Why I'm NOT quitting Overwatch đź’ˇ

First off if you don’t want to read the post, I have video version of this thread that sums up everything I will post below.

Video Version

First off, let me say I’m not here to talk down to anyone who has created quit threads, or has the desire to stop playing Overwatch. I understand your frustrations, your concerns, and I think there is merit behind them. In fact, I myself was on the verge of quitting Overwatch right before season 10 (mainly because I knew how the stun stacking was going to make playing Reinhardt very frustrating).

I slowly began to HATE solo queue as season 10 started. I quickly realized I was at the mercy of the random chaos that is match making. I had healers who didn’t know they had to dump MORE healing economy into Rein with all the stuns in the game. I had dps players who struggled to adjust to the stacking of counters against their favorite flanker heroes like Genji and Tracer.

Toxicity, lack of team composition, lack of ult synergy, lack of communication, throwers, I hated it. So I know what you are going through. I almost pulled the plug myself…

But then I remembered something I learned from my college days when I graduated from the Leadership academy on my college campus: Create The Solution

So I did. I got on the forums and I created this thread in the PC LFG section of the forums:

If you look at that thread, I dumped everything I had into it, I made it look like some kind of gamer resume, where I provided video content of my gameplay. I provided information on the kind of Leadership skills I bring to Overwatch as a tank main, and I promoted the kind of “friendly” gamer mentality I was looking for.

BOOM I got some responses and sure enough, I was under way to forming a 5+ team stack.

Now you might be saying, hey won’t the match making punish you bad for team stacking. To this I can only say the following:

  • I think for the MASSIVE pool of players in silver/gold/plat really benefit from their greatest strength which is playing as a team, with team minded players. Sure I think when you get to mid diamond the player skill shoots thru the roof and the match making becomes much tougher.

However, my team is playing against teams 300+ SR higher than us and we are STILL dominating them because we are not intimidated; we play as a team and WIN!

More so than any of this, these new players I have found have restored my fun for this game. They encourage me, they push me to be better, and we are becoming MORE comfortable playing with each-other. All of us have a competitive spirit, so yes we are trying very hard (which means we are playing meta heroes to start but adjust to the fight as needed).

So my advice. Play with a team. Find team oriented players. This will CUT away MOST of the complaints people have which is toxicity, throwers, leavers, and uncooperative teammates.

When we started playing, a lot of us were a mix of plat and gold. Now we are all plat (with one of teammates hitting diamond yesterday)… and I’m slowly closing in behind him as the next diamond player from our team.

I was about to quit, but now I’m not, because I created the solution to this season. I found a team. And if anything I’ve wrote has made sense to you, I recommend you do the same. You will have a much MUCH better Overwatch/gaming experience.

2000th post btw.

Special Thanks

Kazzie, Prophecy, Derp, Spectre, GoldenPants (our favorite Swed), Sweet, and all the others that play on the team! Thank you so much!

Here is gameplay footage of my new team:


All praise RichC.
Me neither, I will stay.


Why I’m not quitting OW: Blizzard owns my soul. :man_shrugging:


Respect the Rein mains. Always.


As long as there are tank mains to kill, then this Bastion main will be there to kill them.

RichC you know me im staying for the long haul.


Why I’m not quitting OW: Because I hate MOBA, RTS, PUBG, MMORPG, and I need to talk to people so I don’t go insane programming 24/7.


Then wonderful me came along, eh ? :wink:

I got mentioned :scream:


honestly I’m gone after BFA releases…i have tree to burn and support mah warchief

Live with Honor!


As long as there are Reins to heal you can count with my Caduceus Staff


This is a solution that is not viable for many people. While I appreciate your post into try to get more people involved to stay and you have some VERY good points, your solutions only solve the problem for the rare minority of the player base.

Your solution, however, does not cater to those causal people who don’t comp and just want to play QP or events. This also doesn’t pertain to the solo people, like myself, who just log into have fun, which I don’t anymore.

I used to play with a group of people and it was TONS of fun. However, those people have moved on and I started to queue solo. And slowly it began to fade whereas now OW Is not catered to the solo causal player bae and more-so geared towards the hardcore pro player.

I am unable to sit alone and have a “good” match with pub players because of a variety of reasons, which I will not name here.

I’m glad this solution worked for you. But i still have to move onto another game.


I remember that beautiful Zarya ult. As Junkrat would say. Brings a tear to me eye. :,)

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Stacking is best, last time i six-stacked it was in S3, we were on 11 winstreak, unstoppable, so much fun, best competitive times.

But time passed; players left, ranks changed…

Its pretty hard(impossible) to create a six stack at higher elo with people who talks in foreign language like us… :frowning:

Iam glad you are having a blast again RichC :).


I like to play with different people every time. I also like to change up the heroes I play, I’d have to be part of several teams to have the experience I want; team A has me as the guy who’ll play Mercy, team B has me as the guy who plays anchor tanks, on team C I’m Pharah/Tracer etc etc. I wouldn’t want to be locked into one role all the time.

I get what you are saying and I respect it.
like I mentioned in the video, I wanted to “create the solution” and because Overwatch is, more or less, and older game now, I’m probably going to have to continue this trend of constantly finding more players to team up with because more and more will slowly drop off.

I know what you mean about the solo queue experience, I was there, and I hated it, but until Blizzard FINALLY puts in some kind of in-game features that helps us formulate teams/guilds. This is the only solution/answer I can share/give to everyone.

Thank you for your reply and respectful post btw. I understand the limitations you are referring to.


I won’t quit completely, but it’s pretty difficult to enjoy the game in its current state. So, I’ll mostly be playing other stuff while I keep an eye open for updates.

An idea that should be a feature in the game since day one and yet we are in the second year without it.

Looking for group feature exists in HOTS as well, a game with much smaller fanbase. The lack of it is one of the reasons why a lot of people are frustrated or quitting the game. It would be far more easier to find players through the game because not many visit the forums for any reason.

Also in my humble opinion, solo queue should be equally enjoyable as pre-made stacks. There are a lot of people, myself included, who play two or three times maximum per week due to work and other obligations so finding friends to play the same time as I do is not always achievable.

If we had separated solo queue and dynamic queue, perhaps things would be much smoothly and fair when it comes for match making. Yet again, this is another feature that exists in an other Blizzard game and not in this one.


Kind of on-topic. I play Rein sometimes, but I’m really bad at him. However, yesterday I was so proud of getting a Reinhardt achievement for the first time.


Isn’t it a little sad that you have to use such a convoluted solution to a problem that Blizzard is obligated to fix, and every other multiplayer game has already fixed, simply by adding a social component, team builder, LFG…to the game?

I mean, good on you, but it is sad that it should be so much easier.


This game is so much better when playing as a team and six stacking. It feels just flat out better. I mainly play in a six stack on this main account. Is the group I play with the best players? No but it’s fun. I got my alt account which is in Masters but ugh that is only used to solo q. Most the time I just do placements on it and that’s about it.

I always suggest people try to find a group to play with.