Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Then that is their problem. But that does not give you the right to dictate their movements.

Yeah. I’ll decide who gets the healing noodle and when they get it.

Rarely get complaints from people regarding my Mercy plays. Certainly not in-game. And a few toxic messages via Xbox Live are easily reported and/or deleted.


Playing on PC, not on Xbox…

Which is why these days I point out people’s flaws and then people have no choice but to agree it was their bad since i am covering everyone else and they aren’t dying.

I wish that actually worked instead of making everyone defensive and passive aggressive.

I don’t mean in a angry toxic way but more like a corrective point it out nice way and if the others are calm they tend to join in…

Usually the mistake is diving in alone and out of range or sight so as Mercy or Ana I can’t help them, which I point out rather than flip my s… at them

If they get it, they will hold back and the team regroup and we make a team push or stand, if they don’t… Well we will be man down because I ain’t chasing them and I literally will point out

Sorry I can’t res you, you died in a really bad position and the general reply is I know, don’t bother, don’t die for me


Speaking of pros… On paper it sounds like a good idea to balance the game around these who play it well, but in reality pros hate Mercy, they love dive so much, they would love to keep that meta alive forever xd

As for Mercy, so gg ez to play hero is now less viable pick in Gold! Losing to superior Ana:

Ana: 8.89%
Moth: 6.33%

And funfact from the Weekly stats: these two are really close to each other in Silver rank: having 7.26% and 7.27% (Mercy is higher by 0.01%… so far) xd


So we are back to Mercy being troll pick, except this time it’s everywhere…
It’s equal to erasing hero from existence.


wow, this post is #1 and will probably not be passed by any other post, yet it gets ignored


Also don’t forget that D.Va was a meta defining hero for a while and she completely counters everything in Ana’s kit. On top of that a Mercy pick compliments a D.Va pick pretty well (Mercy can go in with the D.Va and the D.Va provides the Mercy with more mobility + altitude) it’s not surprising at all that Ana was underused for slme time and Mercy a more preferable pick (not to mention Winston also being prominent during this meta, Mercy complimenting him quite well too).

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Dive was the main issue yeah. If we would have had brig back then and Ana’s buff, as well as Moira… I think that we would have a almost even support Meta now, in which all are not only balanced, but also fun to play.

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I feel that a lot of players take the strength of Mercy out of context from external aspects of the game, especially the meta game. Mercy might’ve been slightly stronger than the other supports before the recent patch but she wasn’t really that much stronger. It was the meta that was forcing both her and Zen to maintain a must pick status, which was formed by two massive changes to the game: the introduction of Brigitte and the Hanzo rework. With both of these heroes being very strong they forced a slower meta that hard countered the fast paced dive comp and all heroes that fit into that composition. This paved way for slower, more burst damage oriented heroes to claim the spotlight such as Widow and Pharah (the latter less so). Mercy and Zenyatta just happen to synergize extremely well with these characters and with the decrease of their strongest counters it just became an obvious choice to run them on that comp. Blizzard needs to take meta shifts into account when doing balance changes as the heroes don’t exist in a bubble, something they haven’t been all too good at.


Personally I think Moira/Lúcio or Moira/Zen would have been meta during that time had Moira been in the game. Moira would’ve enabled the Winston and D.Va to return to the fight much quicker than Mercy ever has and her survivability would’ve outmatched Mercy’s as well.

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this time it’s highly acclaimed. And everything just because she caused so much hate by a rework nobody asked for


Forget about pros’ feels. They don’t care about fun or anything. Pros play to win and they’ll abuse any mechanic to make that win easier to obtain. Therefore, the only balancing that should be done around pros, is to remove the most egregious abuse cases.

That is, if you plan to actively support an e-sports scene (which Overwatch does). Otherwise, let the abuse happen as long as it doesn’t affect normal ladder play.


Pro players hate one thing: mechanics, that are reliable. That can’t be messed up, that don’t require high skills, that simply work, and can work even better, if player got some skills.

Mercy happened to have two of those: healing, that is very hard to fail at, and ultimate, that nearly always succeeds in bringing teammates back to life.

In contrast, Ana has no reliable mechanics: every single aspect can be failed at.

Yes. Mercy is now in a good spot again because they don’t have to deal with her.

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The problem is that Mercy wasn’t changed because pros didn’t like her. That reason is just as stupid as “disheartening to play against”. The only one I can think of, after all this time, is Mercy’s place in the meta. If you recall, Mercy barely saw any play time in pro play. Only as the occasional Pharah or Widow pocket.

What Blizzard wanted, just like with the Symmetra rework, was to increase Mercy’s play time.

But clearly, Blizzard never bothered to investigate just what made Mercy such a situational pick. They clearly did not read the forums, which had been asking for an E ability for ages. They clearly also did not ask any pro, because pros would’ve said pretty much the same thing as the forums; Mass Rez just wasn’t reliable enough to warrant picking Mercy over Ana (or, with dive being so prevalent, Lúcio and Zen).

The forum discourse at that time, was complaining about Mass Rez in the exact same style as Blizzard described in their developer update, which makes it clear to me that they just used that as justification for a change that was completely motivated by Blizzard themselves, and little actual interaction with the community. They were going to launch OWL, and one of their most iconic heroes would see next to no use? No way in Hell.


Yes to all of this but the fact that popular streamers created an echo chamber (kind of hypocritical to use this wording but in this case it is applicable) of people claiming Mercy players were trash definitely contributed to their decision.

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But pros had to pick Mercy, after Ana had her damage cut in half back there.