[CDC #8] Blokk the Ogre 'Assistant'

This is my collaboration concept with Nortin for the CDC #8 - Double Trouble - #11 by Nortin-1980 as seen here and his counterpart Rumblefitz can be seen here [CDC #8] Rumblefitz, the Goblin Alchemist , this is Blokk basically the Ogre ‘Assistant’ (slave) and test subject for Rumblefitz to protect him and use as a walking mule for all his barrels and flasks, he’s a tank designed to compliment the Alchemist side of the fight as he controls his enemies and allow Rumblefitz to obliterate them, as per the contest theme if they were added to the game like Cho’gall they would need to be picked together.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Roll: Melee Warrior

  • Self Sustain
  • Tanky
  • No Resource/Mana


  • Crowd Control
  • Single Combat
  • Requires Rumblefitz

Health: 2,560 (+4% per level)
Regen: 5.44 (+4% per level)
Atk Speed: 0.84 per second
Damage: 114 (+4% per level

Trait: Painkiller (Passive): Every time Blokk takes damage he will heal back 30% of it taken over 8 seconds, additionally he’ll store another 30% for 20 seconds that will heal Blokk over 8 seconds when he’s not in combat for at least 4 seconds while Rumblefitz is on his back, it will decay if not used.

Q: Barrel Roll (5 second CD): Blokk takes a barrel from his lower back and rolls it in the targeted direction, the barrel will knock back minions for** 102 (+4% per level) **and will break down at the end of its path, if the Barrel hits an enemy hero it will heavily impact them dealing 154 (+4% per level) in a small aoe around the barrels impact sight to all enemies.

  • Explosive Barrel: Deals an additional 244 (+4% per level), mini stuns them for 0.75 seconds and increases the radius of the Barrel aoe impact by 25%.
  • Acid Barrel: Adds a 164 (+4% per level) DoT to enemy heroes hit over 1.5 seconds and reduces there Armor by 15.
  • Goblin Barrel: Transports Rumblefitz inside of a Barrel that can be activated by him to burst out of it early.

W: Chain Swing (11 second CD): Blokk beings to swing his chain ball around above him channeling that for up to 1.25 seconds while slowing his movement speed by 10% during the channel, can be reactivated to him to swing the chain anticlockwise dealing** 114 (+4% per level) on impact to all enemies and pushing them along the path to the end, the distance, length of the chain and the starting speed it travels at is increased the longer he channels the swing for.

E: Swat (7 second CD): Blokk flails his arm out, dealing 78 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in a wide cone in front of him and knocking them slightly backward and to the left. The first allied or enemy minion hit will be grabbed for 6 seconds. Blokk will use the grabbed minion to bludgeon his enemies, dealing 10% more basic attack damage but also dealing the same damage to the grabbed minion. Blokk can recast Swat to throw the minion at a target area, dealing 78 (+4% per level) damage in a small area around where it lands. If the minion dies, it is dropped early.

  • Midas Touch: Blokk can also grab statues created by the Midas Elixir that when thrown deal 125% but there toss distance is 10% smaller than normal, also removes the basic attack bonus.
  • Swept off Their Feet: Enemy heroes affected by Love Potion will take 75% more damage from Swat and are knocked back 25% further.

R1: Chemical Rage (80 second CD): For 0.5 seconds Blokk ingests a flask to chemically induce a rage turn him red and purple as he then smashes the grounding dealing 54 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies around him slowing them for 15% that decays quickly over 2 seconds, it then increases his** movement speed by 10%, attack speed by 20% and his Chain Swing winds up 50% faster, while Chemical Rage is active Swat will now use both hands during its cast to meet in the middle to smack enemies for an additional 50% damage and stuns them for 1 second, lasts for 9 seconds.

R2: Wrecking Ball (25 second CD): Blokk quickly swings his chain ball around him right before it goes towards the targeted location dealing** 202 (+4% per level) damage to all targets in the area and stuns them for 1 second while also knocking them away from the impact side, if a Barrel happens to be in its path it will cause it to explode right before the knock away effect happens, he also yells out Here Boss Catch!..Oops.


