How to improve every healer

Accourding to me + an tip
Part 2 of my series, do know I read every comment. I am more a reader then a responder because I like to know other peoples opinions more then my own.
Also I like to play healers but I don’t play them as much as tanks or bruisers


First I dont like how they nerved her 16 dragonic discipline in order to make the others a valid choise
What to improve:
Her talents are all nice, all can be situational even E build at 20 is super strong… so this is a hard one.

The only talent I find a bit weak is her lvl 7 fire within. But if we buff by making the burn effect last 1s this the rest of lvl 20 would be broken.

Blessed by the red could use a cdr reduction because teamfights usually starts right after 20.

Tip: You can manipulate your teammates with pushing or retreating with your W’s. Place it aggressive and your teammates need to hold ground.

Place it defensive and your teammates go back.
If you have an issue that people arent stepping into your circles, simply heal them less with your Q them and force them to


Vampiric rounds still gets outdone by contact healing, if your getting dived you need burst.
Just remove it and replace it by another talent. Maybe a self infuse like Ana in deathmatch overwatch.
She gain 20% spellpower stronger for 6s on a 60s cooldown


  • Hitting her Q’s is just a L2P , if its draft and you see tracer+illidan genji whatever as a prepick. You can tell them you wont hit much if they pick that mobile hero.
  • I had to learn this lesson as well and so far they are understanding
  • Dont run away from your teammates.
  • If your team is bad just pick eye of horus

Make his W more visable.
(Personally I never liked to get pulled because I play aggressive, I loose controll)

Tip: ping before using your lightbomb+ the hero your casting it on so your teammate is ready


I have a lot of feedback after the ress changes, they made her worse.

  • Number buff majectic spam and heavy burden

  • 13 converging force, reduce the AA or spell armor by 10

Tip: Always be in a position so you can wall stun someone but avoid getting near the frontline. You will get combo’d
if people dont want to get healed. Simply dont heal them, let them learn the hard way. Alt rightclick your W to show your heal is ready.


Number buff W on 1 and 7
Make her smoothing wings go faster so the cleanse will hit quicker. Right now if you hit someone at the outer reach of your cleanse, the cleanse could be almost over.


  • If you need more healing get Q build.
  • During the laning phase You can ask your teammates to ping if they need a TP
  • Emerald wind at 20 is great for waveclear

(he doesnt need talent buffs)
Range indicator on 13 AoE potions, I don’t know how long the AoE heal is.

Tip: if you have nothing to do throw potions near the upcomming objective.
You can also zone someone out with an intentionally misplaced root.


Transendence range increase ( yes a lot of range increases :stuck_out_tongue: )
It is sometimes very hard to get a hero near a thing you hit. The range is strong but short

Out of combat
Wait a bit before healing, most people group up for your heals. (too many just spam it)

Li Li

Full rework
Proposed Lili Rework
Li Li [A Rework Concept]
Tip: I can’t recommend her so don’t play her is my best tip
Here are a couple of tips.
If you face a heavy aa team, pick stukov or E build reghar.
Stukov can push a butcher away or put a silent under him


Rework the taxi ult. Let it be 2 beams at the time or a AOE heal 30% of max health
Current medivac has little place and in coordinated matches you go Stim drone.

Tip: Burst damage happens after or during the CC. So wait till a stun or root happens then press safeguard.


He is also a hero who I don’t see much improvement right now.
If you buff him he can be broken quickly. So for Lucio I take a pass :smiley:
If you know something please let me know

Tip: Dont press E for a single target, unless you have no other option.
The sweet spot to heal is if the 2a3 teammembers is around 70% health

Ma fury on

Lvl 7 Tenacious roots, let it be if rooted or stunned.

