Can we revert infinite Invis and Trans-locator yet?

I don’t care you you give Sombra’s SMG pinpoint accuracy on every bullet along with a 3-second hack cooldown and EMP health packs again. But this whole playstyle of existing in your backline for as long as they want because you can’t even see the threat to counterplay it and a free escape if you don’t have burst damage or stun is the worst playstyle to come up against.

How am I meant to play around something that I literally can not interact with unless I get a lucky shot on an invisible target? Even making the translocator timer more forgiving and putting in is on a resource meter with a faster stealthing in time would be better for her IMO


Just play Moira, Sym, or to counter hack, remove the invis, then teabag the sombra whenever you kill them.




Spray & pray to counter invis…

D.Va & Mei are good at this. See the pros do it all the time.

As a Sombra main, yes please. Literally no one who actually played sombra asked for this change and a large majority of sombra players hated and still do hate it. It made her completely OP and so they had to make her completely useless to compensate. I want a complete Sombra revert back to what she was prior to this rework.


3 easy steps to countering a Sombra while this playstlye is still a thing:

Step 1: Play any beam hero

Step 2: Turn into a helicopter if your spider sense is tingling.

Step 3: Shred the newly uncovered Sombra.

A post I just made on another Sombra thread that coincides with this:

I mean, they obviously don’t pay attention to the Sombra feedback. Anyone who has played a fair amount of Sombra gave PLENTY of feedback on what is truly wrong with her and ways to help her DPS without changing her weapon.

When the infinite invis and Translocator got added to the PTR, there is not a single post from Sombra mains that said they wanted this (from what I saw). We all complained that it made Sombra less skillful and threw our invis knowledge and timing straight out the window for a slower, less urgent gameplay. But they still released it. Even though all of the Sombra players said it wasn’t the right direction for her.

Believe me, the Sombra community has tried to get them to fix her in the right direction. They just refuse to.


Just to shamelessly advertis my own post

Of we do it on a resource meter like in my post above and revert TL back to before 1.26 would you think it would be better.

Because alot of sombra mains do want stealth and tl to be limited again.

The timers were not removed for her mains, her mains weren’t even considered. They removed the timers for people who didn’t know how to play around her timers and casuals. These types of people suck at playing Sombra and most people do not want to learn because you have to learn more things about her than other damage characters.

She isn’t like Widow, aim does not give her a free kill, she also has to play within a certain range.

She isn’t like Genji or Tracer with a mid-fight ability to keep her going and finish off her opponent like deflect or recall.

She isn’t like S76 with a finisher ability.

She isn’t like McCree or Doomfist with death combos and stuns.

Her ult also differs from other damage characters because to get the most out of it, she requires teamwork which seems to be a foreign concept to this community.

I’m all in for bringing both the timers and her speed back.

Sombra is very weak right now and some people are even asking for reworks I dont understand how you think Sombra should be reverted. The only way she can get value out of anything you mentioned is if the Sombra is in comms and communicating with a very coordinated team.