Non-existent QoL Changes=Trash

It’s amazing that 6 years later, the community still doesn’t have simple “Quality of Life” improvements they’ve been asking for since day one. It’s shows that Blizzard’s incompetence extends beyond the balance and hero design teams, and that Team 1 is just incompetent, ignorant of their playerbase, and careless across the board.

Here are changes players have been asking for that appear to be nowhere on the horizon:

(Note: I do not endorse all of these, I just see these topics frequently.)

KBM Inputs for Console

More than 3 Avoid Slots

Solo-Queue Pool

Reported Account Analysis

Most played heroes indicator

Map Voting

In match “Surrender” option

In match “Draw” option (for when a cheater is identified)

Flagged/Toxic Account alert (via a reworked endorsement system paired with chat text detection)

I’m sure you all can think of plenty of other QoL changes this game could make, or have regularly seen. Please add them below.


KBM for console is probably because OW devs dont want to condone MKB on console. It seems to be a big complaint from console players that people even use MKB on console so making it easier would probably cause backlash.

The avoid slots is probably limited to prevent even longer queue times but not sure.

solo queue pool would cause longer queue times for stacks.

I like the reported acc analysis idea

What do you mean by most played hero indicator ?

map voting agreed

Im kinda indifferent about surrender since I dont want to be forced to quit a game if it is something that is winnable. OW isnt like LoL where someone is perma fed and the game is impossible to win. But I also wouldnt mind seeing if its workable.

I like the draw option

The flagged/toxic player indicator I think is counterintuitive, if they are that bad they need to be flagged then they should be penalized via suspension/banned. I dont want to join a game and see someone flagged for being a jerk, I would rather them not be in my game to begin with. lol

Most of these aren’t QoL and would require complete system overhauls.

Play 5 games of League or watch a streamer play 5 games and get back to me on this “qol” feature


Yeah many aren’t exactly QOL….and we have gotten many qol changes before….can’t have everything :man_shrugging:t2:


I agree with most of your suggestions except these two.

Overwatch players are notorious for their very fragile egos and loser attitudes, quitting/leaving matches due to:

  • losing the first team fight
  • losing the first round
  • being the first person to die
  • their main got picked by someone else
  • not being pocketed
  • not liking their team’s comp
  • not liking the enemy team’s comp
  • not liking the map
  • anybody saying anything in chat they don’t like/agree with

A surrender button would just get spammed by people constantly because just the idea of trying to win the match despite not everything being to their liking is too much for them.

And that ties into the whole “draw for cheater” thing. People who play this game call anybody who is better than them a cheater.

A Widow got two picks on you in a row? Cheater.
A Hanzo predicted where you were gonna be and picked you off 5 times in a row because you keep taking the same path and moving in a straight line? Cheater.
A Soldier keeps focusing the Pharmacy to take them out? Cheater.
A McCree keeps two tapping your Tracer because she’s moving predictably and keeps attacking from the same flank? Cheater.

And that’s fine, but it also wouldn’t be that difficult to just move anyone on console using a M&Kb into the PC pool.

This is true, and probably makes sense in a game with the limited population current OW has, but we should at least have the opportunity to avoid every single player we played with in a match. Not asking for unlimited avoids, but upping the list to 4 or 5 doesn’t seem too crazy.


OW matches are not long enough to warrant a surrender button. An unwinnable LoL match can be 40 minutes but an unwinnable OW is around 10 (note if it went the full time it was clearly not unwinnable).

People are not good enough at eyeballing cheaters to justify a draw button.


The problem with this though is that there isn’t a PC pool for competitive.

I think that could be worth testing or maybe something in the future if OW2 is able to get a higher population of players at the very least. Maybe also being able to know if someone has logged off that you avoid so it’s also easy to swap them out without worrying about seeing them again lol

A few considerations and explanations:

I am a console complaining controller player.

High rank console is plagued with XIM abusing cheaters. A XIM is a device that fakes a controller input so that a player might use KBM in a game where it isn’t permitted. When I say +3.4k is plagued with them, I mean every match has multiple players using one.

Third party programs are deemed illegal by Blizzard, and thus XIMs are illegal and a bannable offense. The problem is Blizzard doesn’t ban XIM users but expressly forbids the use of XIMs.

To further the issue, because XIMs fake a controller input, they grant aim assist to a player on KBM. So basically it’s a dumbed down Aimbot…

Enabling KBM could allow players to enter a KBM pool, or just stay in the controller pool without aim assist. Either way, it’d bypass some of the XIM abusers.

Another consideration is that most top market AAA titles have KBM permissions. Apex, Destiny, COD- all permit KBM for consoles. If OW wants to be competitive in the market, they really should add the feature.

Most Played Heroes Indicator used to exist. You’d hover over a player’s icon and it’d show you their 3 most played heroes and time spent on them in game. Why it was ever removed is beyond me. And while I understand private profiles, profiles could at least show you a player’s top 3 heroes, even if there’s no stats or ranks associated with them.

A flagged player indicator would need to be from an extensive accumulation of actions. Not just a two or three time thing.

Blizzard doesn’t care about banning people, so instead they should flag players. This should prevent these players from using chat, using LFG, using the report feature and basically prevent them from interacting with anyone. In the event they want to join up with others, there should be an indicator notifying the group of this player’s potential toxicity so that they can make a decision to kick them then and there.

For players with enough account action accumulations, an IP ban should really be enacted. Blizzard isn’t going to do that either, but it’s a QoL improvement that should happen.

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This is not an argument. In point of fact, if nobody was able to form a partial group, ALL queue times would be faster for everyone.

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Still amazing these concepts are not even being discussed!

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