Instead I was slammed as a ‘Doomer’.
The reality is the same people who ran OW1 into the ground for 6 years…
Taper your expectations or quit while your wallets and sanity are still intact.
Instead I was slammed as a ‘Doomer’.
The reality is the same people who ran OW1 into the ground for 6 years…
Taper your expectations or quit while your wallets and sanity are still intact.
I think he wants us to quit or something for some reason?
They still broke records unfortunately… and as long as that happens, it’ll only get worse and they’ll only care less. Until it hits the wallet, you’ll never see an improvement, 'tis the corporate way and why indie games have better polish than AAA titles now lol.
Its like Wargames, the only way to win, is not to play at all.
You are a well documented Doomer.
Your irrational fears and anxieties aligning with reality every so often doesn’t make you right.
It makes you someone who screams negative comments until one of them sticks.
You’re not some hero. You’re someone with a lot of anxiety.
I have a lot of problems with the game, but my problems with it are real and based on things they are doing not things I was afraid they might.
Now that we know what is happening, factually, we can discuss them like adults.
Said as if it happens by itself. Market forces make it happen. Where is demand there is supply. And since masses are willing to cope up with (almost) whatever monetization corpo-s devise, I don’t see a single reason for them not to do it.
Why is everyone so dramatic on the forums
Playing support to unlock a support hero is the least of our worries. Ideally the hero should already be available. The issue isn’t that the company hasn’t changed but the fact that their morals change depending on how badly they need income.
One can see the potential this franchise holds. It’s why it’s so hard to let it go.
Yet as long as the same run the
players should taper their expectations or quit.
I see all these threads with players malding over skin costs, BP rewards, poor balance, loss of content-
But here’s the thing, and trust me, they hate the truth:
Nothing is going to revert or change.
It’s still the same leadership. Until they’re overhauled (which only happens should this game financially fail) you can expect meaningless content, apathy towards balance, and expansive monetization.
Agree entirely. Its just how we gamers roll, we cant say no, probably FOMO or something. Im enjoying the gameplay and I have a mess of skins and everything unlocked from before so it works for me, dont know about new players though, seens really pricey to me.
It’s a matter of ego skill issue.
When you’re forced to migrate from your favourite game to a pathetic “sequel” then maybe you’ll understand.
(Honest Question) was it a migration? From what I see it was literally a patch lol. Like, all my selected skins were still selected, voice lines and emotes set, and I hadnt played in years. Im pretty sure its the same client, just patched.
Edit: Actually, irrelevant question nm
for some reason my nephews are playing the game so i think something worked… my guess is tons of streamers got those “whatever famous people play” to play the game. wont last long imo
I liked OW1. OW2 is free unless you suffer from intense FoMO.
Blizzard has shown how they were handling thing for years.
It’s not irrational when there’s a precedent. Remember how they sold us Stracraft II three times? How they introduced an auction house in Diablo III? How they made what was a fun and beginner friendly card game into a pay2win?
The Warcraft III reforged debacle.
Diablo Immortal. Just… Diablo Immortal.
They even released two “betas” of Overwatch 2 where every bugs, every silly changes were plain to see.
But yeah, doomers were irrational.
I expected all the worst, which is honestly heartbreaking. Im old, I remember when it was the opposite, when you were positive the latest Bliz title would set the standard for whatever genre it was. Glorious times, now? I just wonder how big the trash fire will be, and worse, how I’ll be swindled while watching it.
None of the doomer predictions came true. Sorry, you are now just another irrational footnote in history.
Indeed, we predicted the game would be popular for a month before players would start to get sick of the new changes.
It was actually two weeks.
Our bad, we were wrong.
I’d say the original Overwatch release was the exception, not the rule. It’s also interesting that the game downfall correlates with the Overwatch League getting a higher marketing budget after its testing season.
Almost as if the need to force the game to “make more money” was the main force behind all unpopular changes we got afterwards.