Everlasting Night is not Near as Bad as Ya'll think it is

Going to use 2 things

  1. stats. Its got a 27% popularity and the highest winrate in diamond/masters. if you filter to masters its winrate/ popularity falls a little but both above 54/20%. Getting picked 1/5 games is not bad at all. Well within healthy range for talent.
  1. Logic
    I like it vs area burst. If azmodan is throwing globes at you, you need to heal 2 plus ppl. Elune’s chosen is on a pretty high cooldown and wont help you vs the globes. I also like it vs junkrat who has massive poke damage. It’s also another button you need to use. “ok l2p issue”… no. Ana’s dehabilitating dart has always had a very low winrate and is never picked even at highest levels of play. Its not because they’re bad with ana, its just not always something you want to risk taking. If you get elune’s chosen youre reducing your ability to use w, trait, q, and e, even if just a little. If youre playing against fast targets like zeratul you might want to have that extra focus for your stun rather than a healing talent.

Not saying its better than Elune’s chosen, but if you say its bad the numbers dont support you. Metasheep baaaaaaad.


I had to check Heroesprofile just to see which talent you’re talking about.

Just a tip, but might want to include a description of the talent you’re talking about. I personally don’t remember the name of every single talent. I mostly just go by their function or positioning. (Ctrl 1 for that talent for instance).

I’m probably not the only one. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the level 4 talent tree… I quite like Mark of Mending but I typically go AA build anywho.

If I don’t go AA build, I’ll usually go Elune’s Chosen or Everlasting Light, depending on the situation. Everlasting Light can be a little annoying as it feels like you’re “losing out” when you heal one guy twice. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your comparison is quite apt though, Everlasting vs poke damage, Elune’s Chosen for more serious tank-healin’.

There are times when my tank is getting roundly beaten down and popping Starfall and AA’ing a enemy while spamming Q like crazy provides nice heals. Everlasting is not very good in that scenario.

Where did this thread even come from? Did somebody trash talk the talent in the Salt Mines or something?


Agreed. I personally stick with trait build and stealth ultimate Most of the tyrande games i have.

Theres no particular post. Harb had one How to improve every healer

But its pretty unanimously hated and every-time it comes up ppl agree EL is “bad”. Here and reddit.

Tyrande is my 3rd most played.
If you want value. You pick elunes chosen

You get low value if you need to double heal the same target
Elunes chosen you can heal between your Q’s and out of range


Yeah, I like everlasting night, it gives you a nice bonus for being aware of other health targets. People generally already suck at triage, so making them think and target other people is sacrilege.

I always find it weird when perfectly viable talents are trashed. If you don’t like it, don’t pick it. I have my favorites but if yours works for you, isn’t low skill floor, and isn’t super low win rate, why the hell do I care? Like I personally detest the way Darnassian Archery works, even though I’ve always been a damage hybrid healer type kind of player, but again, I just don’t pick it.

Don’t even get me started on Harb’s utter ridiculous comments on Medivac, ESPECIALLY after its buffs.

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I had one yesterday with bulwark of light.
One quoted on my own thread … :sweat_smile:

First off. I said accourding to me.
This is not based out of winrates , populairity.
I dont care about that because like Jaina at 13 there is always an option to go one of the 3
So you must be the metasheep for looking at the highest winrates :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I played tyra a lot on my first smurf and in SL when I get the chance. I find this to be a talent that is good on paper but doesn’t work. Thats why I want to improve it.

  • Elunes chosen is better because you have a stronger single target healing.
  • It has no mana cost which can be an issue with Tyra
  • I like to stay safe the range allows me to do this, this means I can attack a minion wave and give someone great health without putting myself in danger. Tyrande is really easy to dive upon
  • If I would go for everlasting night I would rather draft another hero who can do that role better. Especially vs AoE like you mentioned above
  • Before a fight I can heal someone to full rather then letting him hearth back

Then tell me why its good. Go back it up
I bothered to tell you why I find it bad. And its not like I see it every time. Its for me a worst version of Medivh’s portal.
Reinforce can be powerful. I like to keep my eyes on the fight that is happening right now. Not at the altar for someone who just died.

These kind of threads I do to give my insights and maybe learn from another ones perspective. But so far I’m not convinced that Everlasting night is a good talent (Yet)


Everlasting light is an aram talent

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:smiley: That’s what I go in ARAM. I don’t play her in normal games so (only play BW and Malf in normal games if I had to play healer. reluctant to play Stukov ever since I encountered players who don’t even stop a fraction of a second to spread Q).

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I really like aram but what I dislike is that they put the healers very awkward

A stukov lucio or alex can double the numbers of a tyra uther li li reghar fast

Disagree. Master tyrande players pick it all the time in ranked: its quite strong vs poke.

Okay first at al. Heroesprofile is poop
2nd with your calculation.

Half the players pick elunes chosen. This also means the players who cant play her.
People who dont play her are metasheeps resulting in lower WR

Besides it has accourding to your site a 1% diffirence and half the populairity. There is a reason why its so popular

I thought Everlasting Night was a poetic description of HotS’ dev cycle.


1 Heroes profile Is far more accurate than the “feels” of one person.
2 20% popularity is fine. Its got a better winrate as well. No reason for those 20% of cases to have gotten the other talent. Its better vs poke.

If you think its good. Then im not fighting that. Im just saying you get more potential from elunes chosen

I never told EN is bad.

I pick it in most cases anyway.

Don’t mind me but it’s Everlasting Light.


That entirely depends on how you define potential. A potential 40% boost to your overall healing output is pretty high potential too.

What do you think elunes chosen does?
It overal increases your healing

Certainly, but I’d argue that it’s incorrect to claim it has straight up more potential than Everlasting Light. (Again, depending on what definition of ‘potential’ you want to use). It’s a good talent, but it’s not nearly as one-sided (or decided, even) as that makes it out to be.

Both talents increase your healing, but which can or will increase it more is very much dependent on the situation. Elune’s Chosen is certainly better at single target heals, but Everlasting Light actually beats it in terms of sheer potential healing output, for example.

Doing some rough math (numbers taken from Heroes Wiki) on how much potential healing each talent can provide, assuming you’re simply aa’ing targets:

Elune’s Chosen:
30s cooldown, heals 175% of aa dmg for 8s.
Tyrande has 55 aa dmg * 1,33 aa speed = 73 aa dps.
73 dps * 8s * 175% = 1022 healing / 30s.

Everlasting Light:
Heals 80% of Light of Elune’s healing.
Light of Elune heals for 270, 270 * 80% = 216 healing / Q .
Light of Elune has 16s cd, reduced by 1.5s every time she hits stuff.
Using just aa’s, this gives 1.5s * 1.33aa speed = ~2s extra reduction / s.
This reduces Light of Elune to about 6s cd (6s normal wait + 5x2s reduction = 16s).
6s = About 5 casts in 30s => 5*216 = 1080 healing / 30s.

Obviously this isn’t a perfect comparison, and still ignores a bunch of factors that could influence either number*. Still, I think it’s sufficient to demonstrate how EL can match or exceed CoE’s potential in the right circumstances.

(*=Mark&aa boosts increasing Chosen’s healing, Ability hits increasing EL’s healing for two quick examples).


Don’t ignore me, I typed this whole thing for you!

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