Stronger against ranged damage.
Weaker against close range damage.
Currently a Widow headshot is reduced by 0.6% from armor.
But Tracer/Sombra bodyshots are reduced by 50%.
Changing that to a flat 20% would favor closer ranged attacks.
I figure it should be kinda obvious DoubleBarrier is really strong against Medium/Long ranged attacks.
So that leaves only one range they can be weak at.
Not to mention it’s a HUGE buff against burst damage.
A cree shot for 140 currently becomes 135.
With this change it would become 112, meaning headshots wouldn’t even guarantee a 2 tap.
I think buffing armour at all just makes brig a must pick by default, and we just run into the same problems again the dev team spent 2 years trying to claw away from.
Nice, very nice, although i think it would make his stun pretty much useless as he’d struggle to follow up on stuns.
It might also be difficult to show what ‘close range’ is to the player intuitively without some guesswork.
Since he can shield more, maybe a splash damage nerf would be better so he’s not doing even more damage than before while behind the shield?
that would give variety, make orisa into an actual viable main tank, and make sigma into a powerful off tank than, in certain situations, can serve as a main tank
however we could use new tanks that dont use barriers
the problem is that 99% of us would just give up on playing tanks without self peel because we play in an ELO where our teams are generally too stupid to even help,
Yeah Reaper was used in double shield because he doesn’t care much for shields himself and he did 160 DPS before crits in armor. It also meant he shredded everything everything but a Fortified orisa - which per this idea is limited to 2 seconds.
Kind troubling situation to go back to - tanks being hard-countered by default in every map in every comp.
I reckon Reaper pellet count adjustment would the trick though.