Whats the topic your most proud of?

Yes I spammed a lot in my days. But a lot of them are reapearing even a month later

But im having a borring day at work tomorrow so give me reading material would aid me in my cause. What is your topic you are most proud off.

Whats is the most intresting post you created?

Mine was one tip for every hero in alfabetic order. Everyone contributed and we finished it quicker then expected.

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Can you explain a little more what do you mean with topic?

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Fixed it!

My “How do I Ragnaros” thread. Thanks to that thread I found a hero I absolutely love and can dominate matches with when before that thread I was completely useless with that hero and had no idea what he’d even be good at. That thread was so successful I’ve been trying to think of who to do a similar thread about next; Right now I’m torn between Alexstrasza, Rehgar, and Sonya


This one:

Even if nobody liked it, it was a important step in my growth as a writer and as a (atempt of) English speaker, because no only I used a different form of story telling, but I also tried, for first time, to write a story in English languaje, so I’m proud of it.


And who do you prefer?

@gishki will read it tomorrow!

Probably the time I reported a bug with the payload on Hanamura.


I don’t make very many threads.


Both of these compete for me really hard and I can’t really decide which to choose tbh:


I haven’t written it yet.

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Im not sure. It’s hard to say which I like best when I don’t really understand any of their kits

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My “Life on the Forums looks like” series.


i don’t know about my self i guess i just enjoy triggering weaklings on the forums? Kappa

This one


My “The HotS Chat Room” Thread.

I orginally intended it to be a thread where people make up early-internet-esque screen names for the heroes in HotS.

I got randomly inspired in the middle of it, thinking of what a chat log might look like, and kind of went off the rails making a spontaneous, avant garde fan-fiction that probably only 30-somethings like me would understand.

Healsonheels was the only one who responded to it. I feel weirdly proud of that.


I haven’t written too many topics and the only one that gained any traction quickly devolved into a flame war between two users :sleepy:

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Hehe, I remember that.

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I am lucky if I remember what I had for breakfast, much less what I posted on an internet forums months ago.


The Replay thread is quite fun and seems to be fun to at least some others too, so i´ll go with that.


I know there is no way to prove this, but I’d like to think my post about Garrosh being BS on his release helped to eventually get him nerfed

Feel proud to lend my voice to such a noble cause.


probably my mega thread about downvotes. The sheer amount of random B* that happens in that thread is amazing. and it has some actual good discussion about the removal of downvotes but who cares about that