A few considerations and explanations:
I am a console complaining controller player.
High rank console is plagued with XIM abusing cheaters. A XIM is a device that fakes a controller input so that a player might use KBM in a game where it isn’t permitted. When I say +3.4k is plagued with them, I mean every match has multiple players using one.
Third party programs are deemed illegal by Blizzard, and thus XIMs are illegal and a bannable offense. The problem is Blizzard doesn’t ban XIM users but expressly forbids the use of XIMs.
To further the issue, because XIMs fake a controller input, they grant aim assist to a player on KBM. So basically it’s a dumbed down Aimbot…
Enabling KBM could allow players to enter a KBM pool, or just stay in the controller pool without aim assist. Either way, it’d bypass some of the XIM abusers.
Another consideration is that most top market AAA titles have KBM permissions. Apex, Destiny, COD- all permit KBM for consoles. If OW wants to be competitive in the market, they really should add the feature.
Most Played Heroes Indicator used to exist. You’d hover over a player’s icon and it’d show you their 3 most played heroes and time spent on them in game. Why it was ever removed is beyond me. And while I understand private profiles, profiles could at least show you a player’s top 3 heroes, even if there’s no stats or ranks associated with them.
A flagged player indicator would need to be from an extensive accumulation of actions. Not just a two or three time thing.
Blizzard doesn’t care about banning people, so instead they should flag players. This should prevent these players from using chat, using LFG, using the report feature and basically prevent them from interacting with anyone. In the event they want to join up with others, there should be an indicator notifying the group of this player’s potential toxicity so that they can make a decision to kick them then and there.
For players with enough account action accumulations, an IP ban should really be enacted. Blizzard isn’t going to do that either, but it’s a QoL improvement that should happen.