Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Can confirm that the SC2 balance team is competent.


Fix Mercy already.


You mean Jeff Kaplan and Geoff Goodman? They arent around much it seems. I hope they at least were able to take a look at the suggested solutions for Mercy. At this point the dev team should be aware about the concerns we have the only question that remains is will they act upon them?


i know theres been plenty of mercy posts but i made a suggestion that i think would work out well for her if y’all wanna take a look, idk if this idea’s been suggested already or not but i personally havent seen so yeah


Invincibility is too strong, adding a cast time as a compromise isn’t always the solution since cast time means higher failure rate and if Mercy is sacrificing herself for fail res, then we don’t need her.

That slow is best filled by someone like Zen.

They original decrease team mates immobilised stat because they were getting back into to the game too late and couldn’t protect their Mercy during Post Res.

It is a good direction but if it goes wrong we will be back to square one, where they would have to reduce or remove cast time with effect occurring at end to ensure it succeeds.

(Not to mention, if they wanted to do this in the first place, they would have done so since Beta, but they reverted this idea immediately, so it is unlikely it will be implemented.)

You should really read the whole post before replying, as at the very end of your post you acknowledge and apologize for this strawman. The funny part is I agree with your conclusion, and you personally know I do as I’ve admitted to in the past. However your argument for said conclusion is nothing but bias and opinion, and I can’t get behind that.

Denial of evidence does not stop the existence of that evidence. I have specifically tagged you in those same instances in the past, as well, i’ve linked a few of those instances into this very same thread. To do so again would both be redundant. So here’s a link to that post already made in this thread.

It’s Trolling This post is inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.

Having a conversation with somebody in one thread, and then replying to them in another thread specifically to play a popularity contest with the reply “thank me later boo” is not Trolling? Bringing in other people irrelevant to the actual discussion is not trolling? Even giving you the benefit of the doubt here, the continuous arguments in multiple threads from said person for no other reason than to argue more than warrants a report for harassment, but go ahead and continue to defend that type of behavior. You’re just as guilty in many instances.

You mean that? To a person that wasn’t you and you took it upon yourself to dog pile on in defense of said person? Now lets finally get back to the only actual topic that’s worth discussing.

No. that is very clearly an opinion you are presenting as fact. You having reasoning to form that opinion does not make it a fact. It is still an opinion.

You and I have been over this specifically in other threads. Not only did you admit that this was an overall average across all elo’s rather than GM specific stats, you intentionally lied in order to uphold that argument by trying to say you can’t possibly view GM specific stats.

You’re right, it is, so i’m not sure why you’re mentioning it.

The option to extend GA even further and not start the cooldown until after GA is fully finished does not make the cooldown longer. The cooldown is still the exact same, you are just in the animation of GA for longer.

In what universe though?

No, she needed a lot of buffs to her ultimate, and even then her ultimate was still ultimately unimpactful in the grand scheme of things. Mercy with mass res was stagnant, plain and simple. With her in that state, their was never a chance of her having any real impact, or seeing any use in pro play, aside from damage boosting Phara and Widow.

Yes, this is how balancing works. Mercy gains extra utility, in order to balance this, you take away from one of the many things she excels at. And still, she is by far the best pocket healer in the game, so they very specifically didn’t stop her intended niche.

You having reasoning to form that opinion does not make it a fact. It is still an opinion.

Is this before or after the invulnerability buff? Either way, I’m pretty sure forcing a team to aid in getting off a powerful ability like resurrect is a lot more complicated than something like, shift+q without consequence. Personally, I agree it feels terrible, then again the only thing I find enjoyable about Mercy is GA’s bunny hop and super jump mechanics. Though compared to what it was, it is now much more of a risk than ever and actually requires team work and/or heavy game sense to successfully get that rez off without being punished. Either way, mass res, even as you’ve suggested it with it’s balance changes would not solve either problem.

Really? because you have advocated that Valk is terrible on many instances, yet in that sentence, Jeff is saying both Valk and Res as it was were strong enough to be ultimate’s. In that specific patch, he was absolutely right. An instant cast of res on 30 seconds was very much strong enough to be an ultimate, even more so with a second charge. However the result of that nerf, though has made mercy feel clunky, did in fact solve the problem of an ability feeling like an ultimate. You taking that sentence out of context did in fact change the whole meaning behind it.

Which is a lot of the problem, yes. You are far to concerned with making a hero fun instead of balanced. So much so that what you’re advocating for does nothing to balance that hero, and only shifts the power they once had to another part of their kit to appeal more fun. Meanwhile with a stale year long meta and only one viable main healer, the game is suffering from said hero being unbalanced. I can totally agree with you, Mercy should both be fun and viable. However lets first make her balanced, and go from their rather than ranting for a year that she’s not how you want her to be.

Hey, I’m not the one who created that strawman to begin with. I very specifically said:

Not that “I dismantled” or what ever you and another person have tried to argue I said.

I fail to see the irony. You have said nothing that could be considered a figure of speech, or even an idiom for that matter. And i have yet to take a figure of speech literal to form an argument just for the sake of arguing instead of actually defending a position or point.

I firmly hold my position on this. Now more than ever.

Just want to point out that I didn’t get suspended yet for quoting a post.


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Shout out for getting muted after attempting to mediate between people in the community and probably got muted for making a joke tbh, so that’s fun.


At this point I’m honestly hoping that’s the case, the pros seem to be the only players whose input Blizzard actually listens to so if they’re not using her maybe the devs will finally realize that her current state is a problem.


