<CDC #8> Krasus - Dragon Mage

This is my entry for CDC#8 "Double Trouble"

Link to the contest: CDC #8 - Double Trouble

Krasus is paired up with Korialstrasz, who’s concept can be found here: <CDC #8>Koralstrasz - Consort of the Queen

Here’s a nice picture of them: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Korialstrasz#/media/File:Korialstrasz_color.JPG

Krasus - Dragon Mage

Class: Ranged Assassin

Universe: Warcraft

Contest theme

You might be thinking "But wait, aren’t those two the same character?!" , so let me explain: this concept is based on their appearance in the "War of the Ancients" novel trilogy, where Krasus and other characters find themselves flung back in time ~10,000 years to the Burning Legion’s first invasion of Azeroth.

Unlike the other time travelers, he was actually alive back then, which leads to both his past and future selves being severely weakened because their spirit is split between two bodies or whatever.

However, both get a lot stronger when they’re near each other, which is the basis for their trait. And later past-Korialstrasz gives the future-Krasus an enchanted scale so they can keep healthy even at a distance, which is kind of the basis for all the "Korialstrasz empowers Krasus" mechanics.

Note: I’ll be referring to the other concept as "Kory" from now on, because his name is just too darn long :stuck_out_tongue:

Trait - Shared Power:

Krasus regenerates mana much faster than normal, but only when he’s within ~10 range of Kory (about the same range as Auriel’s Bestow Hope).

If Kory is too far, dead, or in Stasis, Krasus doesn’t regen mana at all.

Additionally, Krasus gains spell power while within range.

Basic Abilities:

Q - Arcane Beam:

Target an enemy to begin channeling a beam that deals high damage per sec.

  • Krasus can move while channeling, but with reduced speed.

  • Channeling ends if it times out , the target gets out of range, the ability is reactivated, or Krasus is Stunned/Silenced/Sleeped/Dazed/Feared/Polymorphed/or such.

  • The beam is aimed toward the chosen target, but will hit the first enemy in its path, so it can be blocked (so positioning is really important for effective use).

Q Alternative use 1:

If Kory is using Prismatic Barrier (his W), Krasus can target him with Arcane Beam.

Hitting Kory with the beam while he’s using the Barrier (either because you targeted him, or because he’s between you and your target) will cause the beam to hit all targets in a small area around Kory.

See, because it’s a "prism", so it diffracts the beam all over :stuck_out_tongue:

Q Alternative use 2:

Kory can target Krasus with Energy Beam (his Q); while affected by Kory’s Q, Krasus can target Kory back with Arcane Beam.

If both hit each other with their beams, then the beams become able to pierce enemies as long as both are channeling.

A very powerful joint attack if used right, and arguably the main "work together" system the pair has at their disposal.

W - Storm Orb:

Summon an Orb with timed life, which will attack nearby enemies.

  • The Orb attacks one enemy at a time, alternating targets (similar to Imperius’ Molten Armor)

  • The Orb has collision (and the radius of a small hero)

  • Kory can target the Orb with Energy Beam (his Q); as long as it’s hit by Kory’s Q, the Orb has ~50% increased attack range and its timer ticks down ~33% slower.

E - Displacement:

Target a location near Krasus; Krasus will disappear, then reappear in the target location ~1.5 sec. later.

  • The enemy will be shown where you’ll reappear (so it’s meant more for dodging a big spell or something, unlike Fenix’s Warp)

  • Can use past terrain, but only if Krasus’ team has vision on the other side

  • Krasus can be targeted by Kory’s Grasp (his E); while held in Kory’s grasp, Krasus can activate Displacement, and doing so will cause both of them to teleport.

Heroic Abilities:

R1 - Lifebinder’s Consort:

Target an allied dead hero (their "ghost", like Auriel’s Resurrect) to summon an AI-controlled copy of that hero with timed life.

  • The copy will go to any active map objective to fight enemies there, or push the nearest lane if no objective is active.

  • The copy will not grant XP when killed (like Abathur’s Ultimate Evolution).

  • Kory can target the copy with his Q; hitting it gives it Armor and Spell Power, and causes its timed life to decay slower.

This ability was inspired by the WoW Wiki, which indicates Kory does some rezzing in a different novel: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Korialstrasz#The_Sundering

R2 - Linked Through Space-Time:

Create a portal near Krasus and another near Kory.

  • Krasus and Kory can right-click-activate either portal to teleport to the other one, like Medivh’s E (but other allies can’t use it)

  • As long as a portal is within Trait range of Kory, Krasus will gain Trait benefits in a small area near the other portal (and vice-versa)

  • Both Krasus and Kory can target the portals with their respective Q’s; hitting it will cause the beam to pop out on the other portal, in the same direction it was going and for however much range it had left.

