Golden weapon missing

Noticed my golden weapon for kiriko disappeared after the Halloween update.


Same, A few of my gold weapons are missing aswell, any fix for this?

Same issue here but with junker queen

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling as well?

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Does uninstalling and reinstalling help get the golden gun back?


I do not know, I am scared to try it just in case… I just checked Reddit and someone said it worked for them

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I might try it, but j dont want to waste my time trying if it doesn’t

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J’ai également le problème avec Kiriko depuis la mise a jours

I agree.

It is a known issue, got an official replied for it.

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Apparently reinstalling doesnt help, but i just miss my jq golden gun

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I got a blue text from a dev, and they said it is listed as a known bug

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I been posting all of the threads i found most popular, to let newer threads know its not just them.

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Yeah, it seems like this has been an ongoing issue since Oct 8th, but a lot more cases happened since the Halloween Update on October 25th.


Im just hoping to get it back, because it world be very upsetting if i lost it for good


Same i just noticed im like wtf where it go??

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Agreed, not only that, but we are still missing some skins so yeah this overall launch as been… something.

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Yea, I just noticed I lost my golden weapon for kiriko today. I had it yesterday which is very odd. :confused: Hopefully this gets fixed soon

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what can go wrong??
its just uninstalling the game ur acount is still in the battle net launcher