Healer Vision and/or New Chevrons

Hey everyone! Im back! :grin:

First post on the new forums and I want to bring back to everyone’s attention something that I had posted on the old forums.

We NEED to see our team (especially our healers) through the walls and at the VERY LEAST we need new chevrons. (plus symbol for support, shield for tanks, bullets for DPS)

My last post about this lived on the forums for about a year with over 650 upvotes and over 15 pages of comments. It was a very supported idea by everyone and we never had any response to it.

I will copy and paste my old post here:

Honestly. I don’t understand why this isn’t already a thing. When your supports need your help, it would be easier for everyone if the supports could just be seen through the walls.

Supports see non supports through walls already
Non supports should see supports through walls

That Mercy that is slowly falling to her death because she has been pushed off the edge and she is yelling to you to come to the edge and youre all like… uh what edge… then she dies

Or that Ana who is trying to land some shots on you but you walk around the one wall thinking Ana is there, while she is on the other side of something, then you have this strange game of tag with Ana because you are having a hard time getting in her LoS

Or when you are asking for some orbs to the face but Zenny boy is hiding around the corner but you don’t know where he is…

It would be a game improvement for supports and non supports making everyone’s life easier. Please can we have this. Please

Also if you wanted to take it one step further, put in the top left (like in Junkensteins Revenge and in spectator mode) the 6 hero portraits that show who is alive, hp, ult status, etc. Why force me to constantly hit TAB when you can just put this vital information on the screen. I know this would make Ana’s life so much better. She could see who is close to ult so she could land her Nana boosts easier.

EDIT: I still think, several months later, that the game could still use this feature

Alright folks.

Lets keep the discussion going on the new forums!
(hopefully we will get some kind of reply on this)

edit: apparently you can’t bump your own posts anymore, so if a topic dies when you post it… thats it? Youll have to delete it and try again like this is reddit now?


To the top with you.


I never understood the “game” reason that ONLY healers get to see their team mates models through walls.

Knowing WHO is where in overwatch is vital for ALL team mates.

It’s especially frustrating as with mic communication- this information CAN be easily gathered and shared anyways

It’s just arbitrarily locked away. If there’s a reason for this, I’d love to know what it actually is.


God Bless You <3 :heart_eyes:


I agree that everyone should know where their team is regardless of being a healer or not. It just makes more sense.


Exactly, its not like its secret information. This just complements mic usage to help you communicate with your team. Its not like a MOBA where you can just say “top, mid or bot”


You asked nicely in the other thread and I actually agree with this post. The least I could do :stuck_out_tongue:


As a healer, I support this.

To often my teammates did run in the opposite direction, screaming “I need healing!”, and I tried to follow them in frustration until I realized… They can’t see me.

The only thing which is important but that would be a general thing. I think the kill cam should not give away the positions of your team mates.


Well you are heaven-sent :heart:

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Oooooh the spectator-mode-like addition to your idea is genius! I agree with all of it. This would all be very helpful, at the very least having non-supports see their supports.


Exactly. Or at the least, new chevrons


I agree. This 110% needs to be added. Updating the chevrons would be such a welcomed change.


Agreed! 100% Made a post about this same thing months ago, got 80 upvotes and 0 downvotes. Don’t understand why it hasn’t been implemented.


I know how you feel. The original post on the old forums was like 650+ upvotes. This is a wanted feature. No different than the opacity slider or the health bars to Zens HUD.

This change simply needs to happen for the overall health of the game, even if its nothing more than changing the current chevrons so you can tell which team members are healers, tanks, dps, etc.


Why is this not being discussed more? This is something that the game needs desperately


I agree but good discussions seem to die faster on the new forums with endless scroll and live updates. If a top isn’t being discussed is disappears in seconds.


I support this request.


Again, this is something we should be talking about. New chevrons would be so nice

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I don’t think chevrons themselves but just seeing your support through walls. Chevrons will clutter the screen more and blind side you as bad as the old objective marker. I think supports should be the only one to see their whole team since it’s something I find special about them.

Supports are normally team captains in teams since they have all the knowledge since they can see everything. But I would find it okay if team mates can see their healers through walls (only their healers) since it leads to better protection, and lets you know where to retreat.

Again though, I think healers should be the only ones to see their whole team. It’s what makes a Plat Lucio/Mercy separated from their Grandmaster counter parts. A good Healer will always be calling out info, use their Healer vision to know who to protect and call out when a team mate is in trouble.


As someone who plays a lot of Ana, I feel like my teammates being able to see me would actually help with a lot of Line of Sight issues that plenty of people seem to have.

Honestly, if people can see their teammates better I’d think they’d be more aware of their own positioning in the grand scheme of things and could improve themselves as a result.

It could potentially be one of the things that make the game better for everyone.