Proposed Lili Rework

I thought id give this a try. Heres my best attempt at updating Lili while still keeping true to what she is.

Trait: movement speed increased from 10% to 15%

Q: range reduced from 6 to 3
Healing increased from 175 to 195

I think its still important for Lili to be new player a friendly hero that a literal rock on the keyboard could play. That being said, the reduced range should make it more realistic to heal a specific person and the extra move speed should make this easier to do on the fly. This should give some agency to skilled players.

W: new functionality
cooldown reduced from 11 to 9
Summon a Cloud Serpent on target allied Hero. Each time that hero basic attacks, so does the cloud serpent dealing 62 damage and healing the ally for 85. The serpent attacks 3 times before disappearing and can only attack up to once every second.

Lili’s current W is a pretty uneventful ability unless you talent for it. Not 100% sure on this one but here it is.

E: adjusted functionality
cooldown increased from 12 to 14
target a direction, then throw a cloud of Blinding Wind at the 2 nearest enemies (prioritizing Heroes), dealing 84 damage. Affected targets miss all Basic Attacks for the next 1.5 seconds.
Then, .75 seconds later, launch a wave of wind and mist in the targeted direction dealing 120 damage to all enemies it passes through. Blinded enemies are also slowed by 50% for 1.5 seconds.

My attempt at giving a Lili without water dragon some more play making potential. The slow is meant to be achievable with the blind that the ability already puts out.

R1 and R2 are unchanged

Both ults are awesome and feel good to use already c:


Level 1

Free Drinks: Healing Brew’s range is increased by 100%. Healing Brew’s cooldown is reduced by 1 second and its Mana cost is refunded if it heals a Hero under 50% Health.

Wind Serpent: cloud serpents first attack heals for 100% more and fires a blinding wind tornado at the allies target instead. (And still heals)

Eager Adventurer: removed

Lets share!: Healing brew will no longer target Lili if another injured ally is in range. If healing brew heals another ally Lili is also healed by 85.

I just about never see anyone pick eager Adventurer and it diddnt really offer all that much to begin with so i replaced it with lets share.
Free drinks basically reverts Q back to what it was for those who liked it better that way.

Level 4

Serpent Sidekick: reworked
When Cloud serpent expired, it will fly over to another ally and help them for 2 attacks.

Surging Winds: unchanged

Safety Sprint: adjusted
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Activate to gain Fast Feet for 3 seconds and increase its Movement Speed bonus to 30% while active.
Passive: Increases basic attack damage by 15% and Lili is healed for 18 each time she basic attacks.

Safety sprint change: people really like to play Lili this way so why not throw them a bone : p

Level 7

The good stuff: unchanged

Lightning serpent: damage increased from 13 to 32
Healing increased from 10 to 28

Lets go!: healing increased from 140 to 170

Not much to say here. Adjusted Lightning serpent to fit new W.

Level 13

Gale force: Adjusted
Increases Blinding Wind’s duration by 0.75 second. Lili’s attack speed is increased by 50% for 3 seconds when she basic attacks a blinded enemy.

Hindering Winds: added functionally
Blinding Wind Slows enemy Hero Movement Speed by 25% for 1 second and the wave of wind’s slow lasts 1 second longer.

Mass vortex: damage bonus reduced from 75% to 60%

Mass vortex will increase the damage of both parts of Blinding wind.

Level 16

Two for one: unchanged

Pick me up: unchanged

Blessings of Yu’lon: adjusted
When an ally gets a Cloud serpent, increase their movement speed by 25% for 3 seconds and the Cloud Serpent heals its bearer for 5% of their maximum Health each time it attacks.

Having cloud serpent give movement speed should help Lili in the play making department. If only by a little.

Level 20

Jug of 1,000,000 cups: unchanged

Double dragon: unchanged

Mistweaver: Adjusted
cooldown reduced from 30 to 17 and hitting heroes blinding wind also reduces the cooldown by 1 second.

Shake it off: armor now decays by 8 every .5 seconds while fast feet is not active.

Just a minor change to shake it off and cd changes to Mistweaver to compensate for Cloud serpent changes.

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Looks kinda promising.

