How to increase the player base

HoTS was just a failure because the game had inferior designers making decisions on priorities, system protocols, cs and other aspects of the game.

Bad deseigners made a low quality product that underperformed, that’s all there is to it.

The devs haven’t listened to anyone including top players, casters and other people that were invested into the game because theyre too sensitive to objectively acknowledge their failings.

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As much as that is true, can simply be a case of “weekend players” don’t play the game enough so the MM has enough certainty of some sort… Yes, ur right MM can fluke but the greater problem (again) is ROLE-mismatch during a team IMO

Again, think the solution is a RANKED LEAGUE overhaul, just posted some details (see the post above, or above few) of what I think it should look like though

why are weekend bad players ranked at the same high ranks as veteran players?

Could it be because blizzard devs made a terrible matchmaker and have refused to admit they did poor quality work?

That is up for a debate, on the one hand yes they did bad job, but on the other hand think they could (and SHOULD) have given the players themselves more “matchmaking” control

Either way believed it or not my “solution” is much more radical than it seems lol, SO FAR there’s been a one (I assume ONE ?) centralized system of matchmaking-decision, what I propose is splitting the “responsibilities” between the system itself and the drafters, therefore making it more of a “dispersed” update though

This would never happen.

They have already given up on Hots.

Face reality people… these threads only highlight how pathetic your hope is

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It’s because the game does a poor job assessing skill and MMR movement is slow in both directions.

There should be a decay on MMR confidence so players who don’t play often can move around faster.

In QM, sometimes. Most of my losses today were due to mismatched comps.

That’s not really a problem in draft modes as you don’t have a set comp before the match. If you can’t draft correctly that’s your fault.

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Improve the match making then advertise. Make a great game then get people in so they stay

TL is dead in my region. Perhaps you shouldn’t assume all regions are US West.

Yeah sure. Keep telling that to yourself. It was pretty clear you have something against me. And yes, I actually hate you and other Artanis player with 100% win rate, so there is no “if” here.

HGC canceled. The team got downsized.

27k supposed to be amazing?

Sc2 final in Blizzcon got 200k viewers+ while HGC Blizzcon Final stuck around 60k if I not mistaken. Had HOTS HGC got 200k viewers at that time, I am pretty sure that HoTS won’t get canned like a pariah.

Exactly. “The game is not for you”. This is what you guys have been saying to everyone who had criticized the HoTS game design until today. Now you guys were wondering why this game lack of players. Maybe because those players were actually heeded you guys advice and went to other games.

Also, I actually prefer the new QM rule before the developers revert the QM rule to the previous one.

The current HoTS is dying. They should have copied their “rival” because, at this point, Blizzard has nothing to lose.

Heroes of the Dorm, ESPN Sports Channel (Not from US so I am not sure I got the correct name for this channel), Facebook, having popular streamers with a huge following from other games to promote the game, cross-promotion among Blizzard games, and twitch partnership and a free gift.

Also, do you guys really think that majority of the DoTA2 and LoL players have no idea on what is HoTS in 2019?

Sure that every game needs new players, but what is the use of getting new players if you can’t make them stay? Heck, even the old timers are leaving this game.

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  1. show MMR numbers
  2. add individual MMR RESET BUTTON
  3. for good player gain more rank point if win (less - if lost) it is sad story if one play well ad is a MPV from all 10 players but have bad team, afk, trolls in team and lost same rank point what afk with 0dmg 0exp…

Who assumed that? You? Not me. I’m an EU player who hears things about the NA region. I don’t know about any other region.
But merging HL and TL will help in any region even if just slightly.

I have nothing against you.
If you are interested what my impressions about you, I can tell them, but it’s not hate (never was). More like pity at this point.

I asked for citation about marketing. HGC is not marketing. As others said: HGC and Bnet is not advertisement because the ppl who know about those are already knows about HotS.

It’s not bad and could be higher. Never bothered to check the numbers myself.

It still has millions of players. So nope, they can lose a lot.
And let’s say they copy LoL. Now what? They lost their uniqueness and the ppl who liked them for that. Will LoL players come here? Why would they come to play a copycat in which they have no cosmetics and progression when they can keep play their own?
It tells something that HotS is the third most popular moba and you said that only that 3 counts. There are/were others copying the big names just to perish because ppl “who like Fifa will keep playing Fifa instead of another football game which is basically Fifa”.
So if your problem is the shared xp, I’m pretty sure giving that up at any given point would just cause more harm than good.
Because ppl rarely switch mobas.

US, I’m from EU. I only heard about that from HotS. Dunno about its impact in NA outside of HotS players.

Never heard about it.

That’s not really Blizz advertisment.

Like we said, ppl playing Blizz games already new about HotS, but good example on success, because the OW event brought in a lot of ppl from my friendlist.

Yea, twitch prime was advertisement. But it wasn’t for 3 years.

You listed a few things but mostly local things, situational marketing, and Blizzard cross-promotion. Those are not real advertisement.

