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Using the potential total to see what kind of power valk really has on Mercy’s healing average is not the same as the potential healing of a hero overall. When you put that potential to practice, sure there will be deviations like somebody will be full and not add to the healing stat, you might only heal one person instead of 3, ect. With that being said, the average mercy gets valk 3-5 times a game.

The potential healing of Mercy in one Valk on only half her team is basically the number you think is so far fetched. With deviations included and valk 3-5 times a game, it’s pretty easy to see just how much chain heals affects mercy’s healing output.

No, because you’re ignoring what I said. She didn’t have utility before her rework.

Now that she does, they could have clipped any part of her they wanted. They stopped trying to pursue her rez, and took a different route, which was her healing.

Because her pickrates are still trashing the other mains healers.

This does not mean that they are weak. No matter what, if you compare any healer against Mercy, they will seem UP because they aren’t Mercy.

They don’t have her consistent healing.

They don’t have her utility.

They don’t have her mobility.

Now here’s a fact, I’m sick of current Mercy too. I want her reverted and/or reworked again, however I’m not praying for a rainy day on the moon. I’m grounded in reality and I’m sick of seeing baseless arguments. I’m sick of seeing the Mercy mains cry out about small nerfs that does nothing to hurt Mercy’s power or potential.

You can skew data 6 ways from Sunday, but I don’t care because reality doesn’t care. Mercy is still too good despite going on 11 nerfs.