I Quit (RichC) đŸș

I have been saying this ever since before I made my post about why I quit.

There has been so many issues but every time you try to bring something up on the forums, people just pretend like its no big deal.

Im sorry but Overwatch should NOT be in the state that it is in right now. Its so sad to watch how they have handled this whole thing.

The 2 biggest problems with Overwatch right now is 1) Balance and 2) Bugs. They almost go hand in hand. Bonus problem is lack of story/lore

If they don’t do a major overhaul within the next 6-8 months, Overwatch will die.

There are too many other good games coming out for people to care about a game that is as sloppy as Overwatch is at the moment

Granted, I dont want this to be the case. I want Overwatch to be good. Its my favorite game ever, but its just in a huge mess right now.


I hope you all keep the same attitude for the next ‘i quit’ thread created by rando99 and don’t go full babydva on them.

The hypocrisy here is through the roof. That’s exactly how many act to unknown posters but if someone dares to pull the same nonsense with your forum waifu, it’s suddenly over the line? :roll_eyes:


Who is this guy again

You should be ashamed of yourself.

RichC has done more for more people and for this game as a whole, than you could probably ever hope to.

To lose this hero, is a genuine tragedy

Blizzard let him down, Blizzard ignored him and his hero.

And here you are, letting him down right along with them.

We need these heroes
 Not the ones in game, but those who made this community what it is
 And to see one of them hang up their armor
 makes me wish i could follow in their footsteps.


Oh, I understand the “sad to see him go” part. I genuinely do. It is all of the weird “context” that seems circumstantial that makes me feel it is less worship/admiration and more obsession to be COMPLETELY honest. That is fine though, you do you. I, personally, never respect anyone to that degree regardless of how great they are. That is just my prerogative. I do not mind that people are disheartened about this.

I am actually happy that he left for extremely selfish reasons. Such a well-respected member leaving is going to help open people’s eyes that this game has problems and WE are the people who can fix it. If everyone that cared about him leaving focused their energy on getting longtime bugs fixed, that would objectively be something that RichC influenced. Sadly, I doubt it will go down that way.

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 go read my post where I said I quit. LOL
I was torn apart for trying to highlight some of the very things that RichC did.


Buddy RichC was a friend. I usually don’t comment on the “I quit” posts, but this was different because someone who was a friend is leaving. Usually when I see someone saying they quit I read why and try to see it from their point of view. I respect their decision and I do not insult them and those who are sad to see them go.

lol I didn’t even think about that but you are absolutely correct. Random person says they are leaving? All the posts are “Nobody cares”. RichC or JammyJelly says they are leaving? “Everyone act sad and leave tributes or be outcast!”


RichC to you my friend

Thanks for the Hammond tips awhile back which really helped. Sad to see Rein being left like this.


Here’s the thing. People like RichC and they don’t owe you any explanation whatsoever as to why they do. However, if you don’t like this thread and fail to understand why it exists or even why people like RichC so much, you’re more than welcome to see yourself out of this thread and move on. :v:


You may have put down your shield my friend but I’ll hold it while your gone. Honestly I’ve started to main Rein and Orisa I’ll have to change my player icon so that people will know I’m a friendly tank player
Rein Icon or Orisa icon tho? Hmmmm

It’s sad to see you go man, you were always so nice and positive which can be hard to come by on these forums. I hope you’ll be back soon but have fun try new games and keep a smile on your face!

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Yes but I bought the Pink Mercy skin so as far as I’m concerned I have done my bit to help save the world. I don’t need to be extra like RichC and I don’t need your approval or recognition. I’m just here to play and discuss Overwatch - as was intended for us all to do before you decided to elevate certain members of this community for
 being overly positive or whatever.

I mean. You could just go discuss the game, like you claim you want to rather than berating people in a thread you supposedly don’t care about.

People liked him because he was genuinely nice poster and posted for awhile. I don’t see the issue honestly. Why hate on people for liking him?

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Do not think i meant it as a personal attack, i was trying to make a point about ‘i quit’ (or otherwise highly critically) threads in general. I’ll edit out the ‘some of you’, that’s a bit misleading.

Oh and don’t you call me buddy, buddy!

and yet you choose to spend your time in this thread just to belittle people that are upset someone they liked is gone


I am deeply sorry you have to deal with all these terrible, toxic sheep.

I commend you and your work, for most of us are too afraid to do so ourselves.

So, some of you came here just to talk szzhit? Why do you care? Move on and let them be.

Yawn, another of those threads.

So, you’re level 655. I’ll go back to check if you actually quit and you didn’t level up, otherwise this is just another request for attentions.

But I already know how is gonna end.


RichC was enough of a positive force on the forums that I’m hoping people care enough to keep this going and get a dev response on his complaints. Maybe then he’ll come back

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