How about going from different direction? Mercy always succeeds in using resurrect, but dead teammates, instead of being invulnerable, respawn with about 20% of their health, damage resistance, and regenerate that health to 100%, before they can move. Alive teammates also receive damage resistance and regeneration, while Mercy herself is immune to damage.

We don’t complain that Zenyatta always can use Transcendence, because teammates still can be killed, even while it’s nearly instant ult and Zenyatta himself is immune to any damage.

The problem with coming back with 20% health means that heroes with 200 HP will come back with 40HP and would be instant killed, yes regen could save them, but too risky, heroes like D.Va would be bought back in baby form to just die and for the duration the ult is active, mercy can gain charge and prepare for round 2 of res

In the end you could end up with Mercy bring people back to die quite quickly and only Mercy survives

If we want to encourage Mercy to use tempo rez, that will do just that, as going for huge rez will not work. 1-2 resurrected teammates can be protected by their alive allies, but going for 4-5 is likely to backfire.

I mean, at high ranks Tempo Rez really doesn’t need encouragement once it is balanced better, there isn’t really much other choice.

And at lower ranks, people hold off on rez because they stand a little bit more of a chance at living for a mass rez and even if their team is uncoordinated, there is a chance that so is the enemy and she still might live in the right circumstances and it will punish bad ult economy and lower ranks will likely improve and stop throwing 4-5 ults to capture a point.

Realistically, it was a more versatile ultimate that usually got less versatile as you went up the ranks. I think in lower ranks you need that versatility in the beginning, it helps to better learn the situations that surround you. I still duck out of fights like I have mass rez, except it is also pointless now, sooo.

But it needs encouragement in lower ranks, where it used to be “broken”, because one damaging ultimate wasn’t enough to get you victory in that situation.

You try to create teamwork in tiers having none.

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People didn’t really complain it was broken, until Pro-Players and streamers started crying because people were abusing the system at their levels and being able to rez behind a wall endorsed their climb with an SR bug.

If that Mercy has to do it out in the open, which many rezzes were out in the open anyway, then they have no excuse except to improve upon themselves to deal with the situations before them.

If an individual is getting multiple games in which a Mercy had Mass Resurrect, then they should use their brain and be ready to try and stop that. If someone is unwilling as an individual to open their eyes and stop something that they know the enemy has, then that person is to blame.

Obviously, no cast time and all other things created a whole other set of issues, but for the most part, people didn’t even bother to look around for a Mercy approaching for a rez. They deserve the situation that comes next, because if you can’t be bothered to learn to play the game and pay attention to the situations around you, then you don’t deserve to win unless you are stomping the enemy team that much otherwise, but once they reach a level where their skill is matched, that Mercy getting the rez will still piss them off because now they spent all that time ignoring her, she is owning all of their wipes and has learnt to do so successfully but they haven’t bothered to pay attention to her until this point. They don’t deserve to be there.

If you want to stop Trans, kill the Zen and then ult.
With an adjusted resurrect, the concept should be no different. Don’t want the rez to happen, then open your eyes and kill the Mercy.

Supports have to open their eyes for killing ults, stun ults, pretty much anything that could result in their death, well everyone else needs to start doing the same for Supports as well. We shouldn’t have the support ults glazed over because they don’t kill anything, people should be saying “this minimizes my chance of success, lets take this out first”. Once a person improves enough, it could only take one to bother to find her, focus her. In those days, her mobility was not as crazy as now.


To stop Trans, you just pick burst damage hero, making it pointless. Most defensive ults could be dodged, and since DPS ult generally is faster to charge, it means that supports have less opportunities to switch heroes, if they want to get ult.

That alone makes resurrect not only versatile, but more reliable option to stop team wipes: you don’t have to switch, so you can reliably defend team, and their hero choices don’t ruin your day.

Then maybe we should also be advocating for more reliability on some of the support ults and the reliability of the supports in general.

And I mean, being honest at lower ranks the coordination isn’t quite strong enough there to try an counter Trans or Sound Barrier anyway. Like, if they won’t look for Mercy, they won’t really try and stop Zen from using his ability let alone picking characters or trying to do things that counter it.

Low ranks will always make support ults look stupidly strong, but should we be taking them all out so the people can be baby sat?

No, make them learn.
Leave it there so they can learn strategy and awareness.
Any competitive game requires you to learn things: Strategy, Awareness, Positioning, Threat Priorities
It’s time to stop punishing supports that are good at their jobs from the start because of their history of playing these kinds of characters and only spend more time improving their play for the best results for their team and instead punish players who don’t to basic game knowledge.

I am all for balance, I am not for nerfing characters because people can’t handle the idea that someone who is an active participant more toward their team rather than then enemy and can minimize their effectiveness without actually killing them.

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Some of those players, unfortunately, made it to higher tiers, due to great matchmaking, without gaining experience in that area. This leaves us with “pro” players, that both are listened to, and still dislike to hunt supports.

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How should I put it… whilst true, it all depends on how well mercy is healing at gold and under.

Like if my healing is carrying the team, then I won’t res… this was why my average was around 6 res and on average I bought 2 to 3 people back per use, because I kept holding off as I was confident in my healing to not need it

This was due to being counter ult, I knew if I just fire a res, chances are the enemy will just fire their ult.


It has been a problem since season 1 and bare in mind, rank doesn’t reset so as long as you get good matches… You won’t really fall out of rank unless you purposely throw and derank or play bad or not being overall serious

In conclusion, MMR becomes more important than SR, since SR is not reflective of true skill