If you don’t want to read this post, move along. This post is specifically for the devs. I feel they deserve to at least know why I, and others are leaving their game.
If you want an example of how to make a positive, productive reply to this topic:
Although sometimes I don’t always agree with RichC, I love him for his outstanding positivity. Instead of saying “good bye, no one cares about you”, he took time to make a positive counter post to mine and I appreciate that more than he could know.
This thread is about creating discussion around things that Overwatch can do to improve. Please stay on topic.
And thanks RichC <3
To be clear, I don’t want to quit playing Overwatch. I love the game but there are too many things working against it now.
I can’t justify spending so many hours in Overwatch because the amount of fun you get out of it is a joke compared to the amount of frustration you get.
I am going to move over to Paladins. Paladins isn’t perfect but they do SO many things better than Overwatch. I have already created a discussion around that game:
The biggest problem in Overwatch for me personally is: hero balance. Balance has ALWAYS been an issue since day 1.
2 years into the game and it is honestly worse that it ever was before. If you think the balance is fine, we clearly aren’t playing the same game with heroes like Bastion, Sombra, Doomfist, Mei, etc and there is no fixed patch schedule.
Then you have an insane amount of bugs. So many bugs that some heroes are almost not playable. Poor Rein.
Then you have toxicity, leavers, throwers, one tricks, etc. Competitive isn’t even playable anymore. I stopped playing Comp a few season ago. I only played enough games to place, and that was it. I haven’t even bothered with Season 10.
Then there are hundreds of little things that should exist but just don’t. Little things like; no new core game mode, not being able to see your team through walls, not being able to customize your HUD, not having a ready button for you and your group before launching the matchmaker, not being able to filter/favorite icons and cosmetics, cosmetics not being shared between platforms, no clan or guild system, no in game ways to find groups, no replays or better stats or match history, poor communication system, etc.
I could go on for a very long time about things the game needs, in fact, Ive made posts about that too:
Not to mention the very slow rate for the lore. In a game that is suppose to be all about the heroes, we still hardly know anything about the original 21 heroes.
The main reason I even looked into Overwatch was because I was drawn to the characters and the story… and in 2 years, the main story hasn’t even moved forward.
I will still follow Overwatch but I just can’t play it anymore. Again, to be clear, I WANT to play Overwatch but until some improvements are made on this game, I just can’t deal with it anymore.
Sadly, I am not the only person leaving. 7+ other friends that I normally play Overwatch with are also all moving over to Paladins. They are also frustrated with Overwatch for many of the exact same reasons as me.
So… devs read this post or not, I just feel like getting frustrated and leaving a message yelling about how I can’t play Overwatch anymore wasn’t very productive.
I feel that if I am going to stop playing the game, devs should at least know why and hopefully sometime in the future Overwatch could be improved upon and I could actually enjoy playing it again.