My Idea of Reworking Tassadar

Here is my idea of reworking Tassadar into a proper high templar assassin.

Trait: Oracle
Activate to greatly increase Tassadar’s vision radius, allow him to see over obstacles, and detect stealthed units. Psionic Storm range increased by 100%. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Plasma Shield
Grant a Shield that absorbs 200 (previous is 455!) damage over 4 seconds. If the target is a Hero, they heal for 40% of their Basic Attack damage done while Shielded. It also grants Plasma Burn, that will put Artanis’s Lv20 Plasma Burn talent to shame, that will burn enemy around it for 80 damage until the Plasma Shield expired or destroyed.

Psionic Storm
Deal 82 damage per second to enemies in the target area for 3 seconds. Damage increases by 12% for each consecutive instance of damage, up to 60%. You can stockpile Psionic Storm up to 3 usages maximum, and you can stack 3 psionic storm on the same target for maximum damage…like Sc2 co-op High Templar did.

Dimensional Shift
Tassadar becomes invulnerable and Unrevealable for 2 seconds. While shifted, he has 25% increased Movement Speed. It also damages the enemies on the path that Tassadar is moving to for 200 damage.

Heroic: Archon
Tassadar transforms into an Archon and gains a Plasma Shield. His Basic Attacks deal 158 damage, slow the target by 30% for 1 second and splash for 79 damage to enemies within 2.5 range. Lasts for 10 seconds. Psionic Storm now grants allies in the storm a plasma shield for 200HP. Archon also exploded in a huge AoE like LoTV cinematic if Tassadar in Archon mode got killed fro 500 damage.

Heroic: Force Wall
Create a wall that blocks all units from moving through it for 2 seconds. The energy wall also has a Plasma Burn trait, that will put Artanis’s Lv20 Plasma Burn to shame, that will burn enemy for 200 damage around the wall until the wall expired.

Tassadar’s Basic Attack, Distortion Beam will be changed to Psionic Lightning like what LoTV High Templar did. It will deal AoE damage and slow.

Storm talent: Summon Gantrithor
Tassadar can summon a giant carrier, Gantrithor that will hit the enemies with 8 interceptors for 10 seconds. Gantrithor will deal HUGE AoE damage when it got killed. Tassadar also can trigger the self-destruct at will.

With these changes, Artanis will soon know and learn why Tassadar is his mentor and the true savior of Protoss race. Even the prideful Alarak would have fled from this Tassadar.

is this a passive or does this only occur during oracle?

seems more of a nerf than a buff. the plasma burn won’t last enough since the shield hp is so low.

pointless buff. you don’t want to use your escape as a way of damaging enemies. he’s not genji.

Finally Archon is now useful.

seems like an unnecessary buff to an already super strong heroic.

During Oracle.

Well, he is now Assassin, so there is no way he is going to retain full Plasma Shield number.

Maybe I should add Reset cooldown if he killed target with his Dimensional Shift. :slight_smile:

New Tassadar should establish the pecking order among all assassins.

Like the high templar from starcraft 1, you mean :stuck_out_tongue:
Watching ASL finals now :smiley:

the burn damage isn’t worth it because you have to be next to someone to use it. And since it’s easier to hit someone in melee vs range the shield is going to die off before you get any value out of the burn damage.

again, pointless buff. your escape should not be used to damage enemies. he is not and should not be turned into genji 2.0

Plasma Shield
Grant a Shield that absorbs 200 (previous is 455!) damage over 4 seconds. If the target is a Hero, they heal for 40% of their Basic Attack damage done while Shielded. It also grants Plasma Burn, that will put Artanis’s Lv20 Plasma Burn talent to shame, that will burn enemy around it for 80 damage until the Plasma Shield expired or destroyed.

So Tassadar’s main problem is how lifesteal interacts with certain heroes. And you want to solve that by giving him more lifesteal?

This would only make Tass more Tracer’s shield bot and he would recieve more nerfs.

I can’t get it.
How Plasma Burn will be better than Lifesteal, if anyway shield can be destroyed to make this one useless?

If Tassadar’s effects could continue AFTER shield destroyed/disappear, like ARMOR on 4 lvl (Khala Light), it would make Tassadar not such useless, when his shields are weak and a lot of heroes have burst dmg.

And anyway - shield is tool vs burst, but lifesteal says us “No, you shield must to not absord dmg to be useful, it must last until last second to heal from AA”.


Huh? Except reducing the shield damage to 200, I am pretty sure I didn’t remove anything about the life steal effect. Plasma burn is a additional effect.

It could be used on your melee character or against enemy melee tank or melee assassin that chasing you or your allies?

Huh? I don’t remember that Sc1 High Templar’s psionic storm damage can be stacked?

I mean, if you cast 3 psionic storms that deals 80 damage on the target, you will get 240 damage instead of 80 damage. As I remembered, only Sc2 Co-op Artanis HT has that exclusive.

a check shows you are correct… probably jsut me remembering/seeing how much more impactful storm seems in SC1 than SC2.

My bad!

sorry if you’re new to starcraft brood war and I confused you? All zero of you.

I meant no matter how many effect shield can have, they can be canceled by destroying shield.

maybe if he’s turning in to a assassin then make his life steal only applies to him