Tip: Yes you can root someone, but a root is difficult to hit. You can also deny an area (lets say put a root at the gate to prevent them entering the gate) This also helps when you want to split their team


Feral Heart
If you need mana or healing you take the other talents. Rework the whole talent , make something new. Maybe 10% extra spellpower for the next spell (Totem gets10% increased size) or bring back the vision

Earthliving enchant
Make it 3s under 40% instead of 5s under 50%

Tip: Chance your hotkey to mouse 3 button as a Q selfcast, this helps with micro
Colossal totem recast works with Earthgrasp (16) for people who are not hit yet


Make top of like Malfurion , when stukov is high it needs to heal.
Bio explosion kill switch, dont remove the silence, its supposed to be a lvl 20 talent.
Push comes to shove: Armor to 70% yes yes
Controlled Chaos: Faster CDR when you have no stacks

vs a heavy AA team stukov is really nice because of his Biotic armor, especially combined with universal carrier at 16.


Everlasting light is a bad talent. It offers less healing then Elunes chosen. With tyrande its your task to make someone immortal.
I like the idea of a 2nd cast to a diffirent target. So just number buff it

Huntress fury: Rework it. Its garbage
Make it like this : 2 charges D with a 5s cooldown in between use

Eyes of the huntress: Its a good talent but the CDR is too long. Reduce it by 20s.

Tip: If you AA once on a target, you can AA a couple of times so the CDR almost resets. So you can Q a target 3 times , this is a great unexpected burst heal.


Range indicator on Bulkwark of light.
Right now its a gamble how far it applies to other heroes

Tip: When in a fight don’t hug your tank or you will suffer from splash damage, be near him , around the range of his W


Delete the garbage that is Inquisitors prayer
Make her heal more and regain mana vs disabled targets


  1. It’s fine to use 2 Qs on one target
    But only get 3 Desperation if needed
    2 Q then wait for 4 seconds then use 2 Q again

Make the level 20 upgrade for Sound Barrier turn it into a Deflect, rather than just a shield.



Nah I think you mean great for trolling. Thats what you did last time haha.

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There are two styles of play for lucio, and the option to be a primary healer should come a bit sooner. I don’t know how many times I’ve been raged at for not being able to keep up with the other teams healer. As a result I wouldn’t mind seeing the level 16 talents moved down a bit heck even make it the level 4 talent.

The only way in order to improve the class in a way that the top priority issue is fixed is to remove the concept of the healing fountain entirely. Healers should be fun to play heroes that offer solo play potential, CC and utility - not healing of others.

The biggest issue is that nearly nobody wants to play them. They are marked with boxes for XP bonus since ages in order to convince people to play the healing fountain.
Nearly every draft in SL is a fight who has to play the boring class - be happy if you face one of 10 healer mains left in EU. The reason for that I hear often is that you are totally depended on the team - a situation you don’t want to be in in this game. And by that I don’t mean necessarily that they can barley carry by kills, they are bad in many things like doing camps and wave clear (I know Rehgar still exists…). The last two things get more important if the skill of the playerbase goes downhill, which is the case. Even in Diamond at least 50% of the people don’t care of doing camps in the right moment and soak XP while not forcing the team into a outnumbered fight.

The concept has failed and nearly the same applies to tanks but for different reasons. But that’s another topic.

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TLDR he didn’t read the tread and is a onetrick assassin


Deckard: Stay awhile and STHU (at 20) is good if enemies like to group up.

Literally won a game because of that.


I agree but I wanted to improve a lot, not nerf :stuck_out_tongue:

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Instant dislike, because you want to remove one of the most unique heroics in the game, you can also use this heroic like you would Bunker down from Blaze. I would even say they should get rid of Stimdrone, but give her a second beam like Mercy and make Medivac ready from 1 but with a huge cooldown like DW, so she could get sth. different on 10. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t it the same range as Transcendence?

It’s also great for when you need to rein in control of 3 Butchers.

