How to increase the player base

That doesn’t really fix the problem, though. I certainly don’t stick to one role. I draft what I feel is needed at the time.

Players like me are wrenches in your machine.

These kinds of drafting choices cannot be hard enforced. Ultimately the choice still resides with the players during the draft.

Disagree, can’t guarantee success wtih action, but that doesn’t mean shouldn’t get tried, again, focus on progress, not success (if they were able to identify the problem, would’ve been dealt by now, but DIDN’t), so focus on progress, start with the most obvious ones, the “real reason” will unravel one step at a time, or the problem will become more negligible than it is now ATM

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Honestly, I feel like Blizzard has just lost the touch. Oldies left? New guys are too pushy? Activision ruining literally everything? I don’t know, but 2018 was beyond their worst year for saving face and product, it might have been exemplary in video game history to have so many flubs one after the other after the other. Diablo’s floundering, Starcraft is floundering, the only real hope for Warcraft is that WC3 provides a faithful rendition of its original version… if it tries to ‘modernize it’ and make it ‘its own, new game’ they’ll probably hammer that final nail in.

They’ve been a trainwreck. WoW did a lot of things to them that it shouldn’t have, and it feels like after HotS wasn’t an instant genre-crusher like WoW was, they gave it their all in 2.0 and then just lost steam completely. And it feels like after WoW was a ravening success, they seemed to think anything they released would do that-- I feel like Diablo 4 could have been a thing. To make a mobile game the only announcement for Diablo feels like “eh, we don’t care, just shut the hell up and pay our bills.”

I’m very worried that Blizzard is caving under being too top-heavy. They seem to be lacking a certain je-ne-sais-quoi, some level of passion or involvement perhaps-- there’s too big a disconnect from the end product. To say none of them know what ‘playing video games’ entails from our end is probably a safer bet than to say that they do know it.

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Nonsense. Other posters said the similar things and I didn’t see you went to debunked them or something as aggressive with you did with me. This wasn’t the first time.

That is what a typical liar said when they got exposed or caught.

Twitch is a platform, and the said streamer doesn’t promote HoTS to those who knew HoTS. He was promoting HoTS to his followers, which is most of them were not HoTS players to begin with.


Those are tourney? A low-tier tourney. And yes, if you followed (or still remember) my previous posts at other thread, I did say I DON’T CONSIDER THOSE AS A TOURNEY.

Clan? Feature to notifying that the player you reported had been punished? Better Party Finder feature?

Yeah, but that post was made before PTR was updated yesterday.

For starter, how about stop putting 3 GM in the same team and zero GM at the opposite team? They should make 2 GM + 3 random rank vs 1 GM + 4 random rank instead of 3 GM + 2 random rank vs 5 random rank.

If you are clueless about SEA HL, rainbow and colorful matches are normal at SEA.

Compare to other Blizzard forums, the new threads created at here is low as hell.

Yeah, they did say it will be slow. Why is the development got slowed down again? Oh yeah, HoTS got canned.


Why can’t people play 2 MoBA again if they are enjoying it?

Doesn’t change the fact you treated those complaints as empty ragequit in your previous post.

Too effective? Do you mean something like after the trolls ruined countless people game for 2 months only to get banned, and that said troll got pissed off that he finally got banned? In fact, I still see the trolls that I reported a lot of time still instant-lock Tassadar in the HL and only know how to soak at bottom lane thru the whole game over and over. You should take the account that those players who got ruined by the troll for 2 months ago may have quit the game for good.

Yeah, it SHOULD be always his fault, and not the team when he lost the game despite he wasn’t the guy who dives into the tower or absent during the objective.

Maybe you are self-loathed but you should stop hoping everyone should act like you.

Yes, you are a fanboy. You literally turn blind eyes on complaints. It is always those people’s fault, not the game fault.

MoBA is an outdated game concept anyways. No one is going to spend 10 hours just to learn the basic gameplay of MoBA. Learning to shoot with 3 different guns is always easier than learning how to play 50 heroes at a decent level.

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Trying to debunk what I think is false and wrong is aggressive on a forum for discussions and arguing? :thinking:
Also do you stalk me or something or did you just assume that I don’t argue with others?
You are not special to me if you’re interested. I don’t care about you. I don’t know you.

Ok, dude, sure…

Reality doesn’t care about what is your self-declared meaning of Tourneys. Those are Tourneys.

Yea, they can improve on the social part of the game. They even talked about the possibility of adding Clans.

This is already a thing. I got an e-mail with a notification like that.
If it’s rare you might be reporting more than you should. You might report ppl wjo are not real trolls.

I can tell you from my cave, that the merge of HL and TL was known way before yesterday…

I’m not regular on any other forums but HS forums seem way more dead. Waaaaay.

They said it’ll be slow way before Orphea. The “canned” thing happened after her.

Or you have a terrible balance sense.
About queue times, I can show proof if you really interested, because I do have low queue times if I play solo. EU has a lot of players.

It’s still not about “can” or “cannot”. There are really few ppl who play more than one grind heavy game at a time. Ofc there are ppl who play more than one and enjoy it. But that doesn’t make it the standard.

