I just lost 10 skins

I lost my 10 skins from the legendary edition.please blizzard give me them back.


Console ? PC ? Which Skins? When did you notice?

This is a report only forum, so getting help on here is extremely slim. If you want Blizzard to look into your account you should create a support ticket, see the link Support on the top right of your screen on any forum.

This sounds like an account issue if you recently purchased Overwatch Legendary Edition. If you own the Xbox Disc version, uninstall the game, then reinstall it from the disc.

Hey folks we’re looking into this issue. Apologies for the hassle, we’ll post more information in this thread once we have it.


Thanks for the heads up. Is this only on consoles? All of the reports I have seen is just console versions.

I was just informed its Xbox platform only.


I noticed after i updated my game and I play on Xbox. I lost the officer skin for dva, the fool skin for Junkrat, the mystery man for mcree, carbon fiber for genji, okami for Hanzo, Paragon for Reinhardt, Pale for Moira, Valkyrie for mercy,


To expand on this I’ve lost all of those that I had as well as Mercy’s Valkyrie, Moira’s Pale, and Widowmaker’s Winter

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So does this mean we should contact Xbox or will it be reverted soon?

I lost all the exact same ones. Check your career profile. I also lost all of my stats.

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Its a blizzard issue, so it would be blizzard that you contact. It looks like they are already working on it? (Im not sure if its already fixed, I dont play on xbox…)

We’ve made a change to fix this issue, please let us know here if you’re still having problems. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.


I lost the same skins you did. I rebought dva’s officer skin so i lost 1000 credits from this issue :sob:

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My skins are still missing

Yeah! I lost pale and winter as well, what’s going on?

I don’t have any of my skins back:( when what do I need to do to get them back? I just want to make sure I get my winter for widow back. My Xbox gt is “XVI Roses”

It’s fixed now, thank you!

I have lost at least 6 skins. I’ve entered a support ticket (US67683116) and listed all of the skins that are gone: Junkrat-Fool, McCree-Mystery Man, D.VA-Officer, Wreaking Ball-Junker, Moira-Pale, and Mercy-Valkyrie.
I would greatly appreciate any help I can get to get the skins returned.
*edit-I’m being told by customer support that there is “nothing they can do” and that I should post on the bug forums. PLEASE help me get these skins back.

Same i still didn’t get the skins

Sorry if this isn’t the correct place to say this, but I only just found out that I lost skins. I for sure lost Zarya’s snowboarder, Mei’s honeydew, and Widow’s electric, and I’m pretty sure there are some others