See, here’s the thing. You say I never addressed that, then the next thing you quote from me is exactly that. Me addressing it.
Also, what fact? That the vocal minority want to be vocal and make multiple threads all saying the same thing they could have said as a reply in an already made thread. What would you like me to address about this fact that I haven’t already said?
Titanium also does a wonderful job of creating fallacies in many of those responses, with obscured facts that reference them self. Again, you really need to find a different manifesto.
I’ve been up and down with most of their talking points. You can read the discussions yourself. How about instead of depending on somebody else’s poor copy paste arguments that have been proven wrong, try having an genuine discussion with somebody. I use you in the general sense here, for the record.
You sure we’re talking about the same person?
Probably because they’re a ban baiter. Even you are putting them on a pedestal right now. If you disagree with them, they will riddle you with fallacies and the large following of mercy mains they have mass false flag anyone with a differing opinion. Honestly, those threads are echo chambers.
This is actually just circular logic.
Person won’t listen to a direct reply
Make thread that replies to their talking points indirectly
People still don’t listen and more think it’s ridiculous
But because the thread had to be made means that original person wasn’t listening to begin with.
Because the person wasn’t listening, the thread had to be made
Straightforward logic would be along the lines of, if this person is genuinely trying to have a discussion, continue replying to them directly in that thread. If the person seems like a troll, don’t bother with them.
Or recognize
About this, actually. Has anyone actually said who is legitimately doing it? The familiar suspects keep saying trolls report the thread and it gets closed. But which trolls and why? With the mega thread, there is a lot less Mercy talking points that have been discussed to death a million times clogging up the front page and the forums in general. Meanwhile, I remember vividly how much certain people wanted the mercy mega thread gone so they could be heard again as they thought the mega thread was a void that gets ignored… which, it probably was but that’s besides the point.
If that’s truly the case, my apologizes. However,
tells a very different story.
No, this is you doing some of the following:
See. I pointed out a flaw in your logic, how you’ve created an us vs them mindset to justify spamming the forums with threads like this and titanium’s. You immediately attack one sentence in that entire paragraph where I fully admit i pointed this out, and then you completely ignored the rest of that paragraph. Even going on to say I didn’t address the points that very same paragraph addressed.
You fooled me.
You sure?
I completely agree.
If you choose to ignore it, thats on you. It’s no wonder you think people aren’t listening to your replies so you need to make new threads indirectly replying to those very same people and get validation from likeminded people who agree with you. You just completely ignore them to begin with. You are actually projecting right now.
Just so you can’t say I didn’t address this.
How about instead of depending on somebody else’s poor copy paste arguments that have been proven wrong, try having an genuine discussion with somebody.