Also, as usual:


I have been linked to this thread. I assume that it means you want my 2 cents so here i go :stuck_out_tongue:
In reverse order beacuse i feel like it

Inquisitors Prayer isn’t so bad altho I wouldnt mind a buff. It’s an important part of the Q build sense it gives you the mana to proc radiance more then twice. The talents i think should change are indulgence which i wish gave you some throughput or supporting power and Intercession which I just don’t like it stacking desperation. Maybe intercession also put a zeal on the aly idk.

Another tip: the only time you have to spend mana on whitemane is when your healing more then one person with out scarlet aegis. Clemency heals the same amount as Inquisition on single target.

For the most part, i like where uthers at. The only non quality of life thing i can think of is that spell shield is a bit unnecessary and lame.
Also, let me see how much my damage my armor has reduced on the score screen. I really wanna know lol.

Another tip: dont holy light your self unless absolutely nessesary, its really inefficient. If you get low, fall back and let your abilities passively heal you as you use them on others.

Everlasting light isn’t quite that bad :p. It scales better then Elunes chosen sense there are more talents and an ult to support it. Its also a bit better in pve then chosen.
I completely agree with hunters fury tho. The mark duration becomes redundant at 13 sense Rangers mark gives you nearly infinite mark anyway.
Personally, I’d remove the mark duration increase and replace it with either give back some of its pve or give it a bonus that you can use with out attacking your mark target in addition to what it does. Also make the bouncy arrows interact with the rest of your kit somehow D:. I get why it dosent work with Darnasian archery but common lol.

Another tip: Dont spam owl. You will go oom hard.

Yeah, I dont really like any of his 20 talents to be honest.

Another tip: Punch things! It does like a million damage and has higher dps the thralls AAs lol.

I miss Farsight… Also believe it or not, Earthliving enchant is actualy pretty good. It nearly doubles the healing of Chain heal when you get the proc. I do wish it had some kinda build synergy tho.

Another tip: You can put lightning shield on your totem! This is useful for safer wave clear and damage and if you get raising storm, you can use it by your self.

Sounds about right. Some other stuff tho… Wild growth and Hindering moonfire aint great, and the innervate build would be alot better if it buffed your healing before level 13. Malf is in a really good spot overall tho.

Maybe more of a personal thing but I feel like lucio could use one more something baseline to make him more exciting to play outside of pvp. Its like, hes one of those heroes that feels kinda meh until you get high five. Then hes like wow this is fun!

Another tip: Use speed aura more! For the most part, speed is better then healing in team fights unless your amping up, then you heal. 15 health a second is not gonna save someone from the monstrous damage of a team fight unless theres alot of dots or something.

I wish morales has 1 more heal button in addition to her heal beam. I feel like she should stay mostly single target tho. Also It’d be cool if medivac could being people to me from anywhere, not just spawn.

Another tip: idk lol, Shes so basic its hard to say something you didn’t already know.

Oh, I found the link. I feel a dumb now lol.

Yeah, sounds about right. Other then that, I cant think of anything wrong with monk. (not that transcendence is bad either but a range buff would be appreciated)

Another tip: Do more stutter stepping with monk when your not channeling E!

Yeah, Deckard is pretty solid overall.

Another tip: Vary your build more often! So many deckards take the same meta build when talents like Ruby, Ancient Blessings, Horadric Staff, and Perfect Gems are broken as hell when picked in the right scenarios.

Greater polymorph is honestly really great value. The problem is that Q is just really hard to hit unless your fallowing up someone elses CC but if your doing that, your stacking CC instead of properly chaining it.
Plz make Q easier to hit :p.

Another tip: You can use blink heal to appear on top of someone before hitting your cleanse to negate the down sides of its slow speed. Also, use the shift button to queue up commands while using Phase shift to do things like W/E things immediately or blink heal away instantly.

Angelic flight: bad
All her 13 talents: meh

Another tip: Much like Deckard, don’t just stick to one 7 talent forever. They are all pretty good in different situations.

