Tanks: How to improve each every hero + tips

Accourding to me, i will do the bruisers assassins healers depended if this has success

  • The reward of regen master comes way to late, make it 25 regens instead of 30
  • Make beatle juiced attacks lower spell armor
    if you’re guaranteed to fight, you either cocoon the person who can burn it the fastest or the tank. If they only have one tank and you cocoon the tank, you can jump right into their backline and your whole team can get in there. Otherwise I like to save cocoon to catch people out of position outside of fights so my team has time to collapse for a free kill.

What to improve:
Increase the range of his W a tiny bit and nerf the lvl 1 talent to compensate

  • Try to keep someone in your E all the time. If nobody is in it you deactivate it to preserve mana. Never open an attack with your D but wait untill you do a normal AA for the reset.
  • Ping before you use syndragose so your team knows your engaging
  • Also try to get in front of the target instead of behind the target when someone tries to get away from you
  • Aim his W slightly behind the target
  • I’m really happy with the current state of blaze but that doesnt mean he cannot be improved

  • His grill and kill talent is awesome on paper but the swiftness of the game doesn’t give him a lot of use from it. Don’t know what yet.

  • A toggle from his endurence stimpack would be great too

  • Also combustion needs something when fully charged. an extra explosing or something would be cool!

Tip: when there is ally who does stronger damage nearby don’t light up your oils


He is the lord of terror without a " fear talent"
Small hint towards his 20 >>>>

Tip: Do shift commands if your having trouble with the combo’s
You can also wait a tiny but between Q and E / E, Q to reposition


They made him bad. Too squichy
Just revert back his armor and remove the cdr reduction from his ults
I rather have him the “old” ETC then its current state
Also buff his AA talents

Tip: You can mosh 1a2 heroes instead of going for the big mosh.
If you can catch someone alone and mosh him. Means you fight with a number advantage in for the next 60s.


Improve double up (13) faster CDR when under 50% health or something.
Number buff in for the kill

  • AA Garrosh is underrated , play him more.
  • Vs someone like tracer or Valeera body check is really reliable.
  • Avoid playing him vs Jaina.
  • In my oppinion don’t draft him first.
  • Everyone will pick mobility against you and its very annoying.

Fix E build

  • Divine fortress to 3s instead of 2.5s
  • Give zealous glare a cdr lower on the many heroes hit
  • Increase holy fury’s PVE

Subdue works great without the reward
W first , then Q
Not the other way around. Its as simple as that but still plenty do it wrong

  • Dedicated AA build, the current one is not working and the powerspike is at 16. With diablo its already at 7 and 13
  • Make will of Tichondrius require less targets in the first 2 Q’s

Tip: spreading plague + blood rush gives him an almost perma 15% movespeed


Shorter skate / E cooldown
This means more gap closing and a happyer me
Make Q or W higher to compensate

If your having trouble landing an avalange, press Q first. Its as simply as that :stuck_out_tongue:
you can use avalange to remove someone away from the fight instead of using it always as a snipe into your fort


Rework perfect storm, dont make him an auto attacker , its good for lvl 7 value but Muradin is one who needs to look for position mistakes rather then cranking up the damage numbers.

Tip: when picking skullcrusher
do 2 autoattacks and wait till someone uses an ability before doing the 3rd attack. this will interupt their abilitie or combo
Don’t be afraid to jump in


Under pressure needs to stack faster


  • With the new fishing hook change try to aim for objectives or camps if you feel daring. With some luck you can fish an enemy out.
  • Beware of Varian because health reduction is your worst enemy

I’m also happy with the current state of Tyrael, would be cool ifthe inner circle of his Q needs to slow more.
And one talent that can refund a bit of mana

Tip: Instead of using E for dmg every time. Use it to help your allies engage and escape
Alt+ leftclick to show santification is ready. This will tell others to stay somewhat grouped. So they dont get a suprised santificiation and react bad to it

Varian: Taunt

Buff vigilance
Glory to the aliance is just too powerful with 50% increased heal, and a low CDR so you can bush check everything.