  • Portals last for ~15 sec

This heroic is designed in a more gameplay-centric way, meant to help with positioning and/or enable a different playstyle, where Krasus and Kory don’t need to be near each other to be effective.


Level 1:
:white_small_square:[Q] Focal Point
Arcane Beam deals bonus damage in the furthest ~15% of its range

:white_small_square:[W] Gathering Storm
Gain a second charge of Storm Orb.

  • Placing a Storm Orb on top of another adds its HP and time to the one in the field, and increases its damage by ~25%.

Quest: hit enemies ~200 times with Storm Orb (heroes count double).
Reward: Gain a third charge of Storm Orb.

:white_small_square:[E]Mirror Image
When re-appearing from Displacement, a fake Krasus appears where it was cast from.

Additionally, Displacement can now be re-activated before re-appearing to make Krasus re-appear in the same spot he cast from (and the fake on the destination).

  • The fake has ~50% of Krasus’ HP and will move around and use non-damaging basic attacks (like Nova’s old Holo-Decoy)

  • The fake can be identified by the enemy via revealing effects.

Level 4:
:white_small_square:[Q] Off-hand casting
When Casting Arcane Beam, a second beam is cast, which follows the cursor instead of the target.

The second beam has ~25% less maximum range, and doesn’t benefit from other talents.

:white_small_square:[W] Eye of the Storm
As long as a Storm Orb is within Trait range of Krasus or Kory, it will grant vision and reveal enemies in an area around it (like a Scouting Drone)

:white_small_square:[D] Time Ripples

Whenever Kory receives Healing-over-time effects while in trait range of Krasus, Krasus is instantly healed for ~33% of the HOT ammount.

See? Because he’s from the future, so he already healed over time :stuck_out_tongue: (100% seemed OP, though)

Level 7:
:white_small_square:[Q] Arcane Storm
The target of Arcane Beam is marked during the channel; Storm Orbs will fire additional attacks at the marked target if within range of the regular ones.

  • One extra attack is launched for every normal one, but extra attacks only deal ~25% of the damage.

:white_small_square:[E] Phase Shift
If Krasus would receive lethal damage, he is instead cleansed and automatically casts Displacement targeted at where he’s standing

  • This effect has a separate cooldown of ~45 sec.

Level 10: See "Heroic Abilities".

Level 13:
:white_small_square:[Q] Arcane Energy
Arcane Beam can be targeted on Storm Orbs (or hero copies if Lifebinder’s Consort was chosen) to gain the same benefits as Kory’s Energy Beam (his Q).

If both Krasus and Kory empower the same target, the effects stack and the target gains a small damage increase.

:white_small_square:[Q] Future Knowledge
Krasus’ Arcane Beam talents also grant their benefit to Kory’s Energy Beam, as long as he’s within Trait range.

:white_small_square:[E] Mirror Body
The fake from Mirror Image is improved to have the same amount of HP as Krasus and deal ~33% of his basic attack damage.

Additionally the fake can now be targeted by Kory’s Q, and hitting it will benefit Krasus as if he was hit directly.

  • If Mirror Image was not selected at level 1, this Talent grants the effects of Mirror Image instead.

Level 16:
:white_small_square:[?] Energy Chain
When Krasus or one of his appropriate summons (Storm Orb, Rezzed hero, or upgraded Mirror Image)is empowered by Kory, the Energy Beam chains to another valid allied target in a small range (if there are any).

:white_small_square:[W]Storm Prism
If Kory uses Prismatic Barrier (his W) within Trait range of Krasus, Kory attacks nearby enemies as if he was a Storm Orb (doesn’t benefit from Talents).

:white_small_square:[E] Trap Orb
When disappearing with Displacement, a Storm Orb is created in the casting location of Displacement.

  • This Orb has ~50% of the HP and duration of a regular one, and doesn’t benefit from Talents.

Level 20:
:white_small_square:[R1] Lifebinder’s Fire
The rezzed hero/copy passively deals moderate damage to nearby enemies (i.e. has Burning Rage), and explodes when killed, dealing medium damage to nearby enemies.

:white_small_square:[R2] Mage Portals
Crossing a portal gives a small (~15%) movement speed bonus for ~5 sec.

Additionally, allies other than Krasus and Kory can use the portals, but it requires channeling for ~2 sec. (interrupted by damage).

:white_small_square:[D] Brilliance Aura
Passive: slightly increase the Spell power bonus of Shared Power.

Active: for ~5 sec, Shared Power grants its Spell power effects to all allies in range of Krasus or Kory.

