Mercy doesn't heal too much (with stats!)

I ask that you split every number into its parts in exact numbers because just supplying the final number does not show the whole story. How did you get that number as in average in all ranks? GM?

guessing average in all ranks, considering ana would be somewhere at 8k and 3k damage. putting her at 11-12k value. Overall average is a pretty bad mark to measure too. the infamous flanking moira does nothing to help her team win games, yet they’re popular from bronze to diamond.

I’ve clarified my original post - the abilities indicated in parentheses past the name of the character indicate things that were NOT factored into the number. They mean that the character is even more valuable than the number indicates. I used average values for all ranks in competitive.

My calculations were:
Brig - damage + healing + armor provided. Zen - damage + healing. Moira: damage + healing. Mercy: damage + healing + damge boosted + 250*number of resurrections. Lucio: damage + healing. Ana: damage + healing.

Kazper’s example of the flanking Moira means that at higher ranks, Moira’s number should increase. Ana’s should also increase since her skill floor is much higher. Mercy’s won’t increase by as much as Ana’s.

Also, Kazper: your point on season 4 healing is telling. Mercy had 60 hps in season 4. The only healing increase she’s had since then is Valkyrie’s chain beams which don’t account for the missing 4-6K you’re bringing up (it’s certainly not true that 1/3 of Mercy’s healing comes from chain beams). What’s changed? The meta. Ana works well in 3 tank metas, and not so well anywhere else. In 3 tank comps, Moira does her job much better than she ever could.

She had 50 hp/s when released. They buffed it because IT WAS BAD!
Why suddenly it is good for her?!?!?


I don’t agree with the healing nerf because I don’t think it will change much of anything. If you look at GM only and add up healing and damage, mercy is just below Ana. But why then would she be the most picked healer in GM?

Valk removes mercy’s weaknesses on top of 30s rez, she’s too versitile, too applicable to any situation. Mass rez was more balanced and could have been balanced with a completely different kind of e.


They buffed it because at that time, Ana was op. But they nerfed Ana after that, but kept Mercy at 60hps
 It’s about time they reverted it.

This nerf is by far the worst one. It affects Mercy’s basic kit not only her valkyrie like 10 nerfs she got back then. On PTR:

  • she does 17% less healing
  • her ult charge 17% slower
  • valkyrie is weaker than it already was

  • healing during valk can be completely nagated
 Only dmg boost is now good option.
  • mercy has to sacrifice more time to heal target eventually she or her target might start dying more often.
  • hit scan buffs say by itself
  • and the most important she was released with 50 hp/s. They buffed it cause it was bad. Why suddenly it is good for her?!

They buffed it to help her keep up with Ana at the time. She doesnt need that now lol

I agree with you here concerning this being the wrong nerf. If they want to nerf something, my preference is res. Take it off CD, and give her one charge of res for each use of Valk.

While that could help, I still don’t think valk is healthy for mercy. At this point, nerf after nerf, mercy 2.x is just a mess

^ Pretty much sums it up lol


Bcos what? Ana still heals for the same amount like she used to do. Mercy’s AoE healing doesn’t amplify her healing for a single target. This nerf is pointless and doesn’t solve anything

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Honestly, I’ve grown to appreciate Valkyrie quite a bit over time. I like it, and I think it’s a pretty good ultimate, but I’m not sure I agree with your assessment that it’s the root of the issue. Personally, I think it’s a combination of res plus some unquantifiable stuff like people’s preference to play her. That being said, I understand your point about it.

Also, I looked at the GM only data (not just Mercy v Ana) and the situation there shows even less of a Mercy lead, as you pointed out.

My main problems with valk is:

*it’s removes every weakness Mercy had and steps on the toes of other healers (complete freedom of mobility more so than lucio, she’s no longer a single target healer/booster, her self healing which was already very good is amazing now, her gun which was already good although she has very little reason to use it now doesn’t need to reload)
*It’s a very boring ult and really doesn’t give a rush like mass rez did
*It is unable to help against a meta that it would otherwise help prevent (grav dragon)
*She applies to too many comps with valk

I may be a support main, tank fill (who’s one true love is ana), but I just don’t want to fill Mercy anymore compared when I used to have to decide if she would be a good pick or not.


To be fair after ana’s nade nerf mercy and ana were about the same. It was the introduction of chain heals that allowed mercy to heal for insane amounts.

In GM, Mercy heals for about 3.5k above Ana a game. Do you think that chain beams in Valk account for that much? That’s about 25% of Mercy’s healing! That would mean that Valkyrie increased Mercy’s healing by 33%.

I don’t think this is remotely true. Titanium had a post where he compared pre and post rework healing numbers for Mercy, and they didn’t show anything remotely near what you’re pointing out.

I think a much likelier culprit is meta. Old Ana was run in triple tank comps that were taking lots of damage. She thrives in those situations. Mercy doesn’t. Moira would have done even better than Ana in those.

Those stats are irrelevant because Titanium never accounts for Moiras release, which healers Mercy was competing with in each meta, which tanks were meta, etc.

Blanket data shows nothing.

There is one
mercy is boring
and it is not subjective. How can a hero be fun without a skillshot? just tell me. Really explain to me mercy mains.

Fun comes from skillshots, where you can be proud of yourself that you did something that is hard to do. you know how rewarding it feels to hot down enemys ult by sleep dart? Thats why i decided in bronze after some hours a mercy, that i wont touch her again, even if that means staying forever in bronze.

in my opinion heroes like mercy should never have a place in high level of play. These heroes are good for newbies to learn basics of the game, so mercy, junkrat, brigitte should be effective in only bronz and silver. But if you want to advance to higher level of play the game should force you to learn harder heroes.

The healers Mercy competes against aren’t going to have any impact on Mercy’s average healing output unless the meta features two main healers
 which hasn’t been the case in


Times 60hps by lets say even 3 people chain healed for the full 15 seconds. That’s 2.7k potential healing alone in one valk.

Now how many times does mercy get valk in a game?


Also yes, and they fully admit that’s mercy average across all elo’s. Not GM where people take advantage of valks chain heals instead of using valk to fly back to spawn cause their team died.

Ana was healing less on average in triple tank than mercy with valk and 60hps did. Ana’s average post-nade nerf has stayed around 9k in gm. And that’s through multiple meta’s that didn’t favor her, and one that did

Mercy shouldn’t be pulling in more healing than Moira and Ana. Flat. Doesn’t matter how little more; mercy also brings mobility, damage boost, and rez