How do you reset profile pic in forums?

Wondering how you change it.

It’s currently been bugged for a long time, but normally you would have to log out and log back in


As far as I know, it’s set to whatever your PC account is if you have one

Mine reset to default though, so I don’t know what’s going on

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Usually you change it in game, then log out and back into the forum. But newer pfp aren’t working yet. I don’t think the syncing is working with the game.

Its bugged. 20 characters

Replying to confirm the above quotes… this seems to be an “unofficially known” issue (encountered, observed and reported by multiple players, but not acknowledged on the official “Known Issues” topic.) And, replying to consolidate links for reference… the symptoms have changed slightly over time, as noted in this topic:

But, as of this post, this issue unfortunately is still present and impacting players (myself included).

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