Level 1:

  • Healing Spray (Active, 3 charges): Requires Blokk to collect 2 Regeneration Globs to active a charge, Healing Spray releases 3 pulses of Healing Spray in a mist out in front of him in a wide cone healing all allies for** 54 (+4% per level) each, the pulses come every 1.25 seconds., there is a 2.5 second interval between charges.

  • Ogreprotective: Every 5 seconds Blokk gains a charge of Block for 60 armour to basic attacks, when Rumblefitz jumps off Blokks back he gains 2 additional charges that last for 8 seconds, Rumblefitz also gains a charge and there is a 10 second internal CD for bonus charges.

  • Soylent Green (QUEST): Everytime an enemy hero dies near Blokk he gains 75 maximum health stacking 10 times up to 750, when at 10 stacks Rumblefitz will gain 250 maximum health as well, dying will loss half the current stacks rounded up.

Level 4:

  • Hardball: Chain Swing deals 50% more damage to enemies hit by the edge of its area of effect.

  • Half Strike: Enemy heroes hit by the aoe of Barrel Roll reduces the cooldown of Barrel Roll and Rumblefitz’s Unstable Cask and Acid Cask by 0.5 seconds, does not apply to the hero who takes the initial impact.

  • Backhand: After Swat reaches its destination Blokk will immediately Swat back in the opposition direction backhanding enemies and knocking them back again, increases the cooldown by 1 second.

Level 7:

  • Dulled Senses: While a Stun, Root or Loss of Control effect is active on Blokk, Painkillers immediate effect is increased by 20% for the duration of the effect, Lasts for 1 seconds after crowd control ends if Rumblefitz is on Blokk’s back, additionally removes 5% from Blokks Break meter every second its active.

  • Ogrekill: When one of Blokks abilities successfully hits an enemy hero, his next basic attack swings his chain ball for 15% more damage to the target and 2 nearby targets near them.

  • Ball to the Wall: If Chain Swing pushes an enemy into a wall, they will be stunned for 1 second and take 63 (+4% per level) on impact while Chain Swing will end there.

  • Glass Shards (Upgrade): Requires Projectile Bottles on Rumblefitz, While Rumblefitz is on his back Blokk’s basic attacks reduces Projectile Bottles’ cooldown by 1 second.

Level 13:

  • Dazing Strike: Enemy heroes hit by Swat deal 20% less damage for 2 seconds. This is increased to 35% less against Rumblefitz.

  • Gastronomical!: Once every 10 seconds, when Blokk receives healing from another hero increases all healing received by 20% for 4 seconds and deals 33 (+4% per level) damage per second to all nearby enemies, possibly a voiceline similar to Stitches one for a sound effect before Blokk says ‘excuse me’.

  • The Good Stuff (Upgrade): Requires Healing Spray, Every time Painkiller restores 512 (+4% per level) Health, gain one Healing Spray charge.

  • Nurse Blokk is In!: When Blokk is reviving Rumblefitz via Goblin Jumper Cables the duration time for Painkillers is reduced to 5 seconds, Rumblefitz also revives with 75% of his health.

Level 16:

  • Swinging Chain: For every enemy hero hit by Chain Swing it increases Blokks basic attack range by 1 up to 3 for his next 3 basic attacks, animation shows him using the chains.

  • Tuck & Roll: After using a Barrel Roll augmented by Rumblefitz’s cask, Blokk can cast another untalented Barrel Roll within 1.5 seconds that travels 25% faster.

  • Me Scared! (Active, 35second CD): Blokk becomes scared and hunkers down reducing his movement speed by 20% and his attack speed by 15% but reduces all damage taken by 35% as well, lasts for 4.5 seconds.

