"Mercy is fine fun is subjective play someone else"

I respectfully disagree

C’mon man, that’s kinda harsh. While I’d prefer a version of Mass Rez with tweaks and an ability that can help combo into big rezzes while still allowing counterplay, I’ll happily take a mass burst heal, or any other solid idea. There’s been a few, a lot of them probably need tweaks but it’d still be something.

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Junkrat Wave Hey Symmetra, Noice seeing you here.

uhm, excuse me but why does the way someone responds irks you this much?

If you have something to discuss do so, if you rather not engage in a conversation with someone you deem “pretentious”, then don’t, you’ll achieve nothing criticizing someone who hasn’t asked for your opinion on their speech


I agree. Some form of agreement would be lovely, though seemingly… not easily obtainable. Still a nice thought nonetheless.

With regards to her base kit, I have no problems with it, besides res and her ultimate. That’s pretty much it. But I’ve spoken ad nauseum about my thoughts about that, so I’ll digress. Perhaps in another thread, for sure.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Not everyone in the anti-Mercy faction is similarly flexible


It’s what people do when they can’t come up with anything to “argue”


Sorry if it sounds harsh but there’s no other way to put it, it’s been a year and a half and nothing has changed, Mercy has been super strong, super weak and balanced yet people who want mass rez aren’t happy, and they won’t be, unless mass rez is back

There’s no rationale behind it, they want mass rez, period


This is…increadibly misleading. No one here is anti-mercy. Someone who’s anti-Mery would be opposed to the character existing at all. At any rate, more folks are flexible than some would believe. It just takes avoiding knee jerk responses.


A balanced form of it, for the most part. Mind you, if another idea was presented that ticked the boxes of fun for folks who want it back, myself included, it’d still be a win. Anything that feels less clunky than it does now would work.


Exactly. Speaking for myself, Mercy is literally my most played hero, by fair. And I have the stats to prove it (as opposed to one of which I will not name at this time) I’d consider myself anything but an “anti-Mercy”, and wanting Mass Rez or a revert doesn’t change that. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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The rationale behind them talking about it is because they miss it and that’s rationale enough my dude. Although I don’t want to see mass res back, discussing it with them and trying to understand them more and more helps everybody have healthier discussions. In my opinion, there is absolutely no reason to say things that offer no value other than to be negative, like you sort of did back there.


Given that i have supplied the meaning of this term as I use it many times across many Mercy-related threads, I do not see it as misleading at all. It helps delineate two distinct groups of people.

There is a metube account bearing the same name where the player appears to be playing one character exclusively

that one character isn’t Mercy

That’s not how definitions work. That also doesn’t remove the implications. No one here is anti-Mercy. We all want something positive for the character. Claim otherwise if you want but that doesn’t change it.


I’m not sure that’s true because guess what? current rez is as balanced as rez (as a mechanic) can be

Here’s how I see it, remember when Mercy players wanted an E ability? the sole truth is that an E ability on top of Mass rez was overkill, so this is very simple, you want mass rez back? then Mercy cannot have an E ability and GA needs to be slower as it was before, no super jumps, no buggy GA glide and on top of that you need to instate any sort of gating mechanic that makes mass rez be less frustrating to play against (LoS at least)

you would need to effectively push Mercy into the ground just for mass rez to go back and THAT is inadmissible

What I meant was that there’s no rationale behind the complaints, Mercy can be the most viable and strong character and they wouldn’t be happy, they weren’t happy when mercy was mandatory so what does it take? nothing, they just want mass rez back

If there’s anyone who has jumped into discussions with them is me, as a matter of fact I created a concept rework that considered both sides and the reactions I got from the Mercy-haters (yes, haters because they hate her current state) was that it wasn’t mass rez and that they just wanted that back and funny enough, the answers I got from those who enjoy her was that they loved the idea

So you see, I’m not trying to toot my horn saying that I tried but I hella did and all I found was their true face

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If #MercyIsFine or #nerfMercy is allowed to exist. #reworkMercy, #buffMercy, or #revertMercy is allowed to exist as well. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. People are entitled to their opinions on what they believe should be done to the hero (or not done), and the problems arise when we start telling others that their opinions are worse than ours, or refer to them in derogatory ways (like flat-earthers or cultists). We may not agree to everything, but I believe that the sooner people learn to accept eachothers difference in opinions regarding Mercy and leave it at that, rather than attack, slander and insult someone simply for disagreeing with them, the better for the community as a whole. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I have explained my definition of the term as I use it many times.

I dont have anything to add to that

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You know very well which have existed for far longer even when Mercy was mandatory, she is fine now, so the first # exists just to combat your illogical year and a half crusade

Don’t come here acting like you didn’t try to squash everyone’s opinion when the rework first hit, you changed your username and was one of the first people to tell others that they were wrong and that this was the nail on the coffin of overwatch

and for the record I couldn’t care two cucumbers if you think Mercy needs a buff or not, I go into discussions because I enjoy seeing people’s point of view, you on the other hand, hunt for every single Mercy thread and either approve it if they agree with you or complain with your sassy smiley face if they don’t


You do realize that Total hero playtime = / = The heroes shown in a video… right?

You must have gotten the wrong “metube” account to make such an assumption.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.