Can't change my profile picture?

been trying since yesterday to change my pfp on this forum, when i go to my profile through the “summary” button and click on the default overwatch image it comes up with “choose avatar” but theres nothing in the window, just a save changes and cancel button, no images, and if i hit save changes it says “An error occurred: Sorry, we can’t find any avatar associated with that email address. Can you try uploading it again?” i thought maybe it was because my career profile was private so i made it public, same issue, help :frowning:


Thank you for taking the time to post this. It currently appears to be the only relevant search result returned for this exact, complete error message. I have been (and still am) experiencing this same issue myself. Adding details from my troubleshooting efforts below…


User attempts to change/select a forum avatar for their account (to replace the default Overwatch logo). Upon clicking the Change Avatar image, a pop-up is displayed, titled “Choose Avatar” and includes two buttons: “Save Changes” and “cancel”. But, no avatars, icons, images or anything else is shown to actually select.

If the user clicks the Save Changes button, an error appears, “An error occurred: Sorry, we can’t find any avatar associated with that email address. Can you try uploading it again?”. If the user clicks the cancel button (either instead of Save Changes OR after clicking Save Changes), the pop-up closes and the user’s avatar remains unchanged.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to the Overwatch Forums ( Overwatch Forums )
  2. Click the user avatar icon found near the middle-right of the screen (a tool-tip of the user’s BattleTag will appear if you mouse over it.)
  3. Click the Preferences icon found near the top-right of the pop-up that appears.
  4. Click Summary in the changed/expanded pop-up.
  5. Click the large user avatar icon found near the top-left (a tool-tip of “Change Avatar” will appear if you mouse over it.)
  6. The reported issue occurs (detailed in the Summary section above).


Confirmed this issue occurs across multiple devices, OSes and web browsers, including:

  • Apple Safari (macOS 13.3.1 (a), Safari 16.4 (18615.
  • Apple Safari (iOS 16.4.1 (a), AppleWebKit/605.1.15)
  • Google Chrome 113.0.5672.63
  • Mozilla Firefox 112.0.2

Also confirmed:

  • User’s account’s email address is correct
  • User’s account’s Security Checkup shows “Email Verified”

Additional Details:

The PUT request made when clicking the Save Changes button returns a “Status: 422 Unprocessable Entity” response status code indicating that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions.

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I like this. You put the work into seeing what the issue on the server’s end was. I’m a tech guy so I can corroborate, it’s definitely a “422 Unprocessable Entity”, I just checked. As proof this is the “body” of the response: errors: [ "Sorry, we can't find any avatar associated with that email address. Can you try uploading it again?" ]. I’m guessing that’s what sets the text of the error message window.

Everything checks out.

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After finding, reading and linking additional topics related to this, it seems like at some previous point in time, players’ forum avatars may have been synchronized with their equipped in-game player icon…

I am unsure if that behavior was later changed to:

  1. Allow players to manually, separately choose their forum avatar from any of their “owned” in-game player icons
  2. Synchronize players’ forum avatars with their manually chosen avatar Edit: Per @MagicPants-1245758’s below reply, this does not appear to be the case.
  3. Unintentionally broken (accidentally)

As-is currently, this issue is still unresolved. And, the sometimes suggested potential workaround of: “logout of the forums, equip the desired player icon in-game, logout of and close the game, re-launch the game and log back into the forums” no longer appears to work.


I really appreciate your effort to get this issue seen by everyone …plus hopefully Blizzard eventually…

I’ve changed my avatar a bunch of times and I’m still stuck with Overwatch logo here, and I have changed my in-game player icon a number of times. I do know though that all profile pictures I’ve seen here on the forums were in-game icons only so I am assuming the intended functionality was to let you pick one of your in-game ones, or for it to choose whatever in-game one you had equipped.

Right now I can’t even get to the profile picture change menu, when I go to my summary the profile picture doesn’t have a button there, there’s nothing to click, no window pops up. It’s probably not a good idea to make any assumptions but hopefully that means they’re fixing it?