Level 20:

  • R1T Maximum Ogredrive: During Chemical Rage and while Rumblefitz is on Blokk’s back, earning a takedown increases Chemical Rages duration by 5 seconds adds 5% increased movement speed and 5% increased attack speed, stacking indefinitely

  • R2T Plan G: Wrecking Ball gains one charge, Wrecking Balls impact site remains there for 1 seconds now and Rumblefitz can jump on the Ball to instantly return to Blokks side.

  • Blokk Smash!: Painkiller’s immediate healing is reduced by 10%, but now 20% of damage taken is stored as damage for Blokk Smash!, up to 600 (+4% per level). Blokk can activate his trait to unleash a heavy punch on a target enemy hero, spending all damage stored and dealing that much to them.

  • Overdose (Passive, 80 second CD): When Blokk receives lethal damage, he pops all of the Painkillers, granting him Unkillable and increasing all damage dealt by 25% for 3.5 seconds. At the end, he takes damage equal to 30% of his maximum Health.


  • Normal Skin: Blokk himself resembles the Ogre from Warcraft 3 with the platform on his back but he doesn’t constantly hold it himself so its attached to him more while there is two pipes along the bottom side of the platform that connect to barrels that are now on his back, he also has a ball and chain to show he’s an ‘Assistant’ (Slave) to Rumblefitz and its also used in his animations a lot, with Chemical Rage he turns purple.
    “Once working as a mercenary for Zhahara Darksquall, Blokk worked with Rumblefitz as his assistant in the search for the Pearl of Pandaria, after Rumblefitz got turned to gold the work ended or it it would seem, with Rumblefitz no longer glorious he has dragged Blokk with him in search of Li li into the nexus”

  • (Epic) Lost at Sea - Blokk the Leviathan: He resembles a large great white shark with a anchor and chain wrapped around his entire body, his chains in abilities are themed to be rusted and the chain ball is a ships anchor, when he enters Chemical Rage he starts gushing water like a thrashing shark does in water, colour variants are a normal great white tint for default, blue mako as a Deep Sea and a Hammerhead with bonus detail on the skin that’s also a dark grey colouration and finally a Cursed one that gives off a ghost undeath glow to his normal skin that’s now more pale white.
    “If one could smell underwater, they’d know when Blokk the Leviathan was coming by the smell of harshly rotten fish and unwashed and seasoaked rages”

  • (Epic) Sweet Victory - Blitzer Blokk: Blokk is dressed in a torn football uniform with shoulderpads to match, the only animation change is that he would carry the chain ball which is now a football while no other animation changes are necessary, his barrels now look like a Gatorade Barrel and his voiceline for Wrecking Ball now says ‘Go Long Rumbles!’, colourations are dark grey and gold trim Default with the WC3 logo, Red, white and blue Superbowl with the WoW logo, dark red and green skinned Blood Bowl with no logo and RCHS pink uniforms with crow/raven logos.
    “That Blokks a good runner and thrower on the field, but fails in just about everything else”

  • (Legendary) The Sewer Rats – Lil Whiskers Blokk: Blokk resembles a big fat and muscled Rat mixed with an Ogre with a snarling rat like face, he would be more hunched with elongated thick arms and would require animations to compensate for that as well as his normal basic attacks, his Barrel Roll becomes a Plague Barrel visually and when it impacts an enemy, Chain Swing and Wrecking Ball resembles old rusted and dripping chains with the ball on the end is now a hunk of concrete, when Chemical Rage is active instead of taking a flask his new mask drops off instead pissing him off thus instead of turning purple he just buffs out and glows a more reddish hue, colourations are Brown fur with grey underbelly for default with a black mask, red and dark grey blue for Monstrosity skin, green and grey for Plague Pest skin and Yellow and Orange for the Mozzarella Mongrels skin.
    “Lil Whiskers is big, strong and incredibly stupid and despite not being human or a hero, but he really likes his mask”

Voice Lines: Only one half of it plays if Rumblefitz is nowhere near him.

