Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

“Megadodo vs the world”

Coming soon to a cinema near you


I want to commend you for being so patient with that guy even though he just wants to be toxic and belligerent.


Some people Just love to stir the pot… smh…

Thanks. I am sometimes the toxic and belligerent guy :slight_smile:

So, like, it seems fair :slight_smile:

There have always been complaints here on the forums, but they were usually counter balanced by unmitigated praise* towards Blizzard. Now I see more of the former, and far less of the latter.

*Were you there when Jeff found one of those posts, and said that is the kind of feedback they wanted? Made me sick honestly.

in response to: “C’mon man, that’s kinda harsh. While I’d prefer a version of Mass Rez with tweaks and an ability that can help combo into big rezzes while still allowing counterplay, I’ll happily take a mass burst heal, or any other solid idea. There’s been a few, a lot of them probably need tweaks but it’d still be something.”

That took… 15 minutes? I left a lot of hypocrisy out as the subject was vilification for wanting changes and surfing through 50+ pages including your username and “anti” doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to spend my day off.

At least make it hard next time Dodo.


Inb4: I have never posted hypocrisy
Inb4: I am taking this as a personal attack
Inb4: clarifications


I think the fact that they were thirsty and desperate enough to go hunting for someone elses posts like that speaks volumes for itself. SAD!

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I’m sorry but this post is worded in a way that it sounds like a meme/tweet taken from a certain presidents twitter. Very cool, Kanye!

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Who, Trump? You’re afraid to say the word Trump? He isn’t Voldemort. Grow a pair.

No one is arguing, you’re just being told about yourself. Sorry, not sorry.

Bruh you called somebody thirsty in desperate, rather than refuting their point. Calm down with your false sense of intellect.


sorry not sorry


No need to refute the point of an opinion I don’t find valid… but hey, way to pivot. Sad!!

So sad you had to reply twice! LMAO!!!

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Man you’re looking way too far into this. It’s not that big of a deal. Poor thing :frowning: it’s okay, I’ll stop now. I’m clearly hurting you, which was not my intent.


Says the buffoon who got their feelings hurt at comments that weren’t even directed to them. That’s right, walk away. :clap::wave:

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Awh you’re projecting hard :frowning:

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and you wonder why no one takes mercy mains seriously lmfao

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The argument, was never about people stopping playing Mercy. Again you don´t understand the debate, it was about Mercy players specifically leaving the game and the pickrate was some how evidence of this.

More useless claims about back peddlng cause you didn´t understand, what was said and is mad, you are just straight up attacking that strawman you put on me and saying i backpeddle out of it, when i proved i didn´t say, what you claimed i did.

Sure go right ahead and find that quote then, if it is so easy. Cause you´re wrong.

It is still amazing that you claim this, well first off, the claims i made, that you asked for, i both proved and actually took credit for saying. You called these back peddles, when they were completely within logical reasoning, cause you cannot refute them. Now i am apparently not wanting to prove statements i made, like which ? The one about most Mercy players were private ? They were, just like everyone else, that is why they mattered, they are different demographic that is unaccounted for in the graph. Then you babble on and begin accusing me of saying i meant, that more Mercy players did it than other players, which i didn´t we quite clearly proved that and here we are, now i am just arguing with someone strawmanning, refuting the fact that i gave him, surround the actual quote i made and lastly then keeping on making ridiculous insults surrounding his own strawmans and “Back peddle” excuses.

Also look up, what a statement is.

Holy hell you are a dense one. The whole idea, behind opinions are just that, they aren´t always fact, neither do they need to be, there are times in my discussion, where i accurately stated and opinion or correlated a conclusion he made himself and furthered it. I didn´t say a statement like you claim about Mercy players. I said the one about most mercy players were private profile, this is a fact i could prove. Which i have many times over already.

Well i just did and what did it show, downwards pickrate following the release of Mercy, this was only in GM and Masters, but you said it didn´t matter, i proved “My opinion”, that i never made by the way, seeing as i never claimed, that specifically it would have an effect correlated only to Mercy players going private, but the fact, that private profiles in general is 100% an unaccounted for aspect, then it matters.

Yeah, must be real fun, wanting to dabble in debates for the first time, you are really handling this well, not even understanding the subjects, the debate or the things you randomly swing at people (You prob read em on this forum and though they sounded cool).

You want controversy? Look up babette on the Skyrim loverslab forums. Now that is controversy.
(I’m just kidding for the love of god don’t look that up unless you want to be placed on an FBI watchlist)