Alternative Sombra buff ideas (instead of decreasing spread) with [Workshop]

Base and Translocator buffs look good enough, although I’m not sure why the CD on Translocator even matters too much. I definitely don’t have issues with it.

Stealth looks pretty good, but it takes only six seconds to recharge it. If you’re using Overcharge (not a great name btw, needs something a little better), it doesn’t matter too much and isn’t really impactful unless you need the really long invisiflank. Giving the stealth a longer charge/discharge cycle (ex. 16s max duration, 10s full recharge) might even eliminate the need for the slightly awkward overcharging mechanic.

Phase sounds buggier than release DF, and doesn’t really fit with Sombra’s character/kit.

It does but Im bad at naming stuff so its the best I can come up with sorry xD.

This is also fine I just wanted to get a bit creative so I came up with a few extras to the resource meter.

Phase is also something I got a bit creative. Well actually I stole the idea from the only lol character I really know Shaco He is pretty similar to Sombra in character but just more of an assassin so I think it could also fit with Sombra but it’s true the Devs would need to go over all maps and fix spots where she could teleport out of maps which would require a lot of work just to get it bug-free its a fun idea probably shouldn’t be put in the game tho.