imgur . com/gnEM876
16 hours waiting time.
1 6 h o u r s
and “player was disconnected”
searching again, 7k seconds, going
all my posts about this problem still not answering
blizzard, do u realy think it’s normal?
do u think there’s no bug?
16 hours u can’t find what?
it’s a bug, it’s clear, like a water
16 hours and “player was disconnected”
check a logs
like “we are working on this problem” or just SOMETHING
(updated information. actually my record time was 143.000 seconds waiting time and search was resetted. 46 hours. in a party with unbugged account waiting time is around 20-50 seconds)
same problem
this matchmaking system is like girl on a date
blizz HELP PLS!
Same here!! it’s been like this for more then 2 weeks!
playing another account last time, and unranked draft on this
today i try to search SL again
estimaited wait was 44 sec, now its 48 sec
elapsed time 41.000 seconds just now and i’m still searching
Same here on EU-Server. Estimated wait time in SL 69 sec and no match found after 3.000 sec. Queued with a friend match found after 80 sec. It only happens when solo queued.
I got the same issue. Ranked games wont open everthing else works fine.
Same problem here (Europe)! Cant find any SL-Match since days. I am SILVER1 Rank. Everything else works fine.
For 3 days I have the same problem.
Waiting times over 3000 seconds.
Is there already a solution?
Same here for several days now. Always waited for 4000 seconds, then quit demotivated.
Solution for this trouble: you need to find someone (in global chat for example) to play a couple of matches (nearly 5) in group. Your ally need to be completed qualification matches (it’s the main thing), then matches will be found. No matter if matches win/lose, no matter your allies rank, you can play with different allies. After that leave group and long/infinite queue will dissapear and matches will be found solo again. GL
Nope, thats not the solution. Made at least 20 Games with different Players and still cannot enter the Storm League solo.
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same issue for me 5000 sec waiting and no game. Cannot find any SL game (solo, group works sometimes) for 3 weeks now.
@blueguys: pls give us any hope. Tell us at least, that you took notice of the issue.
Edit: eu server btw
Same problem( for 7 days…
Hey everyone!
Thank you all for your reports! We are currently looking in to this issue. I’d like to encourage any new reports of this issue to post in this thread so we can investigate each report of this issue, all in one easy-to-find place.
I have the same problem, I can play QM and brawl, but ranked keeps searching endlessly and I never get to a game. Any news about solving this problem?
Did you take a break from playing storm league for a while or are you a regular participant? I have a problem where the estimated search is a very high number but the game is found in a relatively short time.
I play all the time. The estimated search time is about 1-2 min. but reality is hours wihout a game found. Eventually I just cancel the search after several hours.
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Hi. i have the same issue. About a week ago i played 2 games (with normal wait time about 2-3 mins) but then it happened - can’t find any game for thousands seconds - expected time is about 50-90 sec always… Tried already some days - no games was found…
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my record time was 143.000 seconds waiting time and search was resetted
46 hours
i just can’t play at all
support says they dont know anything, when i create a ticket, and ask me to post at forum, but says “We can’t promise a reply”, lol
I posted about this bug in the EU and US Bugreport forum several times, and got 0 answers.
After this, i create a ticket. We try everything, including getting MSinfo, DXdiag and Win MTR test, deleting cache folder, reinstalling, turning on Secondary Logon Service, and using another account.
After all off the manipulations, support says they dont know how to fix this, and recommends me to post about it at forum.
I try to use LFT option ingame, but this is not a solution, rarely i can play with someone, not with each account, i invite into a group, and i still can’t play solo after i play about 20 games in a random party of different sizes.
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same problem to much minutes
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