CDC #8 - Double Trouble

“By the Fire i will stand and all my foes will be ash and cinders”
“Yes yes now go on my friends need someone to lead the charge.”

Alright let’s get to work. This’ll be so much fun.

Im still available as the last standing partner if you are interested in the contest mate, the other last runner seems to have disappeared from this section of the forums lol.

Sorry for the late reply, been busy with work lately… Sure, we can do that, what I’m kinda confused though there doesn’t seem to be a way for us to PM each other, that’s kinda crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, hope I got some enthusiasm and creativity left so we end up “finalizing” something interesting to the competition

GL HF all :slight_smile:

Some people created a discussion thread on these forums I’m sure you guys could do the same

Welcome to find me here mate , i tried to find a way to copy my own profile there but for some reason ya can’t do that unless i just can’t find it myself, easier that way to work in private lol.

Behold, the mighty cobbled together at the last minute Rumblefitz!

Also, in case necessary for organization reasons, my partner is Damian who will be posting Rumblefitz’s counterpart, Blokk the Ogre.

Heres my side of the Goblin Alchemist duo concept with Nortin, first time i got to use Quotations to make it look neater :smiley: happy about how that turned out

So here is my concept:

Talanji is healer that cooperates with Bwonsamdi (made by Aquatarkus) who focuses more on damage and utility.

He hasn’t posted his part by the time I’m posting this but I hope he will in time.

Yeah, about that. You may want to come to our discussion thread. I’m kinda… stuck.

As I say in the initial part of the thread. My partner is the perfect kind of insane. Can’t say I would have come up with this idea myself.

I’d just ike to say My partner Who You Expect is awesome and I’ve been having a blast. Talented designer and able to put up with my crazy nature

Here’s my half of my team’s entry for the contest: <CDC #8>Koralstrasz - Consort of the Queen
It’s a differnt take on Korialstrasz (and Krasus) as they appear on the War of the Ancients.

Hope you like it!

Here’s my entry: <CDC #8> Krasus - Dragon Mage
My Partner is Deefe, with Korialstrasz (or however you spell that :stuck_out_tongue: )

I wanted to come up with a better “title” for my hero, but my brain is a little dired out right now :expressionless:

Good luck to everyone! :smiley:

I’ve altered my concept a little, replacing his baseline targeted abilities with more host buffs. Here’s a synopsis of what they do.
W: Now applies a damage aura to your host while also granting them a shields equal to the decay of Necrotic Health on targets near them.
E: Generally the same, but know only effects your current host. Can still effect Totem, but only when on Talanji. Becomes targeted when you select dark deal.
I also moved Unwilling Vessel into the talents section with a longer cooldown.
Tell me what you think if I should go through with these changes.
Also I can’t use our dicussion thread until you reply in it. Just so you know.

The posts are now out! Any changes to the designs in the last couple days were not considered for the week 1 judgments. If any of you have any questions, please let me know!

Post for Bliztron since the forum is weird

The Results are in my friends

Sorry about the delay. Kinda hard to coordinate when two of the judges have polar opposite schedules XD.

Thank you all for your amazing patience for these results. I know it has been such a long time since the contest officially ended, but at last we have the results for you. I thank each of your for your participation in this challenging theme, and applaud each of you for your hard work and interesting designs.

The winner of the seventh CDC is Nortin and Damian, who’s Rumblefitz and Blokk concepts breathed life into an old and iconic character. They carefully incorporated the character in a respectful manner while additionally paying homage to the contest theme. They managed to score a 95/100 on their concepts. Links found here:
Nortin: [CDC #8] Rumblefitz, the Goblin Alchemist
Damian: [CDC #8] Blokk the Ogre 'Assistant'

Unfortunately, there will be no runner-up or honorable designer for this contest due to the theme.


Well, one could say the runner-up team was Melke and WhoYouExpect, since they did have the second highest score… Out of 3 :laughing:

Anyways, congrats to the winner(s) and GG, everyone! :slight_smile:

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