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One of the things i dont like about many blind abilities is that they often are already targeted accurately enough that it reliably can disrupt AA heroes. I prefer the less optimal behaviour on lili for that reason. And therefor i would still say: it has to blind the 2 closest heroes.
With your movement speed upgrade, the 2 closest should already become easier anyway.

(not to mention the movement speed bonus making her even more anoying to kill anyway)

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Its like trying to catch your kid that runs twice as fast as you :smiley:

I do want to come back and give this a more in depth look later but just reading the skill changes here are my thoughts so far.

Q change - The range reduction is okay and I think most Lili players will compensate but given her aggressive play style this does make her even more of a kinda tank/distraction healer as anytime a fight is moving she is more likely to only have her self to heal.

If your true intent in the reduction is to make it easier for her to select heal targets then this seems unnecessary especially with upping her fleet of foot speed. Positioning has always in the past been her target mechanic.

W change - I need to crunch the numbers in this but it seems like you lowered serpents healing potential by limiting it to three attacks. If not then my bad but if I’m right that’s kinda a pearl clutching situation as it really needs some love.

E change - not a fan of this for one reason. “Select a direction”. The main reason Q and E are auto target mechanics is Lili is all about constant mobility.

Again this is all first impression and I will come back later to read through talents and give more feedback.

I think this was also part of her design.

Always prioritizing the lowest, even if that target is already safe, where lili has to take risks instead in order to exclude the safer target from the healing.

I can understand that its anoying when it prioritizes someone who is supposed to retreat and hearth, but doesnt. And this doesnt seem to be the correct solution as it hinders most of the time instead of helping.

How about adding a 1 button though which always does perform the short range healing, but never heals lili herself? And the cooldown being shared with the Q button.

This should make lili better capable of healing a specific target, while not making her heal herself a lot of the time. And even better, makes lili not benefit from this reduced range when she wants to retreat (as this should remain a weakness). She still has to use Q for that, which might not target herself.

It also avoids the need for her 15% movement speed, and allows it to remain at 10%. As i think that this 5% is going to become extremely anoying as it makes here escape speed 50% faster (or otherwise said, reduces the escape duration by 33%). Lili is already notorious on that aspect.

Point targeting Q heals would make her a lot more immersive and high skillcap to play.

Sometimes it’s not intuitive to heal yourself when you are at 79% health, when your ally is at 80% but about to get focused hard.

But there’s no way to direct that Q to him/her now.

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Lili is not ment to face burst, lili is ment for sustain. That weakness is supposed to be there. That its painfull to watch, sure… but its just as painfull as missing your shield as medivh on a low health target. Its by design

someone made the suggestion before to give lili a toggle on her 1 ability slot that changes the range of her Q. so by default it would be its current range, but you could toggle it to go to 50% of the current range and vice versa. I think this would be cool for more advanced li li players to better target heroes you want to heal.

Now I have gone through the talents and first off my previous criticism of cloud servant change is… less. I see you are trying to make a W build that can compete and I like what you’re doing with it. Impossible to know how it holds up against Q builds but this is definitely better than what we currently have.

I love let’s share at 1. It makes so at level 1 your talent pick decides what form of healer you will be that game. Free drinks is old Lili, wind serpent W, and let’s share makes her a little less engage but allows her to focus more HPS to the rest of the team. Considering lili’s niche is she heals however much she heals it is just a question of how many health bars it goes to this talent gives her a better means to respond to spike.

Safety sprint at 4 needs to be adjusted to attacks against heroes heal her otherwise you are giving her incredible sustain off minion waves and camps.

Reducing mistweaver Cooldown and giving it additional CDR is not necessary. I believe it is already the most picked lvl 20 talent and you give Lili a AA damage boost at 4? 7? So you could probably revert this.

Also since you are trying to make serpent viable I would love to see a return of the talent that Lili gets a serpent when she puts it on someone else.

All in all this is interesting proposal. I still don’t like E being given a skill shot component but that’s my biggest complaint. Love what you did with W.

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I may have just worded it poorly but it still shoots 2 blinding tornados at the 2 nearest enemies and the wave of wind is the part thats fired in the chosen direction but the wave relies on the blind landing to get the slow so you still gotta position the same way to get good E hits.