Known Technical Support Issues

Windows 10 Displaying 0% GPU Usage

In the latest few builds of Windows 10, there is a display bug which causes Overwatch to display as using 0% of your dedicated GPU. In the majority of cases, the GPU is being used correctly, and this is simply a display issue.

If you are using a desktop PC, ensure that your monitor is plugged into the correct graphics card. For the majority of PCs, your dedicated GPU will be about midway down the tower. The ports near the top of the PC will usually connect to your motherboard/CPU graphics card, and will result in worse performance. If you need help identifying which ports are the correct ones for your PC, look up the model online.

To check to make sure your GPU is being used correctly, we recommend using HWMonitor. If you use this utility while playing, you should see that your dedicated GPU is being used by checking the “Max” column after playing.

If you are having performance issues, crashes, etc, which make you worry your GPU is not working correctly, check out our troubleshooting resources.

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