Line 1: Blokk: Do di di didi do. Rumblefitz: Shut up monkey head!
Line 2: Blokk: "Burps loudly" Oh boss that didn’t taste so good, Rumblefitz: Ugh! can’t breath you moron!.
Line 3: Blokk: Whos the man? im the man!, Rumblefitz: Not this again, you are not a man “As he then grumbles under his breath”.
Line 4: I’m gonna turn you into that guy! Uhm no that guy! No? where did that guy go?
Line 5: Me more complicated than words, see Ogres have layers and ugh me forget.

Change Log

Log 1:

  • Basic ability changes to Chemical Rage to make it more interesting while adding voicelines to Wrecking Ball, Painkiller was touched up and Grab was backtracked to the proto ability Swap to try and work better.
  • Entire Week 2 Talent Tree added.
  • Concept was formatted better for viewer pleasure.

Log 2

  • Talent changes to Nurse Blokk, Half Strike, Overdose, Dulled Senses, Tuck & Roll and Dazing Strike to be more teamwork required.
  • Added in the fluff for Skins and Voicelines for Blokks side of the skins, see Rumblefitz for his side of them.

Log 3

  • Nerfed Overdose by 1 second duration, changed Gastronomical! to 10 seconds down from 12 and added an additional effect to Dulled Senses to combo with a new minor mechanic on Rumblefiz.

Forums are being weird so that is why this blurb is here.

Total - 19/20

Creativity - 5/5

There are a lot of interesting abilities here, and the way they combine is rather cool. The combinations of the barrels and casks, and how Rumblefitz’s abilities are changed when mounted or alone are really rather unique. I think that Goblin Jumper Cables is a rather interesting trait, that perfectly fits into his reckless kit in an interesting way. I’m always hesitant about self-damage and especially self-death, but I think it is restricted enough and the trait works with it enough that it works here. The heroics are pretty cool as well, with the Love Potion being quite the humorous implication. As for Blokk, his trait is also pretty unique (though I think it is laughably weak atm), and I am quite happy with his base abilities. I do think having him force the mount ability is a little weird, but I suppose it works. Chemical Rage seems a little boring, but it is iconic to the character, so I can’t complain too much.

Cohesiveness - 5/5

The kits work together seamlessly, with the mad alchemist causing mayhem and the disruptive warrior ogre keeping him alive either by being his meat shield or by actually reviving him when he dies. The concept of Barrel Roll really brings the concept together, adding your concoctions into the barrels for a ton of diversity and gameplay options. As for the characters individually, Rumblefitz really flows well to create an almost Murky-like playstyle, where you can afford to take risks and be a little crazy, since you can be revived early and you don’t give as much exp. I like that both of the heroics are his only solid disruption options, but that they both are different, with one being a single target heavy CC and the other being a potential teamwide gamechanger. Blokk also works pretty well together as a high disruption assistant to Rumblefitz, though I do think his theme is a little bit less solidified, with his grab seemingly working in opposition to his keep away gameplay style. I like that the R2 combos his barrels easier, and that Chemical Rage works with his W. My only concern is his pretty solid lack of any sort of self sustain. I’m surprised there was no Healing Spray from Rumblefitz to Blokk, honestly, since Blokk only has Painkillers to rely on.

Thematic - 5/5

Both characters are flavored exquisitely well, from the mad goblin alchemist to his subservient meat shield of an oaf. You have managed to remain relatively faithful to the warcraft III idea while still showing some important innovation to make the concept a lot more MOBA-friendly. I am, as I mentioned, quite surprised you didn’t fit in Healing Spray, and I’m interested to see if you solve the lack of it through talents.

Interaction - 4/5

I think the character is quite interactive in many aspects, and I am quite pleased overall to its performance. My issued are rather minor, but there are enough of them I figured I could dock a point. The way the two characters interact could be seen as slightly annoying at times, with the Goblin Jumper Cables often being unable to be stopped reliably, the ability to become invulnerable by jumping on Blokk, and with several abilities possibly being annoying to deal with, such as Midas Elixir, Improvise Mount, and especially Grab. I also think the charm duration on Love Potion might be a bit too long, as it could easily be comboed with some pretty devastating CC effects to just instantly win a fight. Overall, it’s pretty solid, but there are a couple things here and there that might be… annoying.