I still do. Especially since most of the “I quit” threads I saw came from ppl posting those more than once, always coming back.
But that’s not my point but this is: afks and trolls cannot be dealt with in free games and it is the problem of every online multiplayer game. Every. Ever. So HotS can’t be blamed for it while you praise LoL, lol.

Based on this and the fact that you didn’t know about the notification sent to you after your reported gets punished, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that you report way too often (also your angry-kid attitude on the forums also indicate that you probably rage too quickly resulting in false reports).

If someone loses a lot, it’s not always their fault, but most the times. Because they are the single constant in their game.

(I’m curious how old are you. I think it would clarify a lot of your posts.)
I’m pretty far from self-loathed, lol, I’m just more self-aware than the usual.

I’m a fan, I’m not denying it.
But if your point is that HotS is bad and unpopular because of something that EVERY online multiplayer game has and suffer, ignoring that is not blindness…

It is not coincidence, dude. After the incident where I am not amused with your Tassadar so-called joke, you have been aggressively finding something to argue with me.

I didn’t stalk you. All I know that you keep pining down on me despite that others said the similar things as mine in this thread alone.

Indeed. Let’s see how long does that so-called community tourney can last.

They had been talking about that for a long time. All talk , no action. Won’t be surprised if they completely abandoned the idea.

I am talking about the in-game notification where they did mention about bringing it in the past. Just because they sent an email occasionally doesn’t mean it is OK to forget it.

We know a lot of things about HoTS future plans and most of them didn’t make it to the end. So I rather don’t speculate until we are actually getting it.

For example, we know there is HCG plan for 2019 at Blizzcon, and guess what?

Ok, good to know that HS and HoTS forum is dead.

You can ensure the current development is definitely slower than their intended “slow” now.

Or more like you will accept everything about HoTS is great. Won’t be surprised if there was a hero with 30% win rate, you will find a way to shill it. For starter, “you guys play it wrong. Those data are inaccurate. My word is accurate”

Well, my SEA HL/UD/TL queue time sucks, and SEA has a small player base. I wonder where were those players went. The funny thing is Mobile Legend and Dota2 are actually huge in my country, so saying there is no MoBA player is just nonsense.

And yes, I hope that the upcoming Storm League will be populated or else I really going to seal the coffin that SEA is dead for real.

I am aware that trolls and afkers exist in every game and the only way to deal with them is to dispatch and punish them quickly before it ruins many people games and HoTS is completely failed in this department because they are not doing thing swiftly enough.

I just encounter him a few days ago in my HL game. What do you say? As I said before, SEA is small. Encountering same players on the same row or same day is extremely normal whether in QM or HL.

As I said before, SEA region is small. Matching up with the same players over and over is not that difficult. I once partied with the guy who intentionally griefing the whole team for 5 games straight and gets 5 loss for free. I guess it must be my fault for that loss, right?

I don’t give my age to strangers on the internet.

Really? Based on your responses, you are the type that you will blame everything on yourself despite it is not even your fault.

You are a fanboy because you think the game is fine and healthy. All it lacks were an advertisement. That thought alone dragged our conversation for so many days.

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Genji has around 30% wr in Bronze-Silver. But the problem is indeed with the players not being able to utilise his power.
Sorry that I use winrates with context and not just those mere numbers alone, mindlessly.

I never said that.

I usually blame myself for my own mistakes (makes sense imo), and blame others for theirs. But I know everyone makes mistakes, we’re only humans.
I can only hope you do this as well.

I’m not a fanboy therefore I think the game is good.
I think the game is good therefore I’m a fan of it.

I had more replies aimed at you before that joke based on the forum stats and I don’t even remember seeing you in threads and talking to you after that and before this.

And all of my comments are meant for them as well but yours were the one which contained things that I found “silly” like saying that there are no such thing as ppl not knowing HotS in other countries, when I know ppl like that (and even with LoL as I said in my first comment which started this all) who didn’t know about HotS until I showed them.
I got my Recruit a Friend Vulture mount with real friends and not smurf accs.

And since you didn’t stalk me, you have no idea how many ppl I have talked with so how about not guessing about it.
As I said, I’m pretty regular on the forums. I talk with a lot of ppl. I talked to Ocek and Ataraxia recently more than with you.

I guess that means young Good, so they can’t hack you through that information.

Since you’re that interested and misguided I searched your post history for threads we both participated in (or at least I saw it) and I didn’t even care to respond to you instead of others or comment at all:

Based on these I’d say the one who follows anyone is you following DrLogan :open_mouth:

(Sidenote: I didn’t even remember that you did that nonsense Diablo thread about him being weak now thanks to 1 sec increased cd time.)

