I cannot find a ranked game.. HELP

i have tried different times of day/night. same deal… if its ranked it doesn’t find a game. i usually give up at 1000s and go play something else but this time i didn’t.



what is going on? why can’t i play? my first 15 or more games never had an issue going close to even 300s…

thts bad,

try party up with a frend n queue, it tends to find matches faster, dnt know why,

but honestly, i never had issues of queue when i go solo
im in EU server though, but many EU ppl also complain,

may b im just lucky :smiley:

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They refuse to answer this directly because there are not enough HotS players left to create matches in a reasonable time at low MMR (bronze-low silver) and very high MMR (Grand Master).

Almost everyone who has this problem is bronze or silver and is trying to solo queue.

It speaks volumes that this problem instantly goes away when these problematic accounts queue with a friend or two (to lower/raise their MMR into a more populated range).

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main topic is here