I Tried to Warn You All

But I’m just a doomer who’s needlessly hating on 5v5.

The latest news ties into both the above and the below. Can’t say I exactly hit the mark, but I guarantee F2P players will be forced into the support queue to unlock Kiriko.

The fact that we have no indication any of the following are happening should drive home the idea of leaving the franchise.

Those of you still convinced you should stick with this title, please reconsider. Understand this is the final attempt to drain your wallet before they implode. Just hold out a little longer and return after they self destruct.

As always, get out while your wallets and sanity are still intact.


Ok doomer


I’m reminded of a joke article I once read titled-

“Even Conspiracy Theorist Kinda Surprised How Right He’s Been Lately”


free to play will probably end up as pandora’s box. i remember thinking this kind of. a lot of people pushed for it and i thought maybe it would be cool to attract new players but it is a veil. nothing is free hehe


Im really not worried about it for a support. our queues are short and she probably wont define the meta anyway

It could be an issue if they release an op tank

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Your daily doom post from OP has arrived everyone. Yawn just more of the daily spam


next hero will be a tank so that will be interesting. mauga probably or im hoping mama hong but yea wont be. i would pay for mama hong…


Some f2p games are all right and don’t feel like a constant series of artificially created barriers and hurdles in the way of fun, designed to make you pay to skip them - but I wonder how much we can trust Blizzard to be cool about it.

well i never liked battlepasses or monetization in other games since overwatch WAS THE GAME for me but now that it is following tow with the other comp shooter franchises then i may feel this battle pass pain other games have

(only thing i bought with $$$ was the chun-li fortnite skin, yea that type of marketing might get me here :wink:)

The way that Overwatch is played does not lend itself to allowing for some people to not have access to characters. In essence, since this is a “team” game, if someone doesn’t have the newest character that may act as a counter to someone, then your whole team loses. Not just the player themself is restricted in how they play, the entire team’s dynamic changes. This will also probably contribute to increased toxicity if someone hasn’t bought a hero.


im not concerned about the game itself…like the 5v5/solo tank/queues stuff doesnt worry me at all…THAT part of things will be fine…(im worried about the non RQ modes though but thats something that can be addressed independently)

but the monetization is going to be a hard thing to put up with…it already has plenty of signs that it will be very scummy and a huge turnoff


Where did you warn us? Looks like most of what you’ve said hasn’t come to fruition


Still a bit of a doomer lol. Ngl though, them trying to carbon copy the Cod battle pass route won’t work well with a game like this, that entices folks to buy tiers of the battle pass to get content as fast as possible.

They should at least make a model that allows for new heroes to be playable, but it seems like it’s too late to think about that now. makes sense why they’ve been so quiet on this lol.

Aren’t those things the most obvious takes to make when comparing with other games that use a battle pass monetization model? Aren’t you just taking safe takes and the worst case scenario which no one will address if it’s incorrect? Like the number of skins and what it comes with are already incorrect. It just seems your goal is just getting people to quit.

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If Echo tries to copy a hero she doesn’t own it just opens up a microtransaction screen :crazy_face:


On another set of news, Doomsayer throws 27 bad predictions and only 2-3 come to be sort of “kinda” true. Claims himself to be absolutely and consistently right.

No FR, I can assure you that no matter what happens, none of them will create threads spamming when they are wrong (which is most of the time). Remember when many dudes here said “Theres no way OW2 releases before 2023” ?

Yeah … some of us remember.


In theory whole thing that was supposed to be OW2 is not yet planned for release as it was ment to be shipped with pve after all at first :man_shrugging:


Did the bot accounts shill.py themselves a little earlier today to hide the bad press?

OP didn’t claim absolute correctness. If you check post history they are right about 4/5 of their posts. The predictions weren’t even hard to make, they were shared by many. I made the same ones years and years ago. And many of us tried to be constructive, unlike the yes-men they have on NDA. We told them what needed to be fixed and offered solutions. No takers no comms no efforts made. A flunked franchise.

Just what is releasing before 2023? A downgraded patch misrepresented as early access with no PvE + predatory monetization for even less of a game?

Just take the L and stop defending this studio.


Bro Blizzard doesn’t care



Ok Blizz shill
Tell me, is that boot tasty?