No, we don’t. Moba players know the other mobas. But why would anyone switch to one from the other?
(Also to be more clear, there are indeed players who play LoL but didn’t know about HotS, I knew ppl like that and showed them HotS.)

What are the things which makes new players leave in your opinion? I asked this and similar questions from you here a lot but you always dodged them which makes me suspicious.
Also, almost every LoL player I know quitted it. Every game has oldtimers who quit. But based on how many 1500+ lvl-ed accounts I’m seeing in QM, this game still has a lot of old timers.

And LoL has youtube commercials. Good commercials. If a kid who didn’t pkayed any Moba they’ll hear about LoL first. Decreasing the chance of ever playing the others.

Oh yes, you said it is pity, but your action said otherwise. You just want to find trouble with me because I didn’t suck up to you as others did.

Considering that HoTS got canned, I am pretty sure that the upper management would have consult with the marketing team or rather any department that involved with it before making that decision.

It is a horrible number. I have been monitoring HoTS views before HCG got canned. It always hovers around 3k to 5k while No.1 and No.2 MoBA easily hover at the 50k numbers on a normal day.

I am not from US or EU yet I heard those. Even the forum, reddit and gaming sites were talking about it. So it is either you are completely lying to make your point or you just live in a cave.

It can be found on HoTS Blizzard page.

It is a form of advertisement. You have no idea how online influencer works, right? There is a reason why the company pays handsomely to streamers or youtuber with huge followers to promote their products.

Yet it failed to generate enough buzz that HoTS needed.

Good for you, but if everything was working so smoothly as your case, HoTS won’t in this bad shape.

I made at least 30 friends+ from OW cross-promotion event and none of them were login HoTS after the cross-promotion was over although they still log in to play OW or HS.

Those players from other MoBA game are potential customers, and I believed most of them had tried HoTS, and yet they don’t stick to HoTS as their 2nd moba game should tell you that lack of exposure is never a problem for HoTS current state.

Instead of asking me why were the new players or old timers left the game, you could just browse around the forum or reddit forum to see why those “I quit this game” threads were created. I didn’t bribe them to create those threads.

At this point, the MoBA market had reached the saturation point. It is either the existing players continue to play their primary MoBA or just switch to others or just quit MoBA for good. So I really doubt advertising will help the game. Considering how popular was Battle Royale mode these days, it is even harder to get a new gamer to play MoBA game because no matter how you deny it, battle royales are more accessible.

and youtube ad is the worst form of ads because of Adblock. I would be surprised if people don’t have adblock installed in their PC today.

Also, I remembered that there were a lot of HoTS journalists promote HoTS by writing HoTS articles on the gaming site and reddits and the buzz wasn’t impactful enough to help HoTS, and those happened before HoTS got canned.

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What action?


Yes. But LoL has commercials, ads. HotS doesn’t. That’s a mistake.

What bad shape? The game is balanced, the queues are short. Sorry that this isn’t true in your small region.

Yes, moba players are potential customers for other mobas. But copying a game is usually a bad strategy. Being unique what is needed.

You believe that. I believe that most didn’t.

“2nd moba game” is a weird term. One is enough for everyone imo esoecially since there are other games ppl want to play but time is a rare resources.

I read a lot of them.
The reasons were:

  • afks/trolls
  • not liking QM yet playing that mode only
  • banned/silenced
  • crying about 50%> wr Heroes stomping them

So pls, list a few real arguments because those are just empty ragequits.

Ok. You believe that, I don’t believe that. Let’s agree to disagree since arguing over beliefs is meaningless.

I don’t deny that battle royals are more popular and the new trend. As I said before in this thread, ppl wants to be better than everyone, including their own teammates.

Yeah, on PC, but I watch a lot of youtube from my phone and I doubt I’m alone. That’s how I saw the cool LoL ads.

I’m not surprised. HotS is like the casual moba, right? Casual players don’t care about stuff like that. They can’t be reached that way.

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Intentionally finding stuff just to argue with me.

Yes you are.

Doesn’t change the fact it is still advertising which you kinda denied it previously.

Low player base, no tourney, a lot of missing features, long queue time for certain mode, and matchmaking for ranked, and the hero balance is out of whack, forum has low traffic and the most important, slow development.

Which part that this game scream in good shape again?

If being unique can’t make a difference to the game health, might as well just copying the best. Also, uniqueness doesn’t equal to usefulness or successful.

Just because you can’t play one genre, don’t assume that others can’t. I knew quite a lot of people who can play 2 or 3 moba games just to accompany their friends. There were few streamers that I used to follow were able to play LoL, DoTA2, and HoTS at a decent level.

Love how you missed the rainbow matchmaking for a ranked mode. Also, afk and trolls are certainly a legit complaint. These happened because of the terrible report system that took ages to punish them. Continuous bad match experience tends to drive players away. Just because you can tolerate all these and overlook these problems and treated it as nothing worth to concern due to your fanboyism doesn’t mean other players can.