:white_small_square:[?]True Form
Activate to transform Krasus into a mighty Red Dragon for ~15 sec.

  • When in this form, Krasus has Kory’s stats and basic abilities, plus ~25% more HP, and gains the benefits of all of Kory’s talents (except Heroics and Storm Talents).
  • During this ability, Krasus and Kory both regenerate mana normally, but don’t benefit from Shared Power, and Kory’s abilities can’t interact with Krasus like normal.

For reference, the Talent effects would mean he heals from any shields that expire on him and from damage he deals to enemies in melee range, as well as get increased healing from all sources.

His Q would apply dragonfire and slow enemies (and also heal him if it lasts its full duration or kills an enemy hero); His W would push enemies on cast, inflict dragonfire on nearby enemies, and heal more from its shields; His E would deal % damage per sec to the target, and his Z would slow enemies and get CDR. (see Kory’s concept for details)

Krasus basically has “the same skins” as Kory (or rather, a thematically-apropriate skin for each one of Kory’s). However, as they are not a single body the way Cho’Gall is, they are free to choose their skins independently.
Note: despite this, if Krasus uses the “True Form” storm talent, his aspect will be dictated by Kory’s skin. (Will look like a “leveled up” version of it, since he’s the more powerful version from the future).

  • Dragon Maw
    Krasus is already pretty buff (especially for an elf) in the artwork I’ve seen, but in this skin he’s also green and has tusks, 'cause he’s an Orcish Dragonrider from the Second War (the Dragons in-game didn’t have riders, but Dragonriders were a thing in the novels and stuff, I think)

  • Frost Revenant
    This skin looks like an armored ghost, similar to the ones in Warcraft 3 (such as the one who was guarding Frostmourne).
    It emmits fog-like effects that might change in color depending on the selected tint.

  • Duelist
    His mage robe is changed for a stilized gabardine/coat. The default color is red, but there are tints to match Kory’s options (in particular, the white one would be an obvious-but-copyright-safe reference to Yu-Gi-Oh’s Kaiba)

  • Heraldic
    His robe is replaced by a long Surcoat emblazoned with a coat-of-arms which depicts a dragon (the kind of dragon that Kory looks like in his corresponding skin)

  • Inventor
    Wearing a long white “scientist coat” and googles, similar to Greymane’s “Doctor Wolf & Stein” skin. He’s also wearing machine-lloking gloves. His Q beam effect is changed to look electric, and his Storm Orbs look like Tesla Rods (their attacks also look like electric arcs, but that might be the same in the default skin :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Total - 15/20

Creativity - 4/5

I was not expecting these two. I read that trilogy is full; it’s a nice throwback to see these concepts. They way the interact is quite complex, and in many ways I wonder if it might be too complex. The beams interacting are the cores of the concepts, but I wonder if it might be carrying too much of the weight on themselves. Perhaps it’s the illusion of the text having all the interactions on the Q and spread out, especially on the Krasus concept. I’m trying to imagine that tooltip. I would try heavily condensing the tooltip on the Krasus Q and see where it stands. The idea of a single ability empowering other abilities as you pump energy into it is interesting, but I think the effects need to be appropriately placed. The need of them to be together to restore their mana offers a time limit to them while apart, which is an interesting take on a combo character, but I fear they might require each other too much to realistically be considered as separate characters. Depending on the exact mana mechanics, and the spell power amount, it could be a bit finicky to design. The ability interactions are already quite crucial, and so the various proximity effects seem like they may be overwhelming at times. As for the basic abilities, both Krasus and Kory have interesting abilities overall, really carried forward by the variety of ways their abilities interact with one another. Korialstrasz’s heroics are a little basic overall, with Heroic Legacy especially feeling rather… underwhelming, even though unique. Krasus’s abilities straddle the line of being unique, but I will give them a pass.

Cohesiveness - 3/5

The characters work together incredibly well, almost being dependant on one another to function. Individually, I think Korialstrasz feels a bit scattered in his role. He can become a damage sponge for a few second, blocking projectiles at the least, but not much else, he has a high damage channel, and he can root a single enemy. For someone who is supposed to be a frontline warrior, I really am not feeling it from his lack of sustain or disruption. His heroics also feel a bit out of place, with Heroic Legacy being a pure supportive heroic for Krasus and Lifebinder’s Warriors’ auto attack focus fitting more on a damage carry like Thrall than a bruiser that is focused on channeling effects. Krasus does not escape this strange heroic disconnectedness either, with Lifebinder’s Consort being particularly out of place. I can see how Linked Through Space-Time works in the concept, so I am less bothered by it. In many ways, the characters seem to blend together a bit too much, with less distinction between them than Cho’gall, which seems contrary to their split nature.