Imma pull anyway cuz u gonna die. feel free to hate me later.
Honestly, Anduin is the best healer in the game from a design standpoint. He’s freaking awesome.
That being said, I hate Surge of Light. Bring back the old version. It was pretty cool to hold on to an extra mini aoe heal until people grouped or use it to add to your burst.

Another tip: If you haven’t played Anduin, play Anduin. Best advice I’ve given all week. Real tip tho. In QM or other uncoordinated games, Lightbomb your self and use the speed boost from your 13 talents to get in. Much more reliable this way.

My main issue with her is I feel like her talents don’t mix up her playstyle much if at all.

Another tip: Your positioning can make a big difference in how easy it is to hit your heals. Generally, being perpendicular to the direction people are moving or trying to heal people in melee range is hard mode.

The nerf didn’t do anything to the talent. The reason why that talent is good is it lets you get a second W off before dragon form ends. I suspect if they nerf it so you cant do that anymore, it will become really bad.
I wish her talents made her abilities synergize with each other more.

Another tip: Cleansing flame will pause the duration of dragon form as well as activating much faster while in dragon form.


I have a problem with enjoying goofy talents :stuck_out_tongue:

I simply don’t find it practical enough. It takes too long to lift off.
Bunker you can enter and exit and you get armor.

I scratched my head for too long to know where I wanted to go with Uther haha . I’m also fine with Malfurion Lucio and Uther ATM

I pick it too in around 1/3 of my matches, I just find it a bit too slow

Yeah I agree, I also don’t like Lifebloom at 20. I think Lunar Shower just does a better job.

I really dislike this as well.

Yeah I agree, he plays really smooth
Thanks for your feedback! I wrote down the WM tip

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I mean, you could basically use it after you wiped the enemys and use it like juicy pirates would do? You can use it like Junkrat’s super mount and help your team to come faster to the scene of action? Sure the latter would take more coordination and that’s why it’s probably bad in most games, but so is Medivh’s portals…

Yeah but I would like to see juice pirates removed anyway. it is for me not a fun thing to go against and I don’t play it anyway

Give me a good Sylvanas push over juice pirates anyday

Why?! It’s a unique strategy that can be countered, why would you remove strategic plays that teach players what’ the most important in the game: destroying core. I enjoy juicy pirates personally or when I see pros do it on KhaldorTV.

Just because you don’t enjoy sth. it’s not a good reason to remove it.

For me it does, it leaves room for something better
The slow build up time before medivac can fly is to give juice pirates a nerf.

Blizz team is creative enough to come with a solution. Just look at mindcontrol, its better then it used to be

I’m still hoping for that new lvl 20 to become baseline in some manner, because Kharazim has become straight up frustrating to play now that every healer has infinite mana and more are receiving improvements to their outgoing heals each patch (Deckard and Lili Q speed).

My guess is they’re afraid of creating another Varian in quick match. Which could possibly be worse, players intentionally not wanting to fill in ideal role, or a hero not being played by anyone?

Kharazim were already a multiclass hero in a way but was never official called for a multiclass. Multiclass as a role breaks matchmaking too much so it got scraped.

What mana goes for I can agree he suffer a lot without Insight trait to help him.

Most Varians dont want to be forced to play Taunt 24/7 in all games. They want to be able to choose which role they want to play. They cant do that in QM since QM will force him into Taunt 80% of the time unless he play in a party with a main tank player.

For Kharazim he is not forced into one spec that hard as Varian is. He can even go full healing and still pick Seven Sided as his ult.

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If you pick Insight at level 1 (blue mana return) then you have to pick Heavenly Zeal at level 7. Spamming 30% movement speed is crazy strong and the +50% crit heal is too good. If my team has heroes that benefit from movement speed (e.g. arthas, garrosh, anyone frontline really) then this talent combo is gold.

The other two talent options at 7 provide CDR for your other spells which is very strong for Transcendence or Iron Fist. However, Insight gives you all the CDR you need allowing you to afford to pick Heavenly Zeal.

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