Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

Rushing a rework out in 2 months was a horrible idea and caused massive balance issues for an entire year, they should’ve spent more time to fix the old kit as the fixes need were minor changes and would’ve maybe needed only a month or 2 to do properly unlike 2.0 which need far far more time in the oven to be done properly and even now its a half baked rework that most people still aren’t content with.

I was asking you a question answer it or stop with needless pedantic statements.


See this friends? That’s what we call an opinion. Usually, people try to avoid needlessly blurting things like this out when arguing. Some people seem to think it helps though!


I personally feel that it was an excellent idea to act swiftly to remove the very worst power ever in the game, bar none

There were no means I know of or have been suggested to me in dozens of mercy-related threads that would allow Mass Rez to remain in the game and the massive/severe problems it caused resolved.

Removing Mass Rez swiftly from the game was imo absolutely the right call

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But in it’s place they gave her the ability to rez 4 times in a matter of 20 seconds negating the most easy counter there was to Mass Rez and that was staggering.

I don’t want to see Mass Rez to return, but stating the Mass Rez was worse than Released Valk where she became a must pick…then i’m sorry we will have to disagree. I feel released Valk was the very worst power ever in the game.


Well isn’t this the funniest slice of truth. Echo should be… interesting.


Asking for “impossible” evidence is a common tactic on the forums, hence why I’ve started just talking about personal experiences instead. I mean, some people here read stats like the devil reads the Bible.

I don’t have any proof of my experience being that of the general OW player, but the fact that what used to be the most popular character in a limited class category is just average in popularity now speaks volumes. If all those “Mercy OTP” players were still here the issues with queue times might not have been quite as big.


Unfortunately, though I think this was lost in the shuffle of the news cycle, Bioware has dropped any plans to continue producing content for the Anthem. Mind you, this is a vague recollection that could be wildly off mark, so take this with a grain of salt.

Same for me. Other than a little forum lurking the only time I’ve played or been involved with OW in almost any way since late-ish last year was for a couple of ai games to see what the workshop was like. And just like the Mercy rework, I doubt this situation will change.

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oh she still sucks in the bottom tiers but I just play baptiste now, and now it’ replaced with dps ant 2-2-2 whiners.

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This doesn’t sound right, they released content only a week or so ago. I think they still create content, it’s just slow and nothing spectacular.

“Megadodo vs the world”

Coming soon to a cinema near you


I want to commend you for being so patient with that guy even though he just wants to be toxic and belligerent.


Some people Just love to stir the pot… smh…

Thanks. I am sometimes the toxic and belligerent guy :slight_smile:

So, like, it seems fair :slight_smile:

There have always been complaints here on the forums, but they were usually counter balanced by unmitigated praise* towards Blizzard. Now I see more of the former, and far less of the latter.

*Were you there when Jeff found one of those posts, and said that is the kind of feedback they wanted? Made me sick honestly.

in response to: “C’mon man, that’s kinda harsh. While I’d prefer a version of Mass Rez with tweaks and an ability that can help combo into big rezzes while still allowing counterplay, I’ll happily take a mass burst heal, or any other solid idea. There’s been a few, a lot of them probably need tweaks but it’d still be something.”

That took… 15 minutes? I left a lot of hypocrisy out as the subject was vilification for wanting changes and surfing through 50+ pages including your username and “anti” doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to spend my day off.

At least make it hard next time Dodo.


Inb4: I have never posted hypocrisy
Inb4: I am taking this as a personal attack
Inb4: clarifications


I think the fact that they were thirsty and desperate enough to go hunting for someone elses posts like that speaks volumes for itself. SAD!

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I’m sorry but this post is worded in a way that it sounds like a meme/tweet taken from a certain presidents twitter. Very cool, Kanye!

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Who, Trump? You’re afraid to say the word Trump? He isn’t Voldemort. Grow a pair.