My “How do I Ragnaros” thread. Thanks to that thread I found a hero I absolutely love and can dominate matches with when before that thread I was completely useless with that hero and had no idea what he’d even be good at. That thread was so successful I’ve been trying to think of who to do a similar thread about next; Right now I’m torn between Alexstrasza, Rehgar, and Sonya
Even if nobody liked it, it was a important step in my growth as a writer and as a (atempt of) English speaker, because no only I used a different form of story telling, but I also tried, for first time, to write a story in English languaje, so I’m proud of it.
I orginally intended it to be a thread where people make up early-internet-esque screen names for the heroes in HotS.
I got randomly inspired in the middle of it, thinking of what a chat log might look like, and kind of went off the rails making a spontaneous, avant garde fan-fiction that probably only 30-somethings like me would understand.
Healsonheels was the only one who responded to it. I feel weirdly proud of that.
probably my mega thread about downvotes. The sheer amount of random B* that happens in that thread is amazing. and it has some actual good discussion about the removal of downvotes but who cares about that