Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

I was for about all of but 3 hours before i logged in on the day it launched and then promptly put it to public.

otherwise either way you strech your point it makes no sense at all as i also know other others who’ve done the same as i have.

and yes everyone was privated but alot of people are public profiled now and that percentage should be more then notable enough to extract reasonable enough info from.

perhaps you should tell that to doomfist and hanzo?

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Eh 1.0 was broken in the means that Mercy had to quite literally sacrifice herself to pull off her Rez.

1.0 with invulnerability was dumb but still not broken since a lot learned how to counter with either saving ults are staggering kills.

However 1.0 with invulnerability was going to become obsolete with the lack of any mid-fight potential. I think she would have needed some rework down the road.

But at the time she wasn’t bad. Her picks weren’t terrible but they weren’t massive either. Other heroes were in a much worse spot than her (some still are).

Personally I think the biggest problem was WHEN this rework happened.

Right in the middle of a season.


So what your saying is. We should nerf ana to the ground.

Lol jk

I keep trying to tell you (and others who hold the same opinion)

Making Mercy fun for her disenfranchised legacy playerbase doesn’t have to come at the expense of the fun had by her current one.

Us disenfranchised players see Mercy as an incomplete product. We want her kit to operate more fluidly, play with more intensity, and see new play options added, without taking any of what makes her currently fun away.

Do you like Mercy’s movement? I do too. It’s amazing!

Do you like how her gameplay is anchored in decision making? So do I - and I want more of it! More decisions to make, with higher stakes!

Do you like how rez demands that you think and do risk assessments every time you use it? I know how you feel - and I want that feeling to be able to scale way more intensely.

I’m not satisfied with the current intensity level of Mercy’s gameplay. I want it to scale all the way to extremes, but the current design stops at “mild intensity”.

It’s like… Liking a spicy dish, but not being happy that it only offers “non-spicy” and “mild” sauce toppings. I want “super spicy” added as a menu option - something that I can opt into, while people who don’t like that much spice can ignore the new menu option and keep using mild sauce to top that tasty dish.


She needed one for 1.0 that kept what people found engaging while fixing the problems, not a rework that caused even more problems which is what we got and that pissed alot of people off as we got more problems and less engagement on our favorite hero.

and the only reason she was viable at the time was because ana had been gutted to throw levels of unplayable

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You make it seem that I’m defending the rework.

I think they took her in a wrong direction with the rework.

I would have preferred it focused on her GA rather than figuring out in how to make Rez into an ability.

After all before the rework her consistency and mobility were they key aspects the devs talked about, not her Rez.

So I just feel that they could have done more with adding things to her GA for her rework instead of trying to make an ult into a basic ability and go “see how she has more utility now”.


Oh look! A Mercy thread with a lot of posts. Let’s check out some new opinions!

Oh, Dodo and Silawatsi have already been here.

I understand now.



Mercy 1.0’s problems were simple fixes:

Revert invulnerability and add a LoS/cast time to Rez to prevent it from being used in cheesey “hide n rez” strats

Add the bunnyhop/superjump tech to GA

Add a healing E that Mercy can use for the midfight, and as a middle ground between “my healing beam is enough to keep my team alive” and “oh no, it isn’t enough anymore and ressurecting teammates after they’re already dead is my only available backup plan


It wasn’t us!

…This time.


I genuinely envy your debate skills and both of y’all’s general energy on these forums. I don’t conduct myself well enough, nor do I feel encouraged enough to debate quite like you do, man. Keep up the good fight.

:laughing: thanks, man. My debate skills were forged in fire on this very site, and I’m actually pretty proud of how far I’ve come.

I used to be pretty rabid in my posting mannerisms, but a few years of writing daily essays and trying my best to win arguments with logic above all else have cooled me down.


I mean, the anti 2-2-2 people are actually worse then the old Mercy drama.

Stick them all in a mega thread where they belong

Doesn’t surprise me that the game is losing players due reworks and bad balancing. Tanks and Supports got beat with the nerf bat quite a bit cause of goats. Then 2-2-2 comes and they haven’t reverted any of the changes that everyone who isn’t blind or stupid knew they made in an attempt to kill goats. Then they wonder why no one wants to play support or tank.

Then there’s the problem of DPS = the only way to have fun mentality. Which a large portion of the player base seems to be afflicted with. I guess being able to play multiple roles just takes a flexible mind. Cause I know when I’m playing different roles I have to completely change my mode of thinking. So I can understand if someone just isn’t able to figure out a role because it’s not clicking with them mentally. I have certain heroes I can’t play because I can’t get a feel for them. But that’s only 4-5 heroes from the entire roster.

Right now like 99% of my playtime on heroes has all been for achievement hunting. (I have a little OCD) But sometimes I take a break and just go ham on heroes I like to play.

Anyway I’m done rambling now lol.


Okay I’m going to type this out real nice and easy while explaining the meaning of some words and how reading comprehension works for you, okay? Here we go.

Something being “anecdotal”. Here’s a direct definition.

(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.

So, they admitted to it being that. Now, you’re asking for proof of his >personal account

Now, how exactly do you want this proof? Do you want him to go track down everyone on his old friends list and screencap them saying they are a support main?

You want a screenshot of his friendslist with everyone offline?

He admitted to it being Anecdotal. Going “Nu uh! Gimme proof!” is the most backwards reply to that you can possibly make.


I’m getting a headache just reading all of their responses, how can you answer seriously?

really, how?


Apparently my phone’s autocorrect felt your name needed correcting.

As for everything else you said, I believe I’m going to need all the data that proves you’re not just trolling people.

As for your assertion that you need all the data. There’s a reason error is always present in any analysis.

It’s literally variance you cannot account for.

You will never have all the data.

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I made no such statement

I have hope that they will.

No way of knowing that, tho

Mass Rez was imo the very worst power ever added to the game, and as such, Mercy 1.0 was very broken


I see it as far more likely that such a change would harm rather than help, and as such, I’d prefer she be left as she is - fun, effective, and well balanced

There are over two dozen other characters for those who feel this way to choose from.

I and many others like her very much as she is

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2.0 launch valk has mass rez beat in that aspect, you could at least counter mass rez if you were half competent and kept 1 or 2 offensive ults on you to simply rewipe them.

they likely won’t

previous situations would indicate not, considering how they didn’t listen to you about Role Queue either and previous things.

I was asking you why you thought they’d listen to you above the mains from before who’s fun was ignored despite being UP as a hero and was only being used at the time because ana was a throw pick.


I am very glad that they swiftly removed mass rez when they did.

The decision to do that rework imo was and still is an excellent one

as I said, no such statement was made

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