The HotS Chat Room

Take a mental jaunt back to the days of America Online. You know, circa 1995 complete with the lovely dial-up noise. The America Online that had the taskbar that included readily-available chat rooms (a/s/l?).

If the heroes in HotS used the internet in their spare time, what would their screen names be?

Gazlowe: 133714ND10RD
Alarak: xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx
Murky: VENGEANCE><(((°>
Genji: ShindeKudasai666
Abathur: Admin_10

133714ND10RD joined the chat.
VENGEANCE><(((°> joined the chat.
133714ND10RD: wazzap dude
VENGEANCE><(((°>: fffffffffffffffffff fwebnvjuvbewbvu
133714ND10RD: u wanna play poker?
VENGEANCE><(((°>: =)
133714ND10RD: >:)
133714ND10RD started a game of poker! Use /join *poker to join in!
VENGEANCE><(((°>: /jion *pokerr
VENGEANCE><(((°>: /jjoin *poker
VENGEANCE><(((°>: join *pker
133714ND10RD: lol okay spaz slow down
VENGEANCE><(((°> joined poker!
VENGEANCE><(((°>: =D
133714ND10RD: eeeyyyyyy
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx joined the chat.
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: sup nerds
133714ND10RD: whats up princess
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: lol i told you to stop calling me that
133714ND10RD: sure whatever ya say princess
VENGEANCE><(((°> has won the round!
133714ND10RD: dammit!!
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: rofl
VENGEANCE><(((°>: frif48934h90gf09jf =D =D =D
133714ND10RD: enjoy your 1 win out of 1000 loses
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: losing to the guy who failed typing class
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: that is sad
133714ND10RD started a new round. Use /join *poker to join in!
133714ND10RD: whatever princess
ShindeKudasai666 joined the chat.
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: lol
ShindeKudasai666: Koonichiwa.
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: yo
133714ND10RD: SK join
ShindeKudasai666: No thanks. I’m not interested in your card games…
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: yeah
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: right
ShindeKudasai666: …for I have discovered…
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: cuz u scared of losing
ShindeKudasai666: …the wonderous awesomeness that is tank pit.
133714ND10RD has won the round!
VENGEANCE><(((°>: >=(
133714ND10RD: suck it
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: im done here
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx: later nerds
VENGEANCE><(((°>: HYtrhert4hn45hHBRTNSer
xX_H1ghL0rd_Xx left the chat.
ShindeKudasai666: Seriously. You should try it.
133714ND10RD: maybe…
133714ND10RD: better not be another stupid screamer flash
VENGEANCE><(((°>: :o
ShindeKudasai666: Nah, it’s legitimate this time. I checked.
133714ND10RD: awright join ya in a bit
133714ND10RD: brb
VENGEANCE><(((°>: gntrbn3ijvb$Bnbresbtsreb
133714ND10RD left the chat.
VENGEANCE><(((°>: gtjn903h3ee3
VENGEANCE><(((°>: 302fj2
ShindeKudasai666: *sigh
VENGEANCE><(((°>: 4g3j9903g309jg3j90gj90439j0g390j
VENGEANCE><(((°>: g3j49gj0934j90kfkslv fkgf/ g2wf
VENGEANCE><(((°>: 43g3412@##
ShindeKudasai666: Dude.
VENGEANCE><(((°>: i00jyntdmni90yj
VENGEANCE><(((°>: G#GHB$RT^NYbrsbrt
ShindeKudasai666: Stop.
VENGEANCE><(((°>: fG%$H$HEH@!!!
ShindeKudasai666: Shut up.
VENGEANCE><(((°>: >=)
ShindeKudasai666: Ugh.
ShindeKudasai666 left the chat.


Ha, hard to read but kind of funny and interesting. It’s always good to share humor with others.

It kind of sucks that the playerbase it’s very “gamer” and they just talk about abilities and numbers and that kind of stuff. It’s good for the game, of course. I just don’t like to talk about the engine and the mechanics when talking about cars. (They would ask what would you talk about if that’s what cars are) But whatever…