  • You have a little bit of space between your taunt, so you can run around the target or pull him a bit towards your team.
  • Instead of using E for dmg every time. Use it to help your allies engage and escape
  • Alt+ leftclick to show santification is ready. This will tell others to stay somewhat grouped. So they dont get a suprised santificiation and react bad to it
  • Banners take around 3a4 tower shots

Tip: Even without beetle build you can tank towers/forts/keeps/core almost indefinitely, so never hesitate to get in there and soak things for your team. Killing buildings is what wins games, and waiting for a minion wave can lose the window of opportunity. Just rotate abilities so you always have a beetle up, and you are good to go.

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Too much reading :stuck_out_tongue:
Give me a youtube vid harb

I would also a stagedive rework. Yes you heard me. I dont like it anymore now that johannas got buffed


Agreed its bad and i dont get what he sees in it!

Ive seen it get value when etc is off laner but why? Why would you ever do that to yourself.

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You fly up and land very obvious
No stuns no big slows. A average slow and a bit more global for a main tank.

It was great a year ago when the meta was all about tanks. But not anymore
Especially when etc is too squichy and cant walk away from a deep dive


Yes he is squishy, but I like his current playstyle, because it synergies well with my yolo playstyle and Deathmetal (20). :smiley:

It truly is. That’s why it’s my all time pick choice as taunt Varian. It encourages also to pick the nerfed Stormwind Banner. Varian’s team support is incredible.

Why nerf and not just simply buff him only? I mean Arthas is in a bad niche spot. I wouldn’t mind to see a bit more buffs to him to make him more equal to other tanks in popularity and strength.

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All this is of course good, but wouldn’t it be better to ask the developers to do everything that they have already promised us for many years? Open MMR, and etc.

I need to talk to someone in order to say these things.

Only when mosh is countered too hard. But prefer mosh anyway

He is not a main tank but an off tank kinda like deathwing or imperius can be
He is just drafted wrong. I play him as a solo laner these days but he can be a lot less niche.
Arthas on braxis or dragon shire is great!

My most played with a 64% winrate in SL.
I never take rime because for damage I take the hunger.
For tank I prefer the range + aoe root

That is cool but not relevant for to my thread.
Im discussing balance


Not in general, but against melee heavy setup he can be a beast as main tank. I kinda like him, when I see Uther or Rehgar on the enemy team since Uther comps tends to be melee heavy.

Me too. Usually when I tank as Arthas I go Q-build with Army of the dead.

its also what 3 sec cast time? thats a long guess for this game in where ppl will be.

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Good point. I think azmodans Q is less avoidable

Also, if you play Garrosh, Ban Anduin.


Always ban Anduin against dive comps! Nothing is more frustrating than seeing an possible successcul kill gets rescued by his D. :joy:


For me, nothing’s more frustrating than watching the guy who should make the enemy team lose get saved by the anti-idiot button.

But on the contrary nothing is also more satisfying than pressing the anti-idiot button to prevent a save kill from the enemys. :stuck_out_tongue: The tilt in the eyes of the enemys is my joy.

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Additional functionality: Heroic abilities grant 60 Armor for 2 seconds.

Level 1

  • Guitar Hero [E]
    • Healing from Basic Attacks increased from 50% to 60%

Level 7

  • Hammer-on [E]
    • Damage bonus increased from 30% to 35%.

Level 10

  • Stage Dive [R2]
    • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 70.
    • Slow duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
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Stage dive suffers the same problem as other heroes with lopsided ults.

Talking from an all solos perspective on both sides:
If you don’t go mosh pit, you shouldn’t have picked etc. Johanna needs blessed shield. Nazeebo quest at 20. Morales attack speed boost. Ana spell buff ult with reduced cooldowns (I don’t recommend her anyway below master). Illidumb global ult. ZJ tazdingo and many more heroes have just pick ults or you’re just trolling yourself and team on purpose

Ow yeah this is really weird :stuck_out_tongue:

Weirder than you know grandma.