Nerf Vikings Already 🎡

C’mon ya’ll! 3 lane exp is overpowered! There’s three of them! They deal so much damage too! And you thought Mal’ganis was overpowered? Ha!

They always steal your camps, stand there for extra lane push, and they regen so much!

They can be fast, then can aoe, they can slow! They can literally Rez after a short channel!

Plus! It turns normally a perfect 5/5 into a hideous 7/5!

It is about time… for The Lost Vikings Rework

Don’t get me started on Chen.

The Truth

Literally just for the bit of exp bonus and mercenaries, you can farm kill them for ez kill quests. Alarak E build heavily counters them. Though when it’s all 3 of them… it’s just an annoyance. :man_factory_worker::man_red_haired::man_with_turban:


Chen is GOD


Hey! You can make links but just have to put ` on the sides of it (It’s the symbol next to 1)

example: despacito


Don’t give them a reason to nerf him smh

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oh no you found me secret

i play tlv and chen

i play the op meta


You know who Chens Angels are? The Lost Vikings mmhmm


WTF, do you know that Tassadar is OP ?


There needs to be a brawl mode, all 10 players forced to play TLV


I’d rather see 9 lost Vikings players vs 1 butcher.


Don’t forget Tassadar! Dude’s mega OP, I can’t even kill him! He has such huge range it’s freaking impossible to deal damage on him. He also has a wall that stops my team from moving and has massive damage on Archon!

And to top it off, he has a massive slow on his AA. His AA range is longer than Hanzo’s, too!

How did this OP Hero pass PTR?

/kill me/


He didn’t have PTR, because he is from the start of a game!!!

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Oh heavens! How could they do that? I thought they cared about balancing the state of the game and they’ve been releasing OP Heroes from the start?

Now I know why people complain about nerfing Tassadar!

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None can stop them. You need a least three heroes to fight them but even like this you can to not kill them.


Olaf stun and/or jump immune into both MG’s ult.
Mind =blown.

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No joke, if you have all 3 vikings together and are good at micromanaging, you can beat a butcher. It’s fun to kite him with 2/3 vikings and jump over both of his heroics.


Any guides or tips or videos you can offer? I want to play them better, try styles.

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Well, for one thing, you gotta be good at linking the number keys: 1, 2 and 3 to each Viking. You can double tap the numbers to quickly move the camera to a Viking. Split them up, one on each lane early game, send Baleog (Green Sword Viking) to objectives. Level 13, you can bring Vikings together and mess people up provided you have at least a 1 level lead.

Pick Spin to Win above all other level 7 talents.
Pick Jump above all other level 13 talents.
Pick Fury of the Storm above all other level 20 talents.

The 3 vikings together have some of the highest combined basic attack DPS in the game. Surprisingly good at taking down Immortals.

Go for Regen globes. So useful late game when each Viking has a Malfurion Regrowth at all times.

All Vikings will automatically attack nearby minions. Keep an eye on Olaf (Blue Shield Viking) as his charge will move him slowly towards the towers/fort and he may get killed.

Olaf (Blue Shield Viking) can tank for other nearby vikings and save other nearby players by body blocking. He has super quick regen after not taking damage for a few seconds. Counters Lower Damage Solo-laners like Blaze and Sonya.

Baleog (Green Sword Viking) destroys minion waves QUICK and counters other waveclear heroes like Nazeebo and Zagara

Erik (Red Slingshot Viking) Has the highest single target DPS of all Vikings. Can kite melee Assassins. Counters Murky in particular as well as Butcher and Twin Blades Varian.

Hope these help!


Can you explain why you pick these ones vs the others available on the tiers? I have tried these talents, but in my experience tezting all out I generally pick Baelog’s attack speed increase for so many reasons like very fast laning, very fast mercin, kiting and good dmg tf’n, cd reduction speeds up a lot if you get the talent, just more dmg output, and for 13 i often go Olafs immolate cus it turns him into a great aoe dmg dealer mercer and laner too and finally at 20 with fury of the storm and all those aoe’s combined and the tlv together… they put out so much single target and aoe/ricochet dmg. It’s become addicting for me and very useful just for stealing camps and super quick lane clears and sieging.

I know the jump is great for dodging and cc evade, especially stuff like butch. Theyre also activatable abilities which is nice for cd reduction talent, but I think overall, macroin’ the map wiht the extra dmg has been good for my splaystyle, just not super convinced yet to pick the other jump and spin talents. Spin especially imo.

I thought his charge was only activateable through right clicking? I put auto attack on my left click and right on my right, so i have his charge figured out well, just right click a hero when you want a slow and follow up with other viking attacks or whoever ally. Bushes are good too to place tlv in if you have trouble with them wanting to attack, but don’t want them to. or press S, should work.

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TLV wins because they can push hard from all 3 lanes, focus butcher and he’s dead lel.

I pick Spin to Win because it gives all of the Vikings waveclear, makes them good at taking mercenary camps, and all at level 7 instead of 13. It also allows you to surround big targets at higher levels, and if all vikings spin, you can get some incredible burst damage. Chromie picked Bye Bye? You can say goodbye with just Q.

I guess. I only pick that upgrade when doing the Baleog Build. This is where you pick his level 1, 4 and 7 upgrades. Makes Baleog a killing machine, while sorta leaving the other vikings in the dust.

I guess I like making big plays, getting an unexpected amount of kills as the Vikings while also having highest siege and XP. If what you’re picking works and is fun for you, it’s cool! I just said pick Spin to Win! and Jump! because they’re the best if you just started playing them I think.

He can charge minions, though, he may not do it automatically. However, due to his melee range, he will gradually move forward, and can still put himself in cannon range easier than any other Viking.