Thematic - 5/5

I would have never thought of this combo, but it fits perfectly. The abilities fit the characters very well, and the characters fit the contest theme wonderfully. Overall, I am very impressed with the decision.

Interaction - 3/5

The concepts seem to have several interactive elements, but I feel like there is a lack of interaction overall with the kit. The fact both of the beams are targeted and form the bulk of their damage could quickly turn dangerous. Grasp from Kory is targeted, and there is not much you can do when he casts Prismatic Barrier. I’m also concerned about Displacement having no delay before you disappear; I know it is meant to dodge big attacks, but I wonder if it is too good in this regard. It would heavily depend on cooldown, similar to Dehaka. Right now, it seems slightly better than Dehaka’s burrow, since you could use it to get over a wall. Lifebinder’s Consort also looks like it could get quite annoying quite quickly.

Just added talents. Hope it can be considered despite being late (had a really busy week :tired_face: )

I’ll comment on Bliztron’s feedback when I have the time

Total - 15/20

Creativity - 4/5

They both have unique and creative kits, but I think having both characters essentially having the same Q ability, and their Q abilities playing such a core part of their kit can be detrimental to their interactivity and enjoyability. Along with their high focus on being close to eachother. Nonetheless, this is a very creative core concept for both heroes and I like their gimmick, even if it can be a bit too gimmicky

Cohesiveness - 3/5

I feel like there lacks cohesion to their playstyle. Their Q abilities take the spotlight and offer most of their functionality and damage and misusing it would be very taxing. Other than that, they have some thoughtful interactions between eachother.

Thematic - 5/5

A nice execution of the characters.

Interaction - 3/5

Their talents are interesting, but I feel like some of their talents would be a burden to play against. Phase Shift feels out of place, and cheating death every 45 seconds is incredibly strong. Uther gets to do it every 180 seconds at lvl 20. Krasus’ main attack being a stick-on beam dealing high damage seems like it wouldn’t be very fun to play with or against, though I will admit it has the added function of collision which I like.

Added skins, and clarified that E can only warp through terrain if you have vision (this was always intended, but apparently I didn’t actually write it :sweat_smile: )

Sorry that I haven’t been able to properly adress feedback.

For now, I’ll just mention that I don’t think this is all that bad:

I see it more like a version of Ice Block that auto-casts (Tassadar used to have a Talent that auto-cast Dimensional Shift on fatal damage, which I based this ability/ripped it off from).
Personally, I think that this can’t even really be compared to Uther’s lv 20 Talent, for many reasons:

  • This one just vanishes for a moment before reapearing in the same place (no healing, though it prevents the last instance of damage).
  • Uther’s actually revives him with 50% health, plus before that he has access to his Trait’s “ghost form”, so he can at the very least get to safety (Uther’s talent is more like Leoric’s Trait than Ice Block IMO).

Well, thanks for the feeback in any case, and sorry again that I couldn’t find the time to make more changes based on it.

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3/5 Creativity

I love the lore behind this pair (not something I knew about before), and a lot of their interactions reflect it well. I’m not a huge fan of the passive, though. It seems to be necessary for the mana regen, but also acts as a bonus with the spell power. I feel like the focus should either be one or the other.

And maybe this is just my design philosophy speaking, but I think you have too many interactions on the Q beams. Most notably, the one where the beams pierce everything seems like it’d be very situational. You’d have to have very particular positioning for it to trigger and be useful.

4/5 Cohesiveness

The pair has a lot of abilities and talents that play off each other. My main issue is that a lot of them are passive effects, which feels like it downplays the co-op nature of the challenge. I don’t really get the feeling of a set-spike when looking at how these concepts work together outside of the beams.

5/5 Thematic

Thematically, I love them. The abilities back up the lore, and the idea of playing as the same person from two different timelines is just fun. I think I’d like it if the skins reflected it as well, but that can be difficult to do, and the skins you have are plenty fun as they are.

4/5 Interaction

I see no issues with their interactions with each other or the enemies.

One talent that worries me is Krasus’s True Form. It effectively grants you another Koralstrasz, but it doesn’t seem like Kory is significantly more powerful than Krasus. It actually feels like you’re losing more than you gain since your DPS character is gone, your trait is gone, and you lose a lot of the interactions between the two. I can see it functioning as an “oh crap” button if you get focused, but most heroes get that at Level 13.

Efede - 76/100

Creativity: 7/10
Cohesiveness: 7/10
Thematic: 10/10
Interaction: 6/10

(+0 Thoughtfulness, +0 Game Fluidity)