Thank you :slight_smile:. And, likewise.

Likewise, seemingly to no avail for this issue. I also tried swapping to a different platform and unequipping/equipping player icons there, but the issue still remains.

Ah, good observation!

Same for me, now. Looks like that’s changed since the last time we tested and reported results (earlier posts).

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I’m having the same issue. My avatar is stuck as a tiger, no matter how many times I try to change it. Has this been resolved yet?


i used to set my pfp in-game and then log out of the forums and log back in, causing the forum pfp to refresh to what i had put on in-game. that was months ago though, and now i’ve found that it doesn’t even work anymore. they probably just broke something


Unfortunately, no… there are (at the time of this post) 12+ other topics linked that have described or reported experiencing the same issue, but the issue is still present and impacting players (myself included).


You can add mine, because I have the same issue, as well. :cry:


Mine randomly changed to this one which I have not had equipped since the relevant season months ago. I’ve changed it multiple times in the game client since so it’s odd that this appeared on my forum profile a few weeks ago. Guess the forums use old data of some kind?

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I remember than in Overwatch 1 when you clicked on someones name on the forums there was a popup menu with two options, one showing the forum profile and the other opened your in-game profile on an “armory like” website.

However, with OW2 release they removed the option and I think since then the profile picture was the one that was selected in the BETA game client? That’s how I remember my last pfp changing, some beta I checked in and suddenly my forum avatar changed, but “forever” was stuck then because I never logged into the beta client since then.

Also the dropdown option to check someone’s ingame stats has disappeared together with account levels, 6v6, unlockable rewards and most of the other good design choices of the game.

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we hear you loud and clear. let’s hope the devs do too eventually :skull:

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The Overwatch Forums’ avatar/player icon “library” being out-of-sync and “behind” the live game’s is a theory some have shared in other related topics - with the theoretical stipulation being that if a player has selected a ”newer” or recently-added player icon in-game, then it may not display here on the forums until the forums eventually “catches up” and has the same player icon(s) available to display…

But, I have tried setting my player icon in-game to some of the very original ones (from Overwatch [1]), but the issue remains (for me at least).

Hmm. Maybe? I have had Overwatch [1] (PC) registered to my account since close to release back in 2016. And later, Overwatch [1] and Overwatch 2 for other platforms as well. But, to my knowledge, I have never used a beta version of the game client. And, I did not register for forum access until months after Overwatch 2 launched.

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I have a feeling it’s not the beta game client, perhaps a new login on a device or HWID? My avatar may have also changed years ago when I signed into an iPad or something similar instead of my phone. Could be completely unrelated and my memory is foggy so wouldn’t like to say for sure.

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For me, I’ve:

  • Changed my in-game player icon multiple times on multiple devices (and multiple platforms).
  • Changed my avatar via the iOS app.
  • Tried changing my forum “avatar” here via the Change Avatar button (this was an option back when @MagicPants-1245758 first started this topic, but it was later changed/removed.) Tried on 3 different devices (computers and iOS) and 4 different web browsers.
  • Tried the sometimes-suggested potential workaround of: “logout of the forums, equip the desired player icon in-game, logout of and close the game, re-launch the game and log back into the forums” multiple times. It no longer appears to work.


I want to bump this topic. Still an issue. I can’t change my icon from the default one.


My profile isn’t 404-ing anymore but pfp still won’t change

same with me here, this hasn’t been my player icon for over a year now and it still won’t change. i’ve tried doing one of the suggestions above but i can’t click the icon on the left, and my profile is 404-ing. anyone found a solution yet?

For me there is no change avatar icon when I hover over my avatar. The only page where I can change my avatar is the blizzard forums page (not overwatch forums sit), but even there when I click on the change avatar button a blank pop-up appears with no avatars to choose and no buttons.

(Blizzard Forums)