Good feedback there man :smiley: some of it i was on the side of already such as Grab was originally Healing Spray then it was protoed as another skill (which we’ve backtracked too) than Grab, hopefully Chemical Rage is better fixed up as well and the others i hope were fixed by the inclusion of the talents.

Speaking of which talents and new format are up now!.

forum blurb

Total: 18/20

Creativity - 5/5

Both of these heroes are very interesting. I love how this dynamic duo has been
fleshed out and realized as 2 creative Hero designs. The talents are oozing with creativity and thought. No points to deduct here.

Cohesiveness - 4/5

Rumblefitz and Blokk have great kits that benefit their roles and their playstyle, as individuals and as a duo. Perhaps they could benefit from greater drawbacks from being separated in contrary to when they’re together. While their talents offer a great range of opportunities, and countless different ways of playing, some are not very useful and can seem random, even if they’d be fun to use.

Thematic 5/5

I don’t think I need to say anything. Let the concept speak for itself.

Interaction - 4/5

Rumblefitz and Blokk are very interactive, some talents and abilities come with draw backs to their effects which is an interesting alternative to the usual. However, there are some talents that I find problematic.
Goblin Delivery Service seems like a very strong displacement option and is available as early as level 4. I would think it’d be better if shifted to a later tier. Screaming Goblin I feel is a similarly strong effect which should be moved to a later tier.
Overdose’s effect is very strong and can turn the tide of of a fight by allowing him to survive for 5 more seconds. The 20% damage taken does mean he is bound to die if not healed back up, but I think its cooldown or duration should be tweaked.

tl;dr: Move talents around in the talent trees, nerf some stuff, consider tweaking some of the weirder talents.

Cheers for the feedback mate and hopefully the talent changes can fix up some of that for ya’ll :smiley: also updated it for Week 3s fluff and such.


5/5 Creativity

I like the way these two can work together and separately. Having Rumblefitz able to directly modify Blokk’s Barrel Roll is a unique mechanic, and I love it. I love the Goblin Jumper Cables interaction as well. We don’t really have a suicidal hero, and Rumblefitz can play as one, so that’s always fun. I do have some questions about some Rumblefitz talents that I will talk about at the end.

As for the skins and voice lines, I have no objections. They all seem fun and pair well.

5/5 Cohesiveness

No complaints here either. Their abilities interact with each other well, and allow them to play off each other. Blokk is the big meat shield in front, and Rumblefitz handles the damage and utility with a lot of aoe. Their talent interactions are also well designed, letting them play off and augment each other. I would include some UI feature that shows when one of these talents was taken, so my partner could get a clear idea of what his options are and what build path I’m going.

5/5 Thematic

Nothing to add here. They fit the theme, and it makes perfect sense.

3/5 Interaction

They seem like a fun pair to play as, but possibly a bit frustrating to play against. Rumblefitz’s W and E can really turn counterplay into a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. Killing him hurts you, and letting him live hurts you. Either way, you’re eating an Unstable Concoction.

One mechanical suggestion I would make is to change Load Barrel to an active skill on the 1 or D key. That way you don’t confuse the functionality of Improvised Mount.

Unpleasant Company seems like a really weak talent. Rumblefitz does not have dangerous auto-attacks, and you only get one. Even if you removed that limitation, the maximum he could give at his attack speed is 2.

Lab Rat as a talent seems dangerous. The drawbacks kind of fit the theme of positives and negatives you have going with these guys, but also severely hampers Blokk, and could kill him depending on the situation. I’d tweak the effects on Blokk a bit, maybe keeping a portion of the slow and stun, but definitely removing the instant death.

Hopefully we fixed up Rumblefitz more for the final week :smiley: also added some bonus changes to Blokk we figured could use some tweaking.

Damian - 95/100

Creativity: 10/10
Cohesiveness: 9/10
Thematic: 10/10
Interaction: 9/10

(+1 Thoughtfulness, +1 Game Fluidity)