#MercyIsFine - both balance and fun wise

Those some impressive super jump dodging, nice clips! The super jump is something you actually need to master in her kit to really get reliable value, i have the most respect to those kind of abilitys.

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Mercy is actually not terrible rn, she can be especially fun if you master her mobility tricks like OP, the only complaint I have is her slightly underwhelming healing, would really like to see the 60HPS back, but otherwise a solid hero

Once again, this response further proves the point with regards to the #MercyIsFine “movement”, not being able to accept opinions that are different to their own.

So with that, I’m not convinced that Mercy is fine unfortunately. But I do sincerely appreciate you for trying and respect your enjoyment with the hero. As for me personally, I will continue to vouch for #ReworkMercy :blue_heart:

You have a nice day now! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Well, first of all, you are making a huge mistake. Design has nothing to do with pickrates nor winrates. In fact, we can confidently say that winrates mean nothing, because if they were so important for any change, then I guess we should have nerfed Sym when she had 62% winrate (the highest in the whole game) but a pickrate close to 0%.

About her pickrate, she is the worst main support, and her pickrate is decreasing even tough dpss are each time more common thanks to the tanks’ nerfs. I wouldn’t say she has good pickrates. In fact, it would be really weird if a main support wasn’t needed at all in a comp. Since Mercy is the easiest main support by far and has the largest playerbase, she will always have nice pickrates, even if she is a troll pick.

Back to the design thing. We have old problems back in the game. Valk got removed for great reasons, but it’s back. Stationary rez made hide and rez mandatory, and made Mercy to die in process way too easily, and now it’s back. Trash healing made every single main support outperform her overall, and now it’s back. Even some pros like Stylosa have acknowledged that current Mercy is too hard to balance properly if she is changed, and that’s because she is bad design. There is no point in trying to balance a thing if you can’t make it good design, the same as there is no point in building a roof if you can’t build the rest of the house without it collapsing on itself.

Just allow me one question. Do you think that’s going to stop anyone from wanting to play their favourite character?

Maybe because that person, the same as anyone would, wants to play her and enjoy her once more?


Yeah, hagstags are so free to make…


Just saying, the super jumps are way more difficult to perform on console because of the controller layout, so we don’t really get to partake in the fun as much… :frowning_face:

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what I see far more often, sometimes without a blush emoticon, is a refusal by the members of the anti-mercy faction to accept facts or acknowlege opinions or to acknowledge that the changes they selfishly want will come (if at all) at the expense of those who like playing Mercy in her current state


Personally, I dont find using rez to be clunky at all

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The statement above appears to be stated as a fact, but I find it to be an opinion, and I do not agree with this opinion

I find her design to be excellent, and the path taken to get her to this point i in the past and ergo irrelevant to a discussion of her current state

The statement above appears to be stated as a fact, but I find it to be an opinion, and I do not agree with this opinion

I personally find her to be the best support character in many scenarios, though I prefer other healers situationally (Moira for example if I know I will have a tightly clustered group of tanks)

Factually, one has many other reasons for picking her over other supports - rez, steady healing, excellent mobility and ability to get vertical, wonderful and versatile ult, etc etc etc

Factually, there are a horde of other players who do enjoy playing her in her current state.

Factually, I dont find Rein fun to play. But - I dont go on the forums and post thousands of posts demanding he be changed so I can have fun with him, without considering the horde of players who enjoy playing him in his current state Instead, I identify other characters I enjoy playing…or I move onto another game if I cant find another I enjoy.

Factually, there are a horde of other players who do enjoy playing her in her current state.

In my opinion, rez is the most powerful non-ultimate ability in the game, and the restrictions placed upon it - including but not limited to the one you mention here - are necessary to balance it as a non-ultimate ability.


I disagree.

I love BM’ing the enemy team by resing right in front of them. Getting away with any risky Res is always satisfying for me.


Yea… there’s a reason why Mercy was an absolute must pick before those restrictions were in place…

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I respectfully disagree with your personal opinion about the facts I wrote, which is not even bothering in trying to get the idea of a huge problem going on with the character and its playerbase.

Factually, this is a copy paste post of your personal opinion about my facts.

And this is your opinion, once more, ignoring the problem.

Factually, that’s your opinion. Rez is your best and most impactful ability, but it comes at the cost of being freezed, so you’ll be forced to hide unless you are playing vs potatoes or being babysitted. Mobility is not adding anything to your team, just for you, so if your healing is mediocre, your mobility can’t make it up. Her ult simply sucks. It’s an afk spectator mode, a glorified E ability which should never have come to wreck the game.

Factually, that’s false.

Factually, I’m glad you don’t write about Rein, the same I’m not writing about him.

Factually, you copy pasted once more yourself. Reported…

Yeah, and that includes nerfing her basic kit because there were no more realistic ways to balance that unbalanceable E ability.


Some cool looking slowmow effects give us the feeling of epicness and fun in this video, but she’s still garbage for me.

Also you can’t just take highlights and say: “Oh see, she’s still fun.”, that’s not how it works. Those moments happen how often? In one out of 20 games maybe?
Plus I also could take an old video of Mercy getting killed while massrezzing and say: “See, she was fine.”


Kind of a cringe video. But, still picking up what your’re putting down.

Mercy is alright in her current state. Still quite viable in several comps but not nearly as effective as before. Rez isn’t very effective in the current meta and she is easily out healed by other supports. The reason I take issue with that fact is that, by design, Mercy is the games only pure healer. That is, her design doesn’t enable some DPS gimmick to benefit her role. Her pistol is mainly for defense and showboating. Why does the games only focused healer get out healed by another support? The world will never know.

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I agree with you.

Current rez can certainly be improved. I personally find it to be extremely clunky, and contradictory to her playstyle. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Not anymore since Mercy’s pistol has found more usage than just being a defensive option and since Moira was added.

Yes that is true. However, you didn’t consider that Moira needs to do damage eventually in order to continue healing.

DPS gimmick. Even if Mercy can use her pistol for more than just defense, there is no other incentive. Not to mention the projectile speed is slower than dial up.


Didn’t they say that about bunny-hopping, not super jump?

holy crap, that rez bait was DISGUSTING! (in a good way.)

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How many games were wasted to made a less than a 1 min “mercy is fun to play” compilation? One can easily get a much longer “fun to play” compilation with junkrat in just one single game.

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