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100% true, well, it’s kinda overfanboyed opinion toward the “hardcore settler” type of fanbase/players but thing is that, I can’t fathom how ppl can push that 1000% bullsh narrative ofnot enough advertisement” and it’s like easy tendency to forget that the game had all the audience it should’ve had at it’s roots, i.e. around 150k viewers on twitch the very first few days 2.0 came out

BUT, but, again, AGAIN = blizz FAILED to store/keep the interest of the audience and we got what we got… Honestly don’t think that inflated number was realistic at all, probably many “hoped” they made the game some kind of a DotA/LoL clone, BUT again = they SHOULD’VE WORKED 24/7 AT IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS (and shouldn’t have been that hard since we gave TONS of feedback) and address accordingly ASAP when they occur

INSTEAD they were busy in overinvesting the “PR Sector” and “chasing newcomers”, basically investing into a HUGE LIE about quality of product and putting the “blame” for a potential failure on the playerbase itself

Yeah, thank you but no thank you, that is a BIG NO NO, to make things worse, the “best” playerbase had the audacity and arrogance to put the blame on the “rest of us noobs” (i.e. mortals) whilest completely failing to realize that the game was a huge flaw and a ticking time-bomb destined to implode to almost non-existance

Yeah, continue to blame the playerbase, the game’s flaws will “solve itself” lol

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So I guess those master level players are trash Tassadar players because I remembered correctly that you said Tassadar is fine, and I just happened to encountered trash Tassadar at my level.

Plus, not to mention that even Blizzard uses winrate to determine the balance between the heroes at all ranks. So do you implied that you are actually smarter than the HoTS developers?

I know. I just letting you know early before you pull the card “Can’t help it. Maybe your region doesn’t have MoBA players”.

Don’t lecture me on this. It is easy to say that you are a great person on the internet. I don’t know you personally and I don’t believe your self-evaluation at all, so yes, please you should keep that facade to yourself.

Meanwhile, in reality, the game isn’t as good as you think and you insist telling me that the advertising, especially on youtube ads, will save the game.

The thread about Tassadar, the thread about Imperius was used in the pro game, and now this thread, and probably in many Artanis threads.

So this is how you try to bait me? Nice try though.

It is kinda hilarious that you, who try to sell yourself as a civil and intelligent poster, just pull the typical card like “are you 12?” in the argument. But then it is kinda expected, after all, you were the same guy who pulls the card " lol your winrate is below 50%" talk in previous threads.

I actually appreciated that you didn’t reply to any of my posts in those threads. It would be nice you do the same in this thread and in the future too.

Nah, I just hate any thread about Tassadar. You can have Dr.HokuKarabarsSamshia posting a thread about Tassadar, I would voice out my thoughts about it in that thread immediately regardless who was the creator.

Hope I will stop hating Tassadar after the Tassadar rework came in the future.

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You wanna imply that your rank is master?

Blizzard uses more than winrate. They use context as well. We also don’t know the actual winrates that Blizz has.

I still didn’t say that. I said your region is low populated with HotS players. But just because ppl don’t play HotS that much in your region, doesn’t mean ppl don’t play it. The same why you don’t care about NA and EU being highly populated and calling the game dead because your anecdotal evidence.

Well, I’m not surprised that you are suspicious and sceptical. They say ppl see others actions with their own personality, and you said yourself that you lied here. So you assume others do as well.

Balancewise it is.

At least I’m not the guy who after months say “actually my winrate isn’t low, i lied”.

Btw I don’t discredit you just because you are young (or not). I’m just curious and for me you being young would explain a lot of things.
But keep your “secrets”.

Also, if someone is worth than average with a Hero and say it needs buffs, well, that is the case of learn to play, sry.


Ever considered that that’s my (and others’) reason as well?
I say it again: I don’t care you. I just voice my opinions like you do. I won’t stop, neither you as said previously.
If you don’t like it, get used to it, because it won’t change, or leave if you can’t handle it.
That’s how forums work.

Also I’m bored from this useless conversation we have when you try to project your negative behaviour on me, so either you stop now with not responding to it, or I will stop it with leavimg your next meaningless reply of yours without any reaction.
See you in other threads :wink:

Nope. My point that even Master rank has difficulty to play Tassadar well as you did.

Except for US and EU, other regions are pretty dead. Yes, that included ANZ, KOREA, Taiwan, and SEA region which few countries. I guess if you don’t see those regions as a part of HoTS community, then yes, the game is not dead if you filtered out other countries and regions.

Yes, you didn’t say but let you know it earlier just in case you pull that card.

Unlike you, they took more consideration thru all ranks while you are content with a hero with a 30% win rate as long it is doing fine at Master rank.

So you want me to be a gullible poster that will believe to every claim that you, the stranger from the internet, made here.

If you are ignoring the matchmaking quality, the population health, game design, missing features, report efficiency and reconnect system, then yes, you are right that the game is good.

Doesn’t change the fact you are the guy who is going to use your rank argument just to insult or downplaying them when you can’t refute people’s claim or post.

Whether I am young or not, the moment you brought it up in the debate or argument, it just showed that you are not as good as you claimed to be.

Typical response.

I expect no less from you. Even if there is a hero with 1% winrate or 99% winrate, you will still go to think it is fine and balance hero and strongly believed that it is l2p issue. I am glad that you are not from the balance team.

Say you don’t care about me but still decided to continue this conversation because I didn’t agree with you or suck you up until now.

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IMO the pro scene is detrimental to this type of games