Junker Queen Golden Gun Bug

I bought the Junker Queen golden gun the day Overwatch 2 dropped – October 4th.

Ever since the Halloween Event happened, I no longer have her golden gun unlocked. I know that I definitely bought it and have a record of it.

I would like to get this bug fixed so I can have my golden gun back that I bought.


Its not just you, i also have her golden gun and now its gone for me, many others are having this happened to them too with heroes like sojourn, and kiriko

Didn’t realize that other people have been having this problem. Thank you for letting me know that I’m not the only one that is having this problem!


Other thread posts if you wanna look at them

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Yeah, my junker queen gold gun disappeared when the Halloween update was released as well.

my junkerqueen gold gun is missing :frowning:

Where’s my golden junk wep Blizzard?!?!?