Yes. That is one of the primary reason, also you don’t have to learn 50 heroes and 50 maps to get decent in the battle royale games.

That is why I am saying the lack of exposure isn’t the reason why HoTS failed. Also, I just remembered that Blizzard even gets IGN (quite popular video game site) to review the game for the 2nd time.

and it still failed to generate “enough” interest on the new gamers.

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I’m regular on the forums with my own opinions. It has nothing to do about you but what you’re saying/claiming/asking.
I’m not searching for you. I don’t care about you. Why should I? Randos on the internet.
The world is not about you.

No, I’m not lying. You’re not worth lying.
And no, I’m not living in a cave, dude.

I thought I made it pretty clear from my 5-6 previous comments that I meant advertisment on platforms where ppl more likely don’t know about HotS. Like ads and commercials. Those are the real and outstanding marketings imo.

In a low populated region. Which region is yours?

Watch Khaldor’s TV. There are tourneys. Funny that I know this from my cave but you don’t ;p

For example?

HL is a mode which was made obsolete with solo queue TL. They’ll even remove it. Problem solved.

In low populated aeras, how should they make a proper MM?

Hero balance is pretty good tbh. But I know you want Artanis buffs, because your claimed 60% wr with him is not high enough…

It never had high if you’re talking about blues.
But the community itself is still pretty active here.

Yea. It’s slow. You have a point here.
But they said it’ll be slow. One of the reasons was so they can focus more on Hero balance. But I guess you want everything at the same time.

Low queue times and good balance.

I never said I can’t play more games at a decent level. I said, why play two mobas? Especially when ppl might have few times they can spend on games/day?
Geez xD

You mean ppl able to play TL with rainbow ranks? It’ll be fixed soon and I find the two teams similarly rainbow which is fair im the end.

Ofc, but LoL has this as well, with the same “trash MM” complains.

Funny that I listed that two of the major “I quit” complains are the lack of report power and that it’s too effective at the same time. Shrödinger’s Report System.

True. Especially if they can’t accept the fact that they’re not as good as they want to think.

Love it that I’m a fanboy because I ignore the same complains that the more popular mobas have as well.
It can’t be HotS downside if LoL has it as well.

I maybe didn’t said it here, but mobas are grindy games. Most ppl don’t want to grind. I made a thread about making it slightly less hard, but ppl are scared of it because of smurfs.

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People don’t like to play team game in general nowadays. They want to do everything themselves. It’s a shame this game is so good, yet very few want to play it. They want a LOL type of game where they can 1v5.

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Disagree HUGELY, again, they have ALL THE DAMN DATA they need (almost 5 full years of it ffs), they can even pre-hint it to you, for example 45% you’re gonna be forced to play a tank (i.e. no other flex player available non-playing the game of your skill level ATM) if want find a game under 5 min search… Things like that

Don’t act like the mere fact alone that it’s “our fault” they can’t (or shouldn’t) do more, it’s like saying it’s not a store problem that most customers want the same merchant ffs, there are price adjustments, shipment adjustments, pre-purchase announcements of things that are “scarce”, improving quality of “bad shipment” or putting it through extra “cycle of recognition” and so on

No ofense, it’s not like ROCKET SCIENCE ffs, putting 5 teen aged girls driving a bus through a continent sounds “fun” but probably won’t “end there” when there are a bunch of police stops on the way, don’t act like EXPECTATION/ESTIMATION is not worth = IT IS, and even if, EVEN IF the MM didn’t do “bad”, could still “hint” the players the “estimated strengths and weaknesses” of the team overall

Or (AGAIN) AT LEAST the draft leader should know

That is still only a probability, it’s not enforced. Blizzard CANNOT force you to pick a role or a hero in a draft. That choice is up to you.

Even if they made teams of one player with >50% of their time played on tanks, et cetera with other roles that’s still just a probability that you’ll play that role, but it does not does not guarantee that distribution will be followed.

The point of ranked modes is to test your ability to be a well rounded player.

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Because none want reply again topic new ideas,mechanics,roles,new.modes…
I would repeat my topic…

I know perfectly my english is low lvl.
If game be versione would a lot better or improved. And maybe would bring back old quit players,and is valid for new players.
If you cant ynderstand my ideas i would explain in my topic. But i already explain why would work better.

hmm…?!..i your suggestions…
But you miss many factors…
Players cant play with one same best way in every game,death ratio also effect so high for 1 win game or 1 lose game, espectacly after 18 in game lvl( as you know very well this effect so high for 1 lose or 1 won game).
Otherwise i like your suggestions.
I hope so Blizzard thia topic or they pin( or be tracked ) to be readed from them everyday. And add in his future work plans( or patches) and think about your suggestiones and get decions is it be worth to be working on them or not. read these.ideas please dude?!..

Fix one problem at the